I’m annoyed, why am I annoyed? Because I just got my wisdom teeth out and I’m absolutely FRIED on pain killers but that’s irrelevant. I’m mostly annoyed because I’m playing Overwatch in my hazy state and I just want to play Mercy. You know get gold healing, solo heal, maybe have my ult actually not make me a moving target that is essentially a moth. I’m basically the fleshiest hero waddling around with my healing stick that actually does no healing because all the Genji mains went “boohoo this game is too hard nerf Mercy ” I love my girl Mercy but I don’t even get to play her anymore because she’s that useless. Please for the love of sweet baby Jeff Kaplan just put her out of her misery or actually make her useful again and not listen to the crybabies who thinks shes op? Peak and rez was op and annoying, we get it, but please stop having her be a fleshy useless moth. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Mercy doesn’t need buffs.
Welcome to the forums.
I understand why you think this about Mercy. You’re not the only one. The thing is though, Mercy is statistically balanced. Her stats are fine. Mercy is fine in her current state.
Being enjoyable or feeling rewarding to play is a different thing. (Not to mention that this is also subjective.)
She’s really not, if I need a second main healer to even perform mildly well that’s not what I call fine
Welcome to the forums, where statistically balanced means the hero is fine, even if everyone and their mother thinks she feels like poo.
I agree, you should probably get better at her to remedy that
Nah. Mercy has the second lowest healing potential in the game. Idk what to tell you lmao. Work harder or play someone else.
Then I hate to be that guy, but you just need to get better
our experiences differ
when I play Mercy, I almost always get gold healing when on a team that includes another healer - any healer
She is in a very good state at the moment - well balanced, impactful, and fun
Jesus 8 people are typing…
I think you’re all missing the important point here.
I don’t even play Mercy and I know this post is stretching it. Mercy is fine as she is. Do you want to know the real problem.
You’re drugged up, people hopped on pain meds can’t think straight all the time.
The Cooler Daniel
Factually, I am part of the group “everyone”
Factually, I dont think she feels like poo
Factually, I know of many other players who have said the same across many Mercy-related threads on these forums. They too are part of “everyone”
This thread: Mercy is only useful if she gets gold healing.
This. And the odd time I get silver, it’s because I spent more time damage boosting my snipers who were just popping off and letting the other healer do the brunt of the healing until I was needed.
Which is subjective.
Factually, people don’t use the term everyone literally.
Laughs in 4 gold medals 0 deaths and silver healing as mercy
She’s pretty fine in my opinion. All she need is a little buff to her healing. Make it back to 60 hps and 70 hps during Valkyrie is more than enough. Or make the big-mains small-chains on Valkyrie. Some fixes on bugs is appreciated too.
See this is constructive I absolutely agree with this, thank you