Please keep Symmetra's lock-on

Maybe discount the damage buff, and keep her primary fire the same for the most part. Before you disagree, I agree with you. I think the new Primary is so much better, but if she still had her lock-on, her overall kit would still make her a great pick.

What does this accomplish? Less frustration for Symmetra mains, I suppose. Is the new Primary Fire the reason why she’s good now? Nope. So you could easily re-implement it to avoid this type of frustration.

I understand why non Symmetra mains don’t agree with what I’m saying, but seriously, some of the Symmetra mains that I know are completely distraught over the idea of having to aim. I don’t have any problem with aiming myself, but it’s really difficult for some of the other Sym mains I know. Some of which have conditions like cerebral palsy, so they stick to non-aim heroes that don’t have much impact (Symmetra, specifically). For an overall better outcome, I do think re-implementing her lock-on is the best way to go from here.


Said it before and ill say it again if you are someone that has trouble aiming you can simply stick with using her alt fire at the speed it now charges and its huge size you should be able to do the same amount of damage you used to be able to do if not more than what you could with her old lock on at mele range


Problem was, Sym 2.0 was too passive in a game like Overwatch. Her design was horrible; and picking her in ranks above Silver was borderline throwing.

Her new kit allows for gameplay mechanics Overwatch has never seen before, so I personally believe the changes a net-positive. Also, even considering those with disabilities, they’re a minority in an FPS game. They shouldn’t be considered as far as balance changes go, IMO.

That said, there are still other characters (Mercy, Moira, Brig) that require minimal mechanical skill.


How dare you. From the start, Overwatch has been a game about pandering to a much broader variety of players than other FPS games, and that extends to different playstyles, different social tastes, and players of varying skill levels or ability.

But “Oh, they’re a minority so screw 'em!” Disgusting.


Symmetra was the only “DPS” option for people with disabilities. It really is a shame it had to go this way.

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Okay? So keeping what once was the worst objective character in the dumpster because she finds use with a minority of players a good thing? Is that not selfish?

Pandering or otherwise, Overwatch is still an FPS.

I’m not even trying to be insulting; but allowing Symmetra to remain as she was wouldn’t have been ideal. As she is now, her potential for massive game changes is huge. Even the devs said they couldn’t retain auto-aim while maximizing her DPS without… well, breaking her.

You may think however you like, and I humbly respect your opinion, but new Sym is an amazing change and serves to improve gameplay for the better.


No. Revert her Primary Fire, but keep everything else. She will still be very viable.


I want them to make it more like Moira’s. A beam with a large hit box that looks like a lock on.

I think it would have been fine if they just increased the lock in range to 7.5 meters and damage to 130 dps. She can use her alt fire for longer range.


Agree this would be a nice middle ground maybe a bit smaller than Moiras but the curve needs to be a thing i miss it xD


I think they would have to nerf her damage before bringing back the auto-lock.

There are more pros to re-adding the autolock than cons. Seriously, it wouldn’t make her trash tier on any level.

I don’t want the lock i would however like a slightly larger hitbox like what Moira has to allow the curving animation and because seeing a straight light of light photons just looks weird to me now.

They tried with her, and they failed. Some Symm players would like to actually not be harassed for playing a low skill hero or a non viable hero thanks.

There are all sorts of disabled people out there that dont depend on Symmetra only, one of them main genji and hanzo and are in diamond i believe, he just had to find his own way to shape the game controls to fit him and also adapt to the game itself.

Theres plenty of heros that can be played by disabled people if they learn to adapt and make the game fit them, im sure the Overwatch team is aware of that seeing how they arent pumping out only 3 star heros lmao.


The devs already stated that they couldn’t justify the dmg increase while keeping the lockon. That is why they removed it.

Personally I think more dmg is better than the lockon.


Revert it then. Both the damage and the auto-lock.
I don’t want this to sound obnoxious, but dedicated Symmetra mains should be taken into account over people who didn’t play her prior to the rework.


Symm was my first main and still one of my most played heroes outside of comp. I feel I am entitled enough to give an opinion.

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I get that. But I can’t justify reverting anything (minus giving her back a mini photon barrier) because she was so bad before.

These new changes make her viable for everyone, across all ranks. Her utility with new TP is insane. Her new ultimate isn’t so bad either (although if they increased the duration I wouldn’t be mad).

Changing her back would be tragic.


Honestly, even with her new kit, she doesn’t even have to aim all that much. Her beam is a lazer and deals a lot of damage, especially alongside her other abilties. It’s not like she has to aim per-se; she just needs to lazer down people without a whole lot of effort.

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I really like Sym in the ptr, she’s fun and I feel like I’m doing a lot more then I was. I feel more useful to the team. I hope this makes her more fun to DPS mains and I hope it makes her pickrate even higher! I really don’t want them to change it back.

Where or when did the devs say this? Forgive me for not following day-to-day changes for a single video game in my library but when did they decide that the entire playstyle Symm offered had to be tossed for something that “maximized her DPS” or whatever?

I get that these changes unlock a whole host of possibilities for players other than myself, but what I take issue with is the mindset you’re approaching this with: Sacrifice appeal to a wide variety of players (which apparently qualifies as “pandering”) in order to make it more like Counter Strike (which apparently is not “pandering”) or whatever high-skill twitchy pin-point-accurate FPS the kids are playing these days.

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They posted on a Sym thread about the lock-on. :blush: