Please for the love of God FORCE 2-2-2

I don’t care if a bunch of people leave Overwatch, because they are inflexible one trick dps.
I don’t care if “there will be less choice to play as”.
I don’t care if people say “Well actually (crap reason that would not exist at all if 2-2-2 was in place)”.
Just FORCE IT. THEN you can finally and properly BALANCE this game.


Inflexible one-tricks benefit plenty from 2-2-2. Sure their queues will be longer, especially as DPS.

But they’ll also be guaranteed to get games where the entire team can work around their selfishness.

I don’t really understand why people are so in favour of garbage games in comp because the queue times are shorter.

I’d rather a 10 minute queue for a decent game than sit in 10x 1 minute queues for one decent one where we don’t auto-lose or auto-win because people cannot play, or flex to, necessary roles.


This would be stupid. Triple DPS is a very powerful comp right now.


DPS one tricks can still play thier role.


How about Optional 2-2-2.

✅ [RoleQ] MatchMakered vs UnlockedQ

Possibly with a maximum of 2 Healers per team for both OWL and Comp/Quickplay.


So…you’re selfish?

You don’t care what other people think or want. You just want them to force what you want.


A lot of people want forced 2-2-2, and for a good reason as well. It’s a topic that has been discussed for a few years now.


Right, and a lot of people don’t.

My point is that the author of this post goes out of his way to say he doesn’t care what other people want or think. That the game should cater to what he wants.


If we had equal amounts tanks/supports/damage heroes available in the game then inbalanced matchmaking wouldn’t be an issue.

There are inevitably more tank mains and more support mains the more tank/support heroes there are.

And the more heroes in general in the game, the easier it is to balance the game as there are more ways to introduce counterplay without being oppressive.

I don’t directly oppose 2-2-2, but forcing it is not necessary. we just need more tank/support options


Lul, imagine to wish a balance in competitive game, with 30 unique heroes, forcing ppl to learn all of them just to make those who underperform in a side of flexing to feel comfortable, omegalul, so pathetic… already have future sights what else they will complain about when realise 2-2-2 is not a decision of anything. Just gitgud bra


Or… they want what is best for the game overall, despite that DPS one tricks won’t like it.


‘FORCE people to play characters they dont want to play!’’’


Well as someone else put it (it was Frostbite, thank you ;D ):

What will happen if they do implement 2-2-2 and the quality of matches doesn’t increase? You still get the DPS who suck. The Ana who can’t aim to heal. The rein who charges in and dies. The DPS Moira. What will they turn to? What will they blame and demand then?


They gonna find the way to cry, the only thing they’re good at kappa =)

What is wrong with expressing what he wants? That’s how opinions are made anyway. In the end that’s all there is on this forums, an expression of what one wants.

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Frankly, I’d be amazed. Especially given that role based SR will ensure that you are playing with Tanks, Healers and DPS that are of equivalent rank, specifically in the role they are playing.

No one will be flexing onto a role for which they cannot match the standard of the game they are playing. No one will be playing a role they don’t want to play.


Howdy! That was me…

You’re still gonna get your Symm/Sombra/Widow one tricks who suck.

You’re still gonna get tanks who don’t tank.

You’re still gonna get healers who don’t heal.

It solves nothing. DPS Moira and Ana will replace the traditional DPS characters in those slots. Roadies and hamsters doing DPS and diving. No shields. Just feeding.

It’s gonna be a nightmare and then you’ll all be back here asking for 1/1/1/1/1/1


I figure the easier way to increase the “quality” of matches is to keep the team oriented players somewhat separate from the solo oriented players.

✅ [RoleQ] MatchMakered vs UnlockedQ

Since at that point “quality” is defined by how much people adhere to the assumed playstyle that player prefers.

How does role based SR help, given how it’s highly unlikely they’ll change the way SR is calculated?

One-tricking is so common because it’s the most effective way to scoop up SR, and flexing only really becomes relevant when you can play multiple heroes at the same level–just because you pick a bunch of heroes in a category, doesn’t mean you’re good at all of them to the same SR band.

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Yeah sure, selfish because others play this game selfishly. Let’s blame someone who wants to blame as a team. Not the one trick mains, nooooo, let’s blame the one who wants it change. Go away.