Please don't use abusive FOMO practices

In order for a business to work, both parties are needed or else you’re just alone with a business that doesn’t work (and I guess the OW team will face that sooner that they think).

What was promised by the company when that Overwatch break was announced (in order to work on OW2) is that it would be worth the wait.

We’re 3 years later and we have only 3 heroes, a few new maps, one mode removal and a twin game mode to Escort (Push). The promise wasn’t kept. The business will face the consequence for the lie, sooner or later.

You have a very capitalistic mindset but you seem to forget that just because you own a business doesn’t mean you’re allowed to disrespect your customers and that their trust can be easily lost.

I haven’t mentioned PVE. Why are you ?

This is just the PVP release and it’s very disappointing in terms of content and experience. I was bored with the Beta in less than a week because no real work was done to make 5 V 5 feel right (except for KOTH) and no real rework was done to maps and heroes to make 5 V 5 fun and strategical.

To me, 5 V 5 is a downgrade of the Overwatch original gameplay concept. A lot of people feel that way too and that’s why we were rooting for F2P Overwatch to be a separate game (we called it OW2 or PVP 2.0 back then).

3 heroes and a few new maps is bad to what was promoted to us as a sequel to PVP (even though we knew it wouldn’t be a real sequel, we expected at least something that felt new in terms of gameplay).

Again, I’m not saying I don’t want to pay for new content. I want to but there’s currently no content on F2P Overwatch. No new game mode before 2023 and only 3-4 new heroes and few maps.

I want to pay OW2 full price to have a lot of content, not pay 20-30 bucks every 1-2 months while waiting for actual content to be released somewhere in 2023 or 2024.

Do you understand what I’m saying ? It’s not about money or business model… I don’t mind if there’s a battle pass or new lootboxes on the side, I just wish to have a new experience in a 6-year old game that I grew to love.

F2P Overwatch feels like Overwatch 1 after an unecessary 3-year break and a new business model. It’s the same game in terms of gameplay and a lot of us expected something new.

Nothing offends me, I’m just wondering if they ever will be actual new content on Overwatch at some point ? If 3 years were not enough to get substantial content, how many years would ?

That’s why they needed to actually work on a lot of content a sell it full price like they did for OW1. If Ana and all the other new heroes were locked behind a paywall from 2016 to 2019, I wouldn’t have minded it.

I would have paid for an expansion to PVP full price if it meant a lot of new content, just like you pay every expansion to World of Warcraft without complaining because this is actual real new content.

OW2 is not.

Well to you, to me it looks old and also boring as it’s less strategical than OW1, so there’s no real point.

Nope I wanted 12 new heroes (4 per roles), 3-4 new game modes, 4-5 new maps and new mechanics for a full 60-80 buck price, with purchasable skins and a 10-buck battle pass on the side, Day One.

Keep in mind that this is still less than what we had on OW1 Day one so I think I’m being pretty reasonable here :slight_smile: !

What I experience feels more like : a downgrade to Overwatch’s concept (with 5 V 5 ), one less game mode (without 2CP), a copycat version of Escort (Push) and a few maps (but we lose the same amount of maps because of 2CP removal).


Yes - and both parties agree on a price - but one who makes it to sell sets the terms. You either negotiate (if you can) or you don’t buy.

For many it is. It’s subjective, not enough for you.

This exactly proves my point.

That’s exactly the mindset that is damaging to the planet and that I’m actively fighting against. I used to think like that 15-20 years ago. I guess that’s what you were taught and can’t really think outside the box. Trust me, it’s not inevitable, you can snap out of this ideology.

The market adapts to people. Money is our vote. All we need to do is vote differently and the market will adapt to us as it should.

The system should adapt to people, not the other way around.


LOL the battle pass is $5 once each season…

There will be other things on the side, trust me :slight_smile: ! The checkpoint pack is only the beginning and let’s not forget the OWL is still there. We’ll see how much they’ll charge for the Battle Pass.

LOL you are more interested in whining about what you want.

No offense, but grow up a bit. There is no idyllic paradise Nirvana out there.

yes, by all means vote with your pocketbook; you don’t like the way Blizz is handling, don’t buy the paid portions. You still get PVP all the time for free going forward, just not all the cosmetics.

LOL show me one sustained place doing so on the planet in history that didn’t collapse. Simple fact is you get the game you had, evolved, for free going forward with more items the rest of us are subsidizing.

I wholly agree. I also defend the right of someone making something to sell it how they like as long as its not required for living. OW is not a life dependent product.

That’s exactly my point. When a product is deemed unworthy, the company should either change the price tag or (as it’s the case with F2P Overwatch) completely start over from scratch.

But to be honest, the OW team can’t really work from scratch since they barely worked on anything when it comes to PVP 2.0, if we’re being honest here…

I hope the business model to F2P fails so the Overwatch team changes direction and really starts working on real new content.

For many it isn’t. It’s subjective, enough for you doesn’t mean enough for everyone (or even a majority). We’ll see how the community will answer to this after the first few months when everyone is hyped.

Look at Diablo Immortal : lots of people playing it but very controversial and people are slowly leaving now that they understood the business model isn’t sustainable in the long run.

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LOL they don’t do it because you demand it. It’s voluntary based on how much they want your business.

Really, wonder why this model was adopted - maybe because other games are minting money with it because the consumer felt it was worth it…

People will line up to buy a $5 USD battlepass when they want to play for rewards, no doubt.

More arguments less childish comments please, if you want to be relevant when stating you’re “older”.

Again, you missed the point… It’s not about being idyllic, yet about improving the world, something that has always been there ever since humanity existed.

if you think nowadays capitalism is the last step of progress and that we can’t improve as a society, then you’re definitely stuck in your ideology and can’t comprehend anything outside of your personal reasoning.

Again, it’s not about me buying or not buying skins. None of these options make it for the content most of us were expecting during the last 3 years. It’s no big deal, people will move on and play other games but that’s really silly of the OW team. They are capable of the most amazing things but they gave up on their project and chose the easy way out which consists of no efforts / max profit.

It’s not about having something from free or not, yet about the reason that led to this and what it tells us about society, businesses and way of treating people / customers. You strike me as someone who’s also a pro-Trump and climatosceptic, am I right ?

The problem is that type of busines model, no matter if it revolves around the gaming industry or not is damaging. Freedom is a right but it shouldn’t come in the ways of someone else’s freedom, that’s why I don’t agree someone should be allowed to sell something however they want without thinking of the consequences it could have on others.

The way food, water and other essential supply businesses are sometimes treated even harsher than the way business models treat people on games like Blizzard is currently doing on a mobile game such as Diablo Immortal.

They make profit by taking advantage of people’s weaknesses and that shouldn’t be allowed in an ethical world (we’re not there yet) but that’s the future we will eventually head to.

In short, we should value individual freedom but restrict it if it harms other people and comes in the way of their freedom (that’s why guns should be banned in the US for random citizens, for instance).

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Again, this is just a video game business. Grow up a bit.

Defined by whom exactly? you?

Good thing it’s not your call mate. You dont have a lock on wisdom.

What I’m saying is that the customers can change and boycott a product if they were more united. The fact that this business model for Overwatch exists is because other companies managed to pull it off. That’s why we should do our best to criticize the business model and turn into something more qualitative and less cash-grabbing.

I agree, but the seller gets to set their terms. You are expected to be wise about your purchases like all actions in life.

And who made it possible for them to pull it off?

By all means, don’t buy. But don’t distort the facts of what you actually got and what they are actually offering. And remember no one owes you entertainment.

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This is not just a video game business. Wake up, it is done in many other fields, it keeps growing and growing. Are you living under a rock ?

Defined by people’s experience in general. If we acknowledged more the effect some of our decisions (that we consider benefitting to us) can have a negative impact on others and why that is, then we could actively improve our system, for instance.

I knew it all along :slight_smile: ! Pro-Trump, climatosceptic, pro-guns and probably anti-abortion. Tell me I am right :smiley: !

For now :slight_smile: but things are slowly changing. Unethical terms are fined in certain circumstances (in Europe at least) and we’re slowly deciphering some of the schemes. For instance, if we take OW as an example, some countries like Belgium banned lootboxes because of ethics.

True, I don’t disagree with that but the internet makes it so that it strains the way people usually interact and it’s easier to manipulate people into buying irrelevant things (because of the context). It’s different when you’re physically in a store for instance. The means of payment online also encourages people to spend more and more. Everything is made so the customer spends a lot of money.

Both parties. You make a successful game and you slowly start to raise the price tag. It’s the same as people that have some sort of addiction The customer is also responsible for falling for it, I never said the contrary but again, the company takes advantage of the fact that they know we live in a competitive society and that there’s no unity between people.

A customer wants to feel superior to another customer that has less “skins” for instance. So everyone is guilty in the end but the company is in power. They have the power to make it stop.

I don’t have a problem with this on a personal level, I only buy what I like in terms of skins. Overwatch was always pretty decent in terms of selling cosmetics but when a game offers more cosmetics than actual content, it’s a red flag. That’s why I worry about F2P Overwatch… and not because I fear of spending more money but because I fear there will be less qualitative content in the future.

I expect a less stable game in the future too because F2P games are usually more concerned about money that the stability of their game. Diablo Immortel is a proof of this, for instance.

Edit : anyways, it’s getting late. I’m logging off.


It’s blizzosoft now.

Blizzard be like: “LOL! No.”

Oh? You’ve been enjoying Overwatch for the last few years? Goood. Good. You are already married to this game. Now you will go by Blizzard’s schedule. And you will make time in yours. (What’s the matter? Don’t you like playing the game?)

Besides, what are you so worked up over? Even if you splurge on a battle pass but can’t finish it—what’s the big deal? It’s just money! :rofl:

Don’t worry, if the battle pass is anything like Call of Duty’s, I’m sure they will let you spend $1-2 per level to level the thing, so there is always an out if you find out you don’t have the time to play after buying the pass. The devs are understanding, and they thought of everything.


I agree that going the route Halo Infinite went with their Battle Passes, is the only way this isn’t going to constantly be an annoyance.

If we spend money on a Battle Pass, and all those cosmetics/rewards are forever locked to that Battle Pass, that is fine. Having it expire at the beginning of the next season is not. I absolutely hate this in every other game it is a part of.

Life gets in the way for a lot of folks, can’t always play the game to the devs preferred schedule.

If we spend the money on the Pass, there’s no harm in letting us “equip” that pass, and work on it at our own speed.

If the passes expire, that will severely discourage me from purchasing any of them, as opposed to quite likely all of them, if they do not expire.


Deep Rock Galactic puts the items into the normal loot pool after the season ends. Though technically it isn’t a battlepass as you don’t buy it but it functions the same as one. They only sell cosmetic passes.

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Except then you may not buy next pass, unacceptable.

And if passes do not expire, you won’t be spending fast enough. As you won’t buy next pass, until you earn everything from current one. If you would buy next pass at all, as one may include items you do not want.

It’s possible, that Blizzard would sell expiring battle passes…and bonuses to make it easier to meet your deadline. For example, just for small payment of 5 dollars, for week you guaranteed to get at least 1 skin from battle pass every time you earn skins, for 10 - 2 skins, and so on.

Why would they stop it, when it’s main driving force behind people spending money - social pressure?

I love to collect everything and I am very susceptible to FOMO.
That’s just how I am wired. I fell into that trap with Pokemon Unite where a single skin can cost 40 bucks and the only way for me to get out of it is to stop caring about the game (or just not buy anything at all, but it’s very hard for me).

I really wish they will not implement this stuff, but I fear that it will be exactly like in all those other games where they have those practices and I probably stop playing Overwatch even though I played it since the first year.