Please just announce a standard format of 2/2/2!

2 tanks / 2 dps / 2 supports

Every role is needed but no one is predominant

No need to nerf strong heroes because they synergise too well with same role heroes
(Because with more heroes you will have way more balance problems, for example if you have multiple shields or healing stacking…)

The core identity of Overwatch is a team oriented fps so imposed a team structure !

Make the choosen role appeared on portrait (when you see your contact it’s easier to choose specific role to make your own team, no need to check the career all the time…)

If you want some free roles, just play qp !

And last thing : just allowed all the time a Deathmatch Arcade mode for those who like free for all / battle royale mode (who can sadly switch to apex and fornite for that reason)

(English is not my mother tongue so sorry for all the spelling errors)


Jeff discussed a system of making Tanks / Damage / Support their own category and roles with their own MMR/SR each.

So if you main tanks and play them a lot, your MMR and SR will grow for the tank category. But when you queue with your barely played support category, it wont place you with hard opponets compared to your main category you always play.

When you Queue, you will have to choose a category to play. You might even be able to choose the Flex slot which means the match maker will use you last to fill any position needed as it builds a team of players.


That would be so great!


Got a link to where he said this? I’d like to see.

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He also said he was a fan of 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal in LFG.

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But then I will I play my 3-1-2 comp. Please let me play sym in a tank slot where she belongs

Sym/Mei/Sombra are a bit tricky to place in comps.

I figure Mei can fully be moved over to the Tank role. But that still kinda leaves Sym/Sombra in a weird place.

And I’m supposed to let THIS guy dictate what my team’s comp should be. kk.

I remember hearing somewhere about “The Illusion of the Perfect 2/2/2.”

2/2/2 isn’t a magical solution that’ll work everytime.

Perhaps you need 3 supports?
Maybe you only need 1 tank?
On some Miracle you may actually need 4 DPS. (I’ve seen it happen and work)

I hate the idea of a forced 2/2/2 in Comp because it removes what I find to be one of OW’s defining features: Flexibility for the player.

And say I queue up for tank so I can play Wrecking Ball.
When we get into the game, the team decides we need a Rein.
I can’t play Rein nor can our other Tank. But our Mercy can.
What now?

At the moment, Mercy and I can offer to trade roles so I can heal in her place while she tanks. With a forced 2/2/2 queue, that’s not possible.

This is what LFG’s for.
But the community shoots itself in the foot and then tries to ask each other why they did it.

People don’t use LFG because it takes too long.
Why does it take too long? Because people don’t use it.

It can’t be both ways. Don’t complain about the problem if you’re going to contribute to it.

Forced 2/2/2 sounds incredibly boring in my opinion.
I need my Sextuple Support strats!

What is boring is the illusion of freedom

Do you remember overwatch when we can play 6 genjis ?

When people said it was stupid someone use the same idea of freedom “let us choose whats the best comp is with no limits”

Today everyone is agree, that was really stupid

We just need more tank and support heroes
But we definetly need a 2/2/2 team to structure this chaotic game

Everyone is pissed of today of that freedom that some exploits to throw games.

Just choose your role and queue for it (you will not be forced to play the role you dont want for the rest of the game)

If it’s too long you can flex (which is the purpose of this game)

Please stop with that freedom / creative idea which lead to an awful game experience

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I can’t wait to have to wait 10 minutes, even as a support player, to get a match. RIP dps players.

They really ought to look at this… I generally do one of several DPS, but tank off as Zarya.

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Well, I do seem to be correct pretty often.

the cringe is real

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I agree with the OP’s comment on illusion of choice. I strongly support a 2 flex / 2 heal / 2 tank standard competitive queue. I don’t ever GET to choose - if I want to win, i always have to fill for these idiots so they can “choose” to play like morons and feed. I’ll take more fun games over their “flexibility” to throw.


It takes too long because it doesn’t have a standard format, and instead has tons of tiny little shards of population.

Give it a standard format, with enough flexibility to cover every composition besides 3-4DPS comps.

And you got yourself a solution.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

That still leads to the unwanted 3-3 comps.

A standard format 2/2/2 for competition is a good idea and would resolve a lot of balancing problem in the game.


If 3-3 is a problem, then solve it through balance. Not by making it impossible to use.

You are completely right.

If this gets implemented, in time it will be a no brainer, like 1 hero limit for QP and Comp.

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