Please fix Mercys super jumb glitch

I never thought I’d see the day…I agree with everything Megadodo says!


Then can the rest of the roster have that glitch/technique too? Why is Mercy the only one gets to have it.

But to be honest, Mercy is pretty boring to play without the jump.

Ask devs. But than I want also double jump and shield on Mercy. Oh and turet too.

I mean it is a glitch. It’s something that blizzard definitely did not intent to happen and just because they left it in there, doesn’t suddenly make it not a glitch. Bunny hopping was left in CS because it’s considered skill, it’s still a glitch in the movement system. If it is something that occurs that was not intended by the devs, that is considered a glitch.

In an AMA Goodman stated they are aware of SuperJump and that they are leaving it in. It was in the demo for OW2-it’s sticking around. The devs acknowledged it and like it.

What is your best “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” for Overwatch?

Lead Hero Designer – Geoff Goodman

  • Mercy’s glide jump though was something that wasn’t really intended but we ended up having to fix for unrelated reasons. When we did that, we went ahead and implemented it as a real feature of the hero so it works a lot more consistently now etc. She also has the big vert super jump which is a lot more tricky to pull off but we haven’t really adjusted or changed anything about that either, as its pretty consistent once you get used to it (though admittedly, a bit weird).

It’s not a bug, my man. It’s tech. Learn to predict it. There are genuine issues with this game that are valid to complain about. This isn’t one of them.

well, there’s always that one single time…:slight_smile:

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Just make it an ability or remove.
I can’t believe it’s been this long and Blizzard has not done a single thing about this.

They’ve addressed it. This is the response.

They consider it a feature.


Do you know how easy it is to shoot her when she does that? It is literally a slow up and down movement.


Baptiste, moira, brig can all do those types of jumps.

I can always tell if a mercy is low ranked it they superjump alot.
Don’t try that in high ranked lobbies, you are legit a sitting duck with that predictable movement. Specially if they have decent snipers.

Same with jumpy baps.

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Since when did they add immortality frames to super jump?


By the way, its spelled “jump” not “jumb”


dude it literally doesn’t change ANYTHING. they left it there on PURPOSE because it became a part of her kit. and if you are complaing about a mercy super jumping then let me tell you, mahbe it’s time to get good at the game and actually try to shoot her. just a thought.

Doomfist bounce, turn punches, diags, etc

The various Rein shatter ‘techs’.

Mei wall + Symm teleporter allowing you to put TP through walls.

There are lots of ‘mechanics’ left in the game as long as they aren’t broken and oppressive cough cough Doomfist cough cough.


No? This line of thinking makes no sense. Like when people say “Well why did they remove Brig superjump and Genji ledge dash?”

Because the Devs get to decide what is considered buggy and overpowered and what isn’t, and they can leave stuff in or remove it as they see fit for their game. Crazy, I know! Balance isn’t a one size fits where they make blanket changes that affect every hero.

Mcree got 25 more HP? Then why can’t all the heroes get 25 more HP !!

Zarya got an ult charge nerf? Why didn’t they just nerf all heroes ult charge again?

Doomfist is allowed to glitch out tech and abuse surfaces to fly around the map? Why can’t all heroes do that!

Because hero balance is also hero specific :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: And like Geoff literally said when talking about Superjump, the Devs LIKE to leave tech in as much as possible, as long as it’s 1) consistent and 2) not overpowered. Superjump is consistent and balanced so it stays. Genji ledge dash was inconsistent and OP so it was removed.


Watch out, OP. There are TONS of toxic Mercy Mains here. You should be allowed to say that you want mercy nerfed but that simply isn’t the case.

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It’s not a glitch it’s confirmed that it is indeed a tech for mercy that is allowed and honestly it’s not that bad learn to aim at her while she does it it’s not hard it like aiming at a jumping bap

Nobody here is being toxic. They’re simply stating that isn’t not a glitch as the OP says, because it’s not. It’s not an “opinion” to say that it’s a glitch because it’s just wrong.

Now, asking for a nerf is a different thing altogether. This is about a “glitch”