It really isn’t going to do anything but make match quality awful for a few weeks and then people end up where they were before anyway. I have multiple accounts and my day one account peaks within 50 of my alts. Stop looking for excuses why you can’t climb, YOU are the only constant.
Siege Ranked play consists of a wide range of tiers. The ranks, from bottom to top, are Copper IV, III, II, I, Bronze IV, III, II, I, Silver IV, III, II, I, Gold IV, III, II, I, Platinum III, II, I, and finally, Diamond.
Ranks are region-specific and reset at the beginning of each season, so every player has a chance to start fresh with the knowledge they gained from the prior season of Ranked play, according to [Ubisoft]. At the beginning of each season, players will take part in 10 placement matches and are awarded a rank.
The Ranking system follows a modified version of the Elo/Glicko system, which was originally created for one-vs-one games, like chess, according to the support page. But how is Elo awarded? Well, that’s where things get a little surprising.
Players are often confused when they end matches with better than average K/D ratios and don’t receive a notable bump up in rank or Elo. This is because the system does not take K/D into account, and players are not awarded extra Elo for their kill-based performance, according to the post. Rather, the main factors that decide each player’s rank is the rank of your opponents and if you won your match. Ubisoft emphasizes that Siege matches are not meant to be won by an individual, but through teamwork, which is why only the wins, losses, and opponent ranks matter.
The Ranking system takes into account your opponents’ ranks in order to better judge what the outcome of the match means. If you’re playing with a squad of Gold I players and the other team is filled with Coppers, then you most likely will not see much awarded Elo. Conversely, if you’re matched with players who outrank you, then you’ll be awarded with a higher amount of Elo when you win.
Being downranked or boosted, so the system thinks you are rating X where you actual rating is not X, will make the matchmaker fail. It creates games where one team will overrun the other. Destroying the game mostly for all players in that match
When you play with friends all the time and they carry you all the time you can get a much higher rating then your personal rating should be.(boosted)
When you then queue without your friends, you still get in a game where the system thinks you in that rank your friends boosted you too. Meaning your team will get probably destroyed. And your team will probably blame you.
So creating bad one sided games and lots of toxicity.
For me, someone who hates throwers who downrank, and boosted players (so bad games because of those) but also play with friends a lot. Will not downrank/boost my solo account. So for me it is a need.
And i hope since you hate it too, if you play often with friends, you do the same.
Else you will be boosting/downgrading your own account and are the same as people on a second account throwing to bronze and destroying lots of games.
Smurfing is out of control on consoles because smurf accounts are free to make and there is no consequence to throwing/griefing/quitting because of that.
It’s been this way on consoles for a very long time now and Blizzard have done absolutely nothing to address it.
I play on xbox and i totally understand. You can
*switch off from controller to keyboard/mouse easily.
*create unlimited accounts
*ignore reports because of the former
*make enough accounts to explore how MMR works. Ive played on enough accounts to figure out where 1 win can give me more SR than 2 losses playing in a particular way EZ CLAP
*there are people ALL over the place SR wise on consoles
Yes they could have a system where they create baseline data for every hero(so stats collection) and use this to see if people are throwing. If you always get about 20 elims/10min and 13k damage/10min. But in one game you only get 8 elims/10 min and 6k damage/10min(so way lower), while the rest of your team had stats like normal. It is obvious you have been throwing that game.
If they dont do this per hero (since they have role and not hero based SR) but if they do this for each role. Then i could play for example pharah game and mei game 2. Of course both would have way different stats.
So the question is would they record data if they dont need it to determine role SR?
Also the way they handle the whole role based SR problem, where lots of people who never played on certain roles getting ranked to high. For people with no data collected on other roles they rather use your main role SR and use this to find another player with about the same SR on their main and look at their data on the other 2 roles and use this for your account…
This for me sounds as very bad. And that they cant use hero based stat data to
place someone in the right rank a lot faster.
At least a lot faster then just placing a random number on your starting SR and then add lots of + - SR depending on win/loose
So for example on an account that never have been played support on before.
The first placement game would be in gold and is played on ana.
The player get stats that are in the top 10% of all data collected on players who played ana in gold games. So he must be a lot better then gold.
So his 2nd placement match he plays a diamond game. If his stats that game again are very good compared to other diamond players playing ana, his next game will be master… etc…
So in 2 or 3 games a player already is playing in the rank that matches his skill. No matter if he had lost because of someone trolling or having 5 dummies in his team. Then you only need a few more games to determine his true rating like 4213. After that you can again rate people on their win/loose.
This way people only need their 5 placement matches and maybe a few more to rank roles with to less data. Or where old SR(that is used now as starting point for most people starting SR on all roles) is based to much on playing only one role
(if someone played 80% on dps and only played support when there was already 2 dps, so filled on support for 20%. There is lots of data collected on support on this account. Still the old SR (that the player mostly got because of his dps skills) is used also for the support role as starting point)
So saying they can now use the collected data to detect throwers, booster and down rankers…
Is probably just a scare tactic.
It’s not normal right now. You’re exaggerating the potential problems of a system change while downplaying the existing problems of the current system (look up “Status quo bias” if you’re interested, there’s tons of fascinating studies about it).
I admit that there might be problems, but right now we also have a lot of significant problems that plague the ranks, including a very common perception of being unable to escape ranks despite being able to play at much higher levels on alternative accounts. Blizzard are wrong in their view of the Dunning-Kruger-effect when they argue that everyone is just overestimating their skill.
I very much Agree with cheesecake there is no point in mmr reset yes it will get rid of boosted players etc etc but they can just be boosted again and gm/top500 players will be played with lower ranks then everyone will start moaning like they always do
Honestly, I just think people should just MMR reset just to appease their audience. Top players don’t have to worry because they’ll steam roll and get back to their ranks and bottom players will realize that they’re actually not as good as they think they are. Simple as that. At the end of the day, the matches are already bad, why not go all the way?
Same like for scoreboards, sure, it’s going to increase toxicity but the game is already toxic.