It doesn’t even have anything to DO with whether or not they are good or bad maps, everyone leaves! That means I join these games as backfill more times than I play any other map and now I’m starting to hate playing them because:
- Gameplay experience is broken with all the leavers
- They are now the most played maps because everyone leaves, so you end up as backfill more often.
The fact that this has been a complaint for OVER A YEAR (People Leaving Paris XD) and nothing has been done for QP is apalling.
At least give us map preference options or something, or throw them in the arcade.
I’m more upset they haven’t shown or even mentioned any progress done on the two. I expected them to be showed off for OW2 or at least mentioned in some way anywhere but nothing has been accounced. It’s shameful in a way.
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Quite the opposite for me…pls put them back into comp…and reverse the OW2 2CP ban
they’ve said today that they now won’t be fixing it
I like everything about those maps other than the way they play. Which obviously is arguably the most important part.
If they were to fix how the maps play, I think that they would be very enjoyable maps. The aesthetic, the setting, the ambience, I like those. It’s just not fun to play. I’d much rather they fix the maps then remove them if I were to be honest.
It doesn’t have to be either or … They can remove the maps for now until they are enjoyable, but as Chris mentioned, they said they won’t be fixing it. Probably from the AMA today.
it’s just too hard to make the choke on paris A wider, and/or move the car forward
Empty quote.
If you have problem with leavers, just play modes that actually penalizes it.
I had to stick to paris some days ago, (bc my internet disconnected me enough to get a leaving penalty warning) and 12 people left. 12!!!
That’s pretty common now. I don’t recall a game of Horizon or Paris where there aren’t at least a whole team of leavers.
On the brigthside no more 2cp in ow2 but i agree 2cp should be and arcade mode that way people who actually like it can still play it
I’m fine with them not being worked on since I think 2CP is a fundamentally flawed mode. There may be some ingenious way to fix it, but at this point I’m so sour on it that I’d probably be conditioned like Pavlov’s dog to not like 2CP for a long time even if it was improved. The new mode, Push, looks really fun to me. It’s not static and not 95% chokepoint like most, or maybe all, 2CP maps.
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I don’t leave… It’s only QP.
Give the people that keep leaving a 15min queue ban to go think about what they are doing.
Not even the devs want Paris and HLC in their game anymore, why would they ban someone for leaving in QP before the game starts?
i was always for MORE maps in any fps game or online competitive player game. the MORE the better for me, i kind of wonder how call of duty warzone has got away from having players play on the same map over and over and over.
i mean i understand them taking it out of comp but the last thing i want them to do is make less maps or delete some. i want MORE maps actually dont care how silly they are. (dont have to put them in comp tho)
The maps might not be the best, but they are totaly playable. And in my opion not even the worst 2CP maps.
But with the leavers and constant chat action at the start of a game it just turns into this vicious cicle where the OW community collects more and more hate against the map.
I not a fan of 2CP so if they gave me an option to queue for QP without 2CP I would probaly take it. (actually just want to play KOTH exclusivly)
But only removing those 2 maps from QP aswell would be kinda stupid. They have to find a way to disincentivice leaving on those maps. Or maybe offer a voting system for all players to swap maps before the game starts.
The games with leavers are often quick and you get a free fast q, if you look at the bright side.
This, lol. In this house we despise 2CP
If they’re taking hlc, paris, and other 2cp maps away (which I actually find quite enjoyable) PLEASE take oasis with them.
I donno… because it’s just QP and you literally lose nothing if you lose the match.
Play the map and you will likely learn a thing or two.