Only real Doomfist players know how much bad he is

Is this bait? It feels like bait


"Oh! A Doomfist uppercutting me! Better just keep shooting at nowhere."

Is there something different you would propose he do after that uppercut happens?

He has time to fire one shot. He can try to hit the discorded target one more time in hopes of helping his team kill them, or he can take a little chunk out of Doomfist’s overshields. Neither one is very likely to accomplish anything, but the former is probably more likely to be valuable.


Just look at this.


What is he shooting at. Seariously, what is he shooting at.
In 1 second you have enough time to turn yourself around.

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Replace the word Doomfist with Sombra in your post and then add a worse pick rate and winrate and you’ll be where we were before she got her most recent nerfs that ruined her even more.

So basically what I’m saying is prepare yourself for hard Doom nerfs


Why learn to counter a hero when you can ask Blizzard to delete/nerf 'em?

Y’know spoiled kid behavior.

Nerf s.76 now.


I’ll agree that he missed a shot he shouldn’t have. He also shouldn’t have still been alive at that point and probably wasn’t expecting to be, though, so it’s kind of understandable… and it’s not like that one shot was likely to make a difference.

You could hear the doom’s punch miles away his reaction is just.

Hah atleast she was picked a lot before her recent nerfs unlike doomfist that only got a high pickrate in this meta.

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Watch again at 0:04.

What do you hear? Doomfist slamming at you.

So he had enough time to avoid him. But he dediced to stand there.


“A lot” that’s hysterical. The same argument aplied to her with goats. Her kit before goats and during it was basically the same, her pickrate went up as goats became more popular. Also go to top500 for damage (if its enabled yet) and look at all the doomfists. Clearly when Sombra was “meta” it was the same for her right? lol


Is Sombra supposed to make tons and tons of damage?

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Sombra mains feel your pain.


Most played Damage heroes for role lock.


Seriously, think about the Zenyatta’s position. You hear a Doomfist slam begin to your right (where there’s a wall, so you probably think you’re not the target, but let’s ignore that for now).

You’re capable of moving at normal speed in any direction for approximately one second before the slam hits. None of those directions will result in surviving the instakill.

This player kind of just didn’t react and kept moving in the same direction, but that also made absolutely zero difference in the outcome of the encounter compared to any other reaction.


Well I do not complain about Sombra, I’ve never played her so I do not know her current state.

I stopped playing DPS when 2-2-2 hit

Apparently I’m a tank main now borderline roadhog one trick.

Everything I quoted you saying, is exactly what Sombra has been going through since day one.

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I’ll sum it up for you, Sombra has the worst pickrate and winrate for all heroes in the game for years, finally gets played to moderate success because she was able to deal with goats (sort of) goats gets removed (2-2-2) and she receives hard nerfs anyway.

Currently doom is the most played dps in 2-2-2 at the high end with a good winrate and a kit that is deemed annoying by the community just like Sombras.

Doom nerfs are coming


Yes the Zen should have killed him easily, what a noob.
How is having such a low reaction time even possible? The Doomfist clearly gave him so much time to kill him, I mean, he is coming from the top of the map sliding above the roofs where no character besides Pharah and maybe Mercy can go, then deals 120 DMG by slamming on the ground and hitting and Uppercut instantly all that in one second.
I mean come on, even bronze players could counter this easily.


Or instead of throwing out nerf hammers to 1/2 the roster to fix 2-2-2.

They can give sombra the buff she needs to do what she does best.

Counter oppressive heros like DF, counter shield meta.