Please just clip her wings

I think one side lost any pull or say they had when they attempted to raid the forums and become the laughing stock of the OW community.

Sorry, not sorry.

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We can argee that they are mostly docted facts/statistics, but if emotions are the driving force behind many of the reforms many heroes have received. Its in one’s best interest to keep speaking up as there exists the chance that change is possible. Thusly you get 60 Mercy threads a day.

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As a Mercy, you can have a gold healing, 45% or more team damage taken but still lose badly, she just can’t handle burst damage.


Once again, branding everyone on one side as responsible for that forum raid. This is the ignorance I’ve come to expect from some.


Not everyone, no, just the vocal ones. Again… not sorry. :blush:

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To be fair the “raid” was quite hilarious to watch after all the warnings of doom etc :rofl:

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one tricks tend to be very good and very effective playing that one character, and as such, quite welcome in my teams


admittedly it is best (imo) to be able to play at least 6 characters to ensure one will be available in any match you enter, because if someone else locks that character first, the player will tend to be quite ineffective in the match

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Nah, you just throw till you get the hero you want.
Legit strat.

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can i point out,

every time i click on your forum profile, it completly glitches out and i cant exit

another fun fact,

checking my own profile, your in the top 5 of people i have responded the most to :o

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I am not a troll, nor have I acted the part of one in this thread

I have presented facts and opinions, and replied to posts - ie the normal (and expected) things one does in a discussion forum

It should be emphasized that disagreement is not trolling


wait…did you just blush?

I havent seen a blush for a day or so now

I was wondering if that emoticon had been removed from the forum software.

I guess it wasnt after all.

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Yeah I can see, its just next level how literal you take things.

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Webbie the Webmaster asked me to tell you that I cant be reasonably be held accountable for a forum software glitch

…but…you just said “Mercy”

by “reasonable happy medium” are you referring to something like this?


They are talking about us because we don’t subscribe to their train of thought. Rather than address you directly they are just talking about you. This is something I do to people I don’t care about on these forums so I know how it works.

Don’t even know who this person so them trying to trash talk us is largely a fruitless endeavor.

Umm…she is far from useless. She is one of the most agile characters in the whole game and can quickly escape fire from her enemies. Positioning is important. Knowing where your team mates are at all times really helps for quick escapes.

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Yes, literally this. We’re saying the same thing here my friend.

No no Magy said “mercy” not “Mercy”.

HUGE difference. One means compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.

The other is a hero with a polarizing rework.


and you can also win under those circumstances

as I have, many times, with not even half of that percentage

burst healing that misses its target entirely is shall we say substantially less effective than steady healing that does not miss