Please explain symm nerf

She needed something because of the +(20%-40%) damage. But the fix helped to get hits more easily not to do more than 195DPS (that’s why I was talking about first the width nerf to see whats happens).

He can if he gains enough shield during the kills.


She still has the hitbox and posture of a Support, (hell it feels like she still has the benefits of a support in the Potg and often steal quintaple kills done by some dps or tank by just doing some damage and 2 or 3 kills) maybe she just blends in the team fight plus you can’t ignore the turrets that launch behind you so yeah you 180 to destroy them you 180 back and she melt you xD

You probably meant walking dragonblade


Dragonblade doesn’t have the extra damage from turrets. Sym mains just conveniently forget that her turrets also deal damage. :upside_down_face:

In my games, I was tinkering with the idea “why feed the fire?” Would no shield tanks be the proper counter to an enemy Symetra?

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Zarya is also experiencing 20-40% extra damage in a meta that is supposed to be just average maybe even below average for her hence why shes getting nerfs too

During the beta season I was tearing it up as sym.

I think they should keep the damage to barriers but tone it down on enemy’s.

That way you still have something to melt barriers while you stand behind your teams barrier

What is it with clueless people defending actually overpowered things just because the character sucked before? She was a bad character for a while okay.
But now she’s doing up to 40% more damage than she was before she got her “bugfix”. It was unintended and the devs never wanted her to do 40% more damage than what she was doing before.

It’s damn comical because if we place this argument on literally any other character who is performing poorly you wouldn’t have the same argument. If Tracer, Sombra, Genji, Soldier or Ashe suddenly received a 40% damage buff you would be on the forums screaming bloody murder over how the devs could make a mistake like this.

People unironically trying to complain about Genji in 2019? Yikes.


That’s because they die instantly if your opponents aren’t idiots.

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Still funny.

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Oh, then Moira’s damage orb also doesn’t count if your opponents aren’t idiots.

Not a nerf, her numbers went 40% higher after the bugfix. Nerfs are there to put her back in line again. Beams still feel a lot better than before.

Symm doing 40% more damage which total damage is only AS MUCH as Hanzo can spam from infinite distance (and most of it is on shields for symm) but only accounts to having 3% pickrate? 40%+ damage supposedly overall and ONLY 3% pickrate? In a shield meta where she will be doing tons upon tons of more barrier damage but no way this transfers into doing hero damage?

You bet if Hanzo got 40% damage increase, he’d be straight up a must pick. He’d be so absurdly OP you could not win games without Hanzo. Symmetra is still trash and no amount of damage increase fixed her.

As soon as the nerf comes around, symmetra will plain die as a hero lol. This is the only time duration symmetra is AVERAGE at depsing compared to rest of the cast. But she will still get nerfed while chars like Hanzo can still spam just as much damage as usual. And sigma still does more damage, believe it or not.


The same way other heroes gets nerf. Bad players cry the loudest when they don’t want to improve so big brother developers help them by nerfing the hero so they can have an easier time. It’s a Blizzard thing always looking out for players who don’t like to adapt until it’s handicapped.

Truth sometimes is funny.

I’ve used crazy diamond to fix your comment :joy:

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Wth does moira’s orb have to do with this?

Are you okay? Are you having problems?

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any hero can 1v6 with the way you spin things.

no it didn’t. it only fixed the 1st tick after missing to actually do the intended damage. nothing about theoretical dps numbers or hitbox registry was changed. the bug fix only affected missing. which brings the question

if the bug fix only effected missing, didn’t involve theoretical dps number changes nor changes to hitbox registry, how could the fix be the sole or the major factor in the quoted 40% increase in average damage output?

if syms are really missing that much for the bug fix to be the major factor, their damage before would be really low and so would the 40% increase. and that warrants damage nerfs? it doesn’t make sense.

so what’d be the actual major factor? idk, maybe because the meta comp literally lets sym have 195dps at the start of each fight whereas before she’d only have access to 195dps once every like 2+ fights and not likely at the start of the fight either.


THAT was funny. LULZ

Symmetra has not ended up with a 40% damage boost, Christ in Heaven. People are forgetting that post is talking about Zarya and Symmetra.

Symmetra’s beam, while yes charged in this meta, is not the only source of her damage. Symmetra’s bugged beam damage was effectively increased on small mobile targets, allowing the tics to take place appropriately. That’s it. That’s the ‘damage boost’ she got on. Her damage remained the same on shields and tanks and other big targets.

The rest of her damage remains the same and untouched; the orbs, the turrets. Where a lot of it comes. I can even note in my own plays and average damage output, per game, my damage hasn’t increased that much. Certainly not a huge 40%.

You’re seeing that on Zarya. She’s the one whose damage mostly comes from her beam.

  1. There was a patch that fixed how beams worked resulting in an increase in damage that symmetra and zarya deal.

  2. The game was balanced when they dealt less damage than they did after the patch.

  3. They are being nerfed so that their damage is closer to what it was before, but still rewarding you for being able to aim.

Not a difficult concept