Please explain symm nerf

If the hero is doing 20-40% “extra” damage in a meta which is like suppose to be heaven for her, but still barely picked in professional league, then exactly how do you expect the hero to be viable after nerfs?

P.S. If you think balance should be around gold, because that is where most population is, I respect your opinion, but please don’t post about it here.


I feel that most DPS ignore her in my games. I don’t understand why players want her nerfed if they don’t bother to engage her.


Pretty sure this is the case where she is ignored until “OH GOD SHE GOT A LEVEL 3 BEAM OFF THAT SIGMA BARRIER! WHY? IT BURNS!”


LOL Your right. I keep trying to remind our team to shoot Sym first. Maybe the there is a better team comp versus Symetra. No shield tanks?

Sym is never allowed to be relevant unfortunately :frowning:


Because the logic in this game is in the garbage bin…

we nerf heroes with almost zero mobility (sure she have tp but need time to build it up in fight) that need time to ramp up the weapon… pretty easy to counter and that in this double shield meta is a good counter…

we nerf Torb secondary fire because… who know…

but we leave Doomfist that come, oneshot and go away with zero risk like it is…



She’s not ignored. It’s just ipossible to see her tiny hit box among that crap-storm that’s going on on the screen most of the time.


On the one hand, of course I’m salty about Symm getting nerfed. On the other hand, most of my best plays involve using TP to place my team in a winning position, sneaky turret placement, photon barrier dancing and orb spamming, so beam nerf won’t really hurt me much.

Also, while I have 84% winrate with Symm, I rarely ever lose to her on the enemy team, cause I played her so much I know all her weaknesses and how to exploit them.

Funny thing is, I can also clearly see as people get better and better at dealing with Symm with each passing week because she is played so much. I’m pretty sure that by the time they nerf her, she will drop to average winrate even before nerf, and get back into garbage bin after.


Sym deserved the damage nerf though. After the bug-fix they realized she was pumping out too much damage. (Ps I don’t care about “but other heroe have more damage” she could melt a whole team on her own.

The width nerf was unnecessary.


I agree. Players want nerfs first. Then after some time,when players know how to counter her better, may realize she didn’t need to be nerfed at all.


Agreed that the Symmetra nerfs were unesessary, as besides the fact that Symmetra finally became a viable pick for the first time since the game’s release in high ranks, when people are talking about that ~30% DPS boost they fail to also include the context in which that data is true.

Which context happens to be the fact that the game is universally going through a shield META, which means that Symmetra can get huge charge off those shields pretty much all of the time.

Therefore, the shields themselves need to be overall nerfed, along with the overall huge damage creep in order to compensate for that change, but certainly not Symmetra…

You want an explanation? She is overtuned with her current damage. There’s your explanation.


Same as Doom could punch everybody in a fight, you just have to not let him do that, same as with the 200hp hero with no crazy mobility.

The bugfix helped to get hits more easily, the width nerf should be first to see if the damage goes to more acceptable numbers.

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Except doom cant 1vs6 and eliminate them all. Sym level3 fire could do exactly that.

if they dont shoot him he can, same with Sym


It’s easier to stop a doom than it is to stop sym (at lvl3). He is only able to eliminate one or two before either escaping or facing threat.

Sym is either kill or be killed. She can eliminate the whole team as she does not need more than poke her fire at their backs.

Any cc kill her she only have 200hp.


I know that… and?

That’s not the issue. It’s how capable she is of eliminating a whole team alone. I can’t count the amount 6k I’ve gotten since the “fix”.

So if she 1vs6 is the enemy fault, same if doom does the same. But the damage nerf was necessary(?)

She deserved the damage nerf.

Doom cant 1vs6.

I was against the nerf when it first got announced but my bias self realised she deserves it. Doom has issues but 1vs6 isn’t one of 'em.