They have cancelled the reworks of the two maps. They wanted to wait until any changes to 2CP as a mode before reworking them, but since 2CP is going away with OW2 it wasn’t worth it. At best the assets could be reused in other new maps.
I wish they just put 2cp in the arcade already.
Paris and HLC need to be tweaked to be playable. Not sure why it’s taking them so long to do this.
CS:GO for example fixes a lot of things for each map, they also add or remove stuff, multiple times. So I’m not sure why Blizzard is sleeping on this.
they said in the dev ama that they had 31 goes at altering one set of stairs
this explains an awful lot
They have always been that way, overthinking everything. Wasting resources to test, scrap, retest, scrap and retest content. It is why nothing ever gets done, but the white knights called it polish back in 2016. Glad those people finally came to their sense eventually. Every day I wanted to slam my face into the wall trying to communicate with them. Rofl. Good times.
the worst thing about it is they thought it was a good thing! something to be proud of!
they’re so incompetent they don’t even realise they’re incompetent
It’s been mentioned a few times that they have cancelled the reworks on those maps.
I will play any map, but i leave when i get a Widowmaker in my team.
What is the point hanging around? The game is over.
That would be a great option. Tired of backfilling into these games, especially on damage. It’s not right that we have to wait 9 minutes to get put into a 2cp map.
They shouldn’t force people to spend their leisure time playing a mode that is inherently flawed. Not only should you be able to leave without penalty (you can at start), but you should be able to veto map types.
Player’s been complaining these 2 maps for months. Based on their reaction it’s safe to say that they ain’t gonna do anything in the near future. Not at least before the release of OW2.
Leaving Game Simulator 2021 : Moon and French DLCs
Yes, yes and yes please. I have no idea why they get rid of those in comp but let them stay in QP, where 2cp is a even worse gameplay mode to begin with.
Yeah… I hate it when Blizzard forces me to sit down in front of my PC and play their game.
If people want to really protest these maps then maybe uninstall the game and stop playing. They won’t do anything because people ask for it on these forums. You need to make the active installs and player count drop.
Also I wouldn’t say it’s flawed. I win just as much as I lose on those maps for both attack and defense. People just want ez wins. If they can’t get an ez win they throw a fit and leave.
Look at what I replied to. Now use your brain. Now realize how your reply had nothing to do with what I said.
Ignore listed.
im guilty tbh. Its just not worth the frustration either way. Either i stomp and feel like i wasted my time, or get stomped and feel like i waisted my time. I could already be in another more enjoyable match by the time its over.
I agree. Sorry dev team, im sure alot of love went into those maps, but sometimes things just miss. and 2cp in general is a miss.
Something can be balanced and still bad. In the case of Assault, it feels bad to attack because the defenders have such an advantage each fight, and it also feels bad to defend because two lost fights can lose the game.
Do you think that other maps/modes somehow have higher than 50% average winrate?
Lunar colony is such a cool idea but butchered. A space map has never been so boring. The only cool thing they added was the 0 gravity except no one ever goes that way so it’s never used.
This is the only “trash Paris and horizon” thread I’m inclined to agree with.
I was stacked with a GM friend of mine yesterday, and when we hit Paris, I saw probably a dozen people leave and join the game. It made the Attack a joke until enough players filled and stuck around to defend point B
Despite winning the map against a coordinated point B defense, the experience was hollow bc so many players left to begin with. It felt all janky.