They are both team based competitive with an MMR
They maybe not be the same game but they share alot in commun
They are both team based competitive with an MMR
They maybe not be the same game but they share alot in commun
I have 3 accounts and done 6 runs from 2k to 3k with different heroes(tanks mostly). Also played in masters teams as main tank on LFG a lot.
Im totally confirm, this. The only way to rank up is to make kills. Only kills matters in the end. So if you are a team player and playing rein in gold - forget it. You will stay there forever.
Play Zarya and kill people with full charge - then you will have your diamond right away. Easy, gg.
Ther are heroes which are good for killing , so just play those heroes. Team based heroes often cannot compete with pure DPS ones in terms of value.
OR you can just pick symmetra. I’ve ranked right in 2750 with her while im the worst DPS player in the world. Because she is so OP now. Play OP heroes and you will have high rank! And then after meta shifts - lose games and cause a lot of frustration to everybody because you were boosted with OP hero!
That how system works in fact
Team A rolls Team B in two minutes and then full holds them. Tell my how is 100x worse even possible?
It’s already a disaster 50% of the time.
If you have a better solution go on name it, I ain’t looking for a lucky carry I just want those boosted noobs in the rank they belong.
This can easily happen with balanced teams, there is a lot of things involved. You can simpy have bad luck with team mates who can play only certain heroes and even when enemy team is same skilled mechanicaly, they will counter your heroes. Matchmaker cant read future, it doesnt know if you are in good mood, if you are going to throw and so many other things.
Maybe that’s the problem. Season 1-3 were enjoyable for me even dive meta. Sure we had less cc back then and players were still learning the game but back then all ranks were filled.
We have a search time problem now don’t we? I think it’s time again to shove more players into bronze, silver, diamond and master.
I’ve got a whole big rant as an explanation to why that is (in my opinion, of course), or at least is enhanced by the system we currently have.
Fact 1: SR below diamond is personal and performance influenced (performance often being raw stats)
Fact 2: Most dps are heavily geared towards making big plays, dealing damage, and other non-cooperative behaviour, like dueling. Tanks do a lot of damage but are always heavily reliant on teamwork to do so. Healers are almost completely reliant on their team, unless you play dps-moira.
The first problem arises from the first fact, which pushes aggressive and less cooperative play more than keeping with your team. In short: just do damage and you lose less SR and gain more. Tanks can do relatively well in that environment, often having too much health to be efficiently countered by low skill players. Dps however excel in that situation naturally and are therefore even more preferred by the system.
The second problem arises when the majority of dps picks are boosted by being rewarded for big plays and high damage only, not for surviving or playing in a team, in fact I suspect that performance SR also takes into account how well your team did, which would mean that by not helping the team they are at an advantage when it comes to how much is gained or lost, though that is only speculation.
Last, if we now have an increased emphasis on dps performance due to enforced 2-2-2 compositions, we can see how selfish, but decently skilled players congregate in platinum and lower diamond ranks, while unskilled selfish players stay lower. Since so many dps players now only compete against each other they essentially created a new parallel rank where people with low gamesense but decent mechanical skill are grouped with tank and heal players of higher gamesense and comparable mechanical skill. This is an exaggeration of the underlying problem by the 2-2-2 beta, whereas before bad players could be compensated by someone else switching roles mid game, something that isn’t possible anymore now.
I honestly would love the option to set to my whole account to level 1 but keep my skins. I was excited about the possiblity of reset then found out thats not happening and honestly im irritated about it. Mostly because they added a brand new character to comp. and the new role lock… they should have has this beta with Sigma in quick play instead if the are not doing a reset all my games have had Sigmas that dont even play tank and might as well be 5v6…
They need to reset. They are placing players higher than they belong using their Sr from one role and applying it to all. I would rather stomp bad players or be stomped and go to where I belong then players higher than they belong at their non main role. Ruining games.
Have always said that there are 2 types of people that ask for an MMR reset.
(love that Blizzard don’t let you use a r s e as a word, but dickhead is fine (they might what to learn correct English slang, we can insult people so easily))
This will be a huge help
I agree a reset would be much better however we cant expect it any time soon, blizzard are very slow and careful with comp (hasn’t worked) since like season 3. Im pretty sure they wiped MMR a couple times near launch however they havent in double digits worth of seasons now. It didnt break the game then and things are way worse now. It needs a reset and it will have its own issues however why does it matter when the current system is terrible. Those here saying the current system is the better of two evils… ive been (a while ago) 3994 as DPS, I primarily play DPS however this beta season i was placed 3400 tank and 2700 DPS and i literally cannot move past 2800 as solo. Its pretty impossible for a reset to do worse than that. It wont be as simple as just clean slate off you go… they need some other measures in place to ensure there isnt a benefit to placing day one or day 20 of a new season with no MMR.
I agree below Diamond I only play Hog and Zarya, but since nobody likes to play main tank I go Sigma or Orisa if there are easy map kills. NO Reinhardt and definitely NO Winston. People don’t know when to heal and how to follow playing as those two feels terrible.
I guess that is the case but my point stands ranked is already terrible.
Example: yesterday I only had time for two games. The first game was close and I tried to be nice by saying gr and gg to everyone but deep inside I just wanted to trashtalk our supports. The only reason the game become remotely close was because three players gave 100% to carry the useless ones, yes I am pointing fingers going dps Moira with a pocket mercy is not okay.
The next game was a stomp not even close, the entire enemy team was arguing about their Zen. One guy tells us his life story with at least one censored word per sentence and says he needs therapy sessions while the rest just want that Zen reported.
At the end of the day I’m just sitting there like well that was a waste of time.
You say ranked is terrible… Well I have a simple solution for you. Don’t play it. Move on to something else, don’t waste your time on a system that you don’t think is up to scratch.
It feels like a third of my team got boosted almost every game.
who says it’s not you being boosted though?
why do all those people asking for mmr resets think they’d be the ones getting back to their rank easily unlike the others
spoiler: most of you will get stuck at a lower rank and then flood the forums with complaints
Don’t play it.
Not happening I love the game and have a team I play with every week.
Since I’m not the only one with that problem don’t you think the problem lies with Blizzard and not their players?
who says it’s not you being boosted though?
why do all those people asking for mmr resets think they’d be the ones getting back to their rank easily unlike the others
spoiler: most of you will get stuck at a lower rank and then flood the forums with complaints
Your spoiler is most likely correct, it will be all about luck but thats already the case isn’t it?
I’m not boosted since nobody else plays on my account. I was and should be much higher but instead I sit in a rank where I easily outplay my enemies.
Sorry I have better things to do than watch replays and tell my previous teammates how trash they played and what they could have done better.
It doesn’t matter what team I’m on I still hate it when players win by doing nothing or lose despite playing a rank better than the rest of their team.
In my opinion one third or Overwatch is boosted and deserve to be at least one rank lower because they either have no awareness, terrible aim or bad movement.
I was and should be much higher but instead I sit in a rank where I easily outplay my enemies.
that’s what everyone thinks
Sorry I have better things to do than watch replays and tell my previous teammates how trash they played and what they could have done better.
try watching your own play then and reduce your mistakes?
It doesn’t matter what team I’m on I still hate it when players win by doing nothing or lose despite playing a rank better than the rest of their team.
sure who doesn’t
In my opinion one third or Overwatch is boosted and deserve to be at least one rank lower because they either have no awareness, terrible aim or bad movement.
they might have something else then, something you don’t notice.
and you might lack those things too
first step to climbing is being self critical and NOT looking at others
mmr reset would do nothing. people would still be placed unfairly here and there. the real solution is having a cohesive SR system that actually scores players on their individual skill instead of rewarding the entire team for winning when one or two players didn’t deserve as much sr as some of the others on the team. there needs to be an accurate SR system and not just a flat sr gain.
that’s what everyone thinks
Just because everyone thinks it doesn’t mean everyone is wrong, there are plenty of players who are right
try watching your own play then and reduce your mistakes?
I notice my mistakes without watching replays thanks, they are rarely devastating. Sure some could swing a fight to win a close game but nothing that would prevent an unwinnable game.
sure who doesn’t
Seemingly 50% of the forums since “its always your fault, teammates don’t matter and you deserve that rank if that’s what you got” and bla bla bla.
they might have something else then, something you don’t notice.
and you might lack those things too
Let’s see it can’t be communication since they don’t talk, it can’t be awareness because they die by the dumbest thing and never notice flankers or rarely turn around in general, their aim is often very meh and they definitely walk in straight lines while getting shot at.
I guess I lack communication too since because I don’t call out much but that’s it.
I can look at my mistakes again when I am back in high diamond but when I play tank in Plat and my team refuses to go in with me or goes in without me and dies then there is no need to seek my mistakes or is there???
well, have a good life with that attitude then. seems to work fine for you so far…
Can you actualy record one of your games and show us?