Please keep Symmetra's lock-on

Symm was my first main and still one of my most played heroes outside of comp. I feel I am entitled enough to give an opinion.

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I get that. But I can’t justify reverting anything (minus giving her back a mini photon barrier) because she was so bad before.

These new changes make her viable for everyone, across all ranks. Her utility with new TP is insane. Her new ultimate isn’t so bad either (although if they increased the duration I wouldn’t be mad).

Changing her back would be tragic.


Honestly, even with her new kit, she doesn’t even have to aim all that much. Her beam is a lazer and deals a lot of damage, especially alongside her other abilties. It’s not like she has to aim per-se; she just needs to lazer down people without a whole lot of effort.

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I really like Sym in the ptr, she’s fun and I feel like I’m doing a lot more then I was. I feel more useful to the team. I hope this makes her more fun to DPS mains and I hope it makes her pickrate even higher! I really don’t want them to change it back.

Where or when did the devs say this? Forgive me for not following day-to-day changes for a single video game in my library but when did they decide that the entire playstyle Symm offered had to be tossed for something that “maximized her DPS” or whatever?

I get that these changes unlock a whole host of possibilities for players other than myself, but what I take issue with is the mindset you’re approaching this with: Sacrifice appeal to a wide variety of players (which apparently qualifies as “pandering”) in order to make it more like Counter Strike (which apparently is not “pandering”) or whatever high-skill twitchy pin-point-accurate FPS the kids are playing these days.

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They posted on a Sym thread about the lock-on. :blush:


Then don’t increase the damage? It didn’t need damage buffs to begin with. Everything else would make up for her old primary fire.

It was in reply to LOLdragon, I was just answering where it was posted. I never said anything about the lock-on myself. Sorry for offending you if I did.

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After Sym 3.0 hits live, there will no longer be any lock on weapons. The new beam honestly feels more in line with the rest of the game now.


All things considered, it’s better to actually make the character all around better than leaving her as a low skill, never used hero because a minority uses her. It’s whats best for the game. We just got Bridget who falls into the forgiving aim category. There’s others too.
A DPS has no business with auto aim.


Without the gun changes she’ll just be a TP bot, which on its own is also good but her gun really do needs to be what it is on the PTR now.


Calm down, my man.

As was posted, it was impossible to increase her DPS without removing lock-on. Now, Sym 3.0 melts everyone almost instantaneously at max damage. It’s almost comical.

As for the gameplay changes, yeah - what do you expect? For them to keep a bad character bad forever? I personally don’t see the problem when there are other characters that don’t require hard mechanical aim you could play. Just chill.

If anything, I still think 3.0 needs buffs. You can hit me up with some suggestions we could discuss.

Old Sym is gone. Sorry to be harsh; but that is the reality here.


Just because someone is a minority doesnt mean they dont deserve to be taken into account.


So that’s what it boils down to? They had a sudden urge to make Symm a high DPS?

“Hey kids, sorry we had to demolish your playground but we just HAD to make room for a bigger garrage that can fit Daddy’s new Lambo.”

I’m just sad right now. :frowning:


I don’t think only the no lock-on is an issue with new Symmetra for players with disabilities. She is a lot more fast paced and you have to be able to quickly whip around to set things up. Problem is, slow-paced gameplay is impossible to make good for this game. There is no buff they can do to Symmetra with that old playstyle; and that playstyle relagates her to a waste of a character slot (especially a waste of a slot that could go to a good support hero). Leave in old Symmetra? Maybe. But it’ll still remain she’s a waste of a character slot and is a throw pick.


I can understand she is fun, and while personally I disagree I can’t ignore your own opinions on something subjective. But she will never be good how she is, and the game will continue to pass her by until every hero has a way to beat her and then playing her would just become unfun due to the other better heroes.


If they mapped her old Photon Barrier to another key, I think she’d be solid IMO. But old Sym was certainly a waste of a support slot.

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As a Sym main, I am excited to play this new Symmetra with these changes. Ramp to 180dmg/s? That’s insane! Even if it takes time to get there, that’s a dead Tracer in less than a second. Just having the base as 60dmg/s is going to be so much more viable.

I feel for the players that relied on her lock-on, but she really needed a damage increase to account for the change from a passive play style to something more in line with the rest of the cast.


Having the ability to bend around corners, was shameful. It shouldn’t have done that and auto aim heroes like that need to be reworked. She was in a bad place, with a bad gun.

This is the first time that I can seriously say Symmetra is awesome.


Mercy can have a big impact tho wot

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