Please just clip her wings

You’re more than fine to point out that I used a fallacy, but I’m equally given the freedom to point out that you’re wrong in your assessment of my fallacy, and corrected you on a fallacy you used.

You’re wrong in my opinion*


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Jeez you two :confused:
Just shaaadddap lol


I stand by my assessment of the fallacy I observed and noted earlier in this thread

at least there is no blushing involved


If anything its a testament to fallacy’s being pointless in some cases, in all honestly Mercy’s current state is one of emotion more than one of true state of reason. Thusly each side is almost certainly committing several fallacy’s.

oh no its megadodo

hide your children

hide the mercy mains


Good luck. These forums are a cesspool of healer hate.


But she rezzed my kill, that makes me feeeeel bad.

While simultaneously, “stop making the argument she feels bad, she’s fine balance wise”



Not too subtle :sweat_smile:

The Mercy topic is one mainly of feelings.
Statistically she is fine.
Its all about the feels maaaaan :sunglasses:

Some feel veeeeeery strongly about it though, enough so to use silly argument to try to pass a subjective opinion of as a objective argument (guess who :blush:)

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They’re a very literal person, kongajinken; no point explaining further. I get your point and wholly agree that it’s an ineffective way to argue.

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Barry the Barrister asked me to add the following disclaimer to this thread: "No mercy mains or children were harmed in the making of this thread"


but what about mercy ONE TRICKS

You killed them all didnt you?!

You monster!

blushes in Mercy main

If we can all agree that the Mercy topic is dictated largely by feeling, we can throw threads like “Why I have yet to not hate Mercy’s current state” out the window with their doctored “facts” and “science”.


I’ve noticed, its bad enough that I’ve started to think megadodo is a troll, but for benefit of the doubt, I try to reply open and honestly. One can’t form an argument with someone that one disagree’s with if one has given up on trying.


every time you say mercy, one jeff kaplan dies

pls save jeff kaplans


Unfortunately she’ll continue to be regularly discussed until some kind of reasonable happy medium has been established for both sides. Until then, expect potentially heated debates with plenty of opinions. There are many on both sides (like/dislike current Mercy). Some even just look for such threads like this to simply debunk each others opinions or to potentially troll.

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I wouldn’t say troll, but I get your gist. They’re just very…rigid.


Actually, everyone SHOULD need a second healer. Otherwise, the healer that doesnt need it is OP.