I think it’d be fun. That’s all. I think the game, trying so hard to force even matches, has become very stale and boring. I want to see what it’s like as if the game re-launched and started over. Because the more data they try to collect and figure out your MMR, the less fun the game seems. I just disagree with their entire approach to matchmaking. I think it makes the game redundant in the long term. I think it feels like you’re playing to impress their MMR. Robot. I would rather just burn the whole system down and start over. If it’s a bit more chaotic… GOOD.
I also think we’d get better matches FASTER after Role Queue launches if they’d just reset MMR.
Instead, they’ve got tanks who never tanked sitting in Gold because they were a gold support. Tanks who don’t push, stand around and point the finger at DPS. Well, they’re not going anywhere in rank. They’re in “even matches” so it’d take 100’s of games just to get them out of gold because the MMR is already thinking that’s where they belong.
Reset it, and let players re-earn their spots. I actually think that would get us to better matches much quicker.
Intresting answer. Didnt expect that. I am playing from release. All seasons. I guess i understand why you would want clean start with everyone else . But expectations are often different from reality and i dont think you would like it.
Isnt possible that you are not having fun because you feel stuck and not climbing? I think current matchmaking system is good. I think ow had different problem and thats adding new heroes. Game was more fun in past. Now its often lightshow and shields everywhere. Crazy abilities and ults which cannot be countered by skill anymore.
If almost everything of the matchmaking system is a secret, what is the point of resetting the values?
There might be a reason why bad players are on too high ranks, presumably they intentionally or unintentionally exploit the matchmaking system.
We will never find out, because the exact bases of evaluation must be kept secret so that no one can exploit it.
I rather have 5 games where the matchmaker is not that strict with people he group you with, then 10. As long they do big SR rewards and punishments even after placements if the system does not think you belong in that rank (i even think they always should do that, not only placements and X games after placements)
Only problem this system was buggy too.
For example on an account where i mainly played DPS role i was plat.
I was very unlucky with the 5 placement matches with a few games leavers a thrower and even a real troller(wall blocking, emoting etc whole game)
I lost them all and ended very low gold.
Big + and - SR is not bad, but dont do this on an account with lots of data playing that role.
Yes i was back at my old SR in no time.
But my brother got very discouraged having the same experience, and now he stopped playing for more then a week already, where he used to play almost every day.
The system is still to buggy. 2 weeks testing was not enough.
Using old SR as starting rate on roles where old SR is based mostly/or completely on other roles is bad.
Making placements change your SR a lot on a role you played mostly is also bad.
I hope at least those 2 bugs will get fixed before start of next season.
it’s completely fine to create an additional account, just play as well as you can.
Confirmed multiple times by Blizzard.
Players should finally realize that the problem is not the smurfs but the matchmaking system.
I don’t know. Most games reset by season and even out in a week or two of playing. Everyone has variable performance depending on life factors and gain/loss of “skill” through various metas.
MANY folks on competitive have accounts across characters, only play placements to keep their high/low rank etc
The permanent MMR tied to an account is designed to make you grind incessantly or get lucky and pop off for a few games to gain/lose rank.
But the point is moot, and the cemented MMR over time and its function is obvious to any critical thinker.
You still do:
One account to play with friends and the other for solo. Your friends could have been pulling your SR down or boosting you without you knowing. Or you play different when you play alone. Doing this on one account will still mean your rating will be wrong. Creating bad games.
But i agree with you on free extra accounts.
Each new account should costs some money.
Money you throw away when you don’t follow the rules.
I cant get used playing with a controller.
But if it was the other side around i would probably still switch and try to get used to it.