Please don't use abusive FOMO practices

Because they can lose customers, risk of getting canceled if their business model is leaked by some former employees (in the media) and because… it’s not ethical and that we are slowly heading to a society that goes against that kind of practice… ?

Let’s not forget that it can get political and said business model can be banned. Lootboxes were a less cash-grabbing model and yet it was forbidden in Belgium and the Netherlands.

If this spreads around in other countries in Europe and in America at some point, selling cosmetics at higher prices (especially when there’s no work done on gameplay as it is the case for F2P Overwatch), Blizzard will be forced to change their tactics.

But we’re not there, yet. Blizzard easily has a few years left to take advantage of customers before this happens.

And by that time it would be concern of other people, not ones currently running Blizzard.

Public outrage almost never stopped any business from commiting atrocities, as long as it didn’t come with severe penalties by the law. And how do you imagine banning selling cosmetics? Blizzard doesn’t force anyone to buy them, it’s other players, who would make fun of “cheapskates” and call them peasants for not buying cool skins. There is no price cap on them, since game companies are monopoly within their own games and can demand any price.

I play that game and theres no BP. In fact you get daily rewards that you miss everyday if you dont get them.

Also the whole “abuse the FOMO practices” is how every company that sells anything works mate. Its basically how advertising is made, to showcase this “cool thing” that you should have because others will get it / its time limited.

Welcome to the real world I guess :man_shrugging:

PS: Stop using the word “predatory” for everything now. It makes it lose value and it ends up being a nothing word, bloated and charged that people use to push a narrative that doesnt exist.

“lol”, said Blizzard, “Lmao”.

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FOMO is how battlepasses work. I missed out on so much content in Halo Infinite because of the limited-time events that had weirdly specific challenge logs associated with them, which takes too much time unless it’s the only game I play that week.

iirc, the way it works in Halo Infinite is you can buy any pass you wish, even if you haven’t completed a previous one. you swap between the passes you’ve purchased as you please. so say i really like the cosmetics offered in the season 1 pass and buy it, and am still working on it through season 2, i can still purchase season 2 if i also want the cosmetics from that - the only caveat is i can only make progress on one at a time. imo, people are probably more likely to spend on battle passes, knowing they can complete them anytime, even if the reality is they don’t complete any of them (see also: people’s steam libraries)

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Did you say “Be abusive, predatory pricks?” Sure thing!

What if I was on holiday or focused at work or education than logging onto OW to get a limited time skin. We got a life outside gaming.

I was talking to a friend about how to construct a non-fomo battle pass and I misunderstood what he said about the PvP Reward Track as a Battle Pass, my bad.

This is factually untrue. Not every company uses FOMO to sell their products.

Your status quo bias is showing.

I would say that executives literally talking about “hunting for whales” is predatory to an almost comical degree. Predatory monetization is called that because it preys on vulnerable people like compulsive spenders, people with addictive personalities, problem gamblers, neurodivergent people, and also, you know, children. Predatory monetization is abusive because it hurts people. It puts real humans in debt, it tears families apart and leads to all sorts of misery.

You might not think that it’s such a big deal, but it’s also not you they’re going after. Scammers sending “Nigerian Prince” emails know that most people won’t answer, but those who do are gullible enough to rob blind.


You don’t have to get any of that stuff.

One does not cede concessions before casting their vote.

They do not care about people with lives outside of their game, they care about the people who are defending their game on their behalf right now.

Just look at the Battlepass screenshot
10 progress levels, 7 premium and one slot they showed had 2 legendaries, 1 rare and progression exp

You can bet your sweet butt cheeks that the research they put into Diablo Immoral into OW2

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The vast majority do, and marketing/advertising companies do work like that dude.
Again, you are using something that is widely known and works that way for a gazillion years. At this point is like complaining the sky is blue.

Also wanting an F2P game to not use FOMO for their monetization is kinda weird, again, they are not a Non Profit. There are not many actual choices but I guess complaining without any actual realistic suggestion works for a forum :+1:

Big words that mean absolutely nothing and are not applicable.
Specially when they are basically forced to change due to the market of multiplayer online competitive games changing and OW was one of the newer games that didnt have that. Congrats on destroying your own point by the way.

Agreed. Thats why we should call Apples , Apples and not see an Orange and start calling them “Orange Apples”. Its like saying a dude that called you 2 times on the street is “harassing you”. It takes away from people that are ACTUALLY being harassed.

Dont compare OW BP with families being ruined by ludopathy and gambling, its hardcore dishonest and imho disgusting.

It is.
Thats why we should start calling things by their name and stop overusing charged and bloated words when its not applicable. Unless you prove this BP or the general “FOMO” vibe is actually predatory, you are painting a picture that doesnt exist. So yeah claim stays.

PS: Pushing the entire responsibility of gambling on the companies is also insane. A stance that no one would be able to defend.

What are you talking about, true gamers have no life besides gaming.

I am very much not a fan of most F2P monetization schemes, but I would be fine with a battle pass that doesn’t have a time pressure to complete it. If there is a cosmetic I want to buy, I don’t want to have to pay and commit myself to a part time job.

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Yes. Talking about the majority Master and GM players. We plats and unders have.

Your reasoning here Cleopatra is flawed. You imply I would not buy a following seasons Battle Pass, if the previous seasons Battle Pass does not expire is just flat out Wrong.

What would actually guarantee that I would not buy that following seasons Battle Pass, is if I was not able to finish that first Battle Pass. Hence losing some or the invested monetary value of said Battle Pass.

You also imply that Battle Passes that do not expire would lead me to not be spending “fast enough”. Again, I’d be buying most if not all of these passes as they came out(if they do not expire) and then just swapping them around as I saw fit to gain the rewards as per which rewards enticed me more.

It’s all about actually getting the value for the money we spend.

What is unacceptable is spending money on a Battle Pass, not being able to invest enough time in that short 9 week window, and then having that money spent amount to nothing.