Please don't go back to 6v6

guess we just experiencing different games in open then

I can telll you do not play Tank because you belive the game is fun, I am a 50% Tank player and I can say I almost left the game until this dev Blog. So my question is when there are so few tank players left in this rose tinted wonderland that You can no longer play DPS/Supp or have a 30+ que time will you still belive 5v5 is the right answer.

In my opinion 7v7 is the correct answer, ditch the older gen consoles that can’t handle it, maybe reduce the number of Barriers per-team to 1 and possibly make some abilities more translucent then you got a good basis, honestly 6v6 w/the latter changes could work to.

All I can say is that 5v5 can’t work because you either have to abandon one role or all the others and that will just lead to the serious problems of 6v6 down the line.

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They do not have 100 million players, it’s naive to believe them at face value here.

The game was superior as 6v6, people who enjoy 5v5 are in the minority that was all but confirmed today.

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Several doesn’t mean 7…

Yeah that doesn’t say it’s not possible to get 6v6 running on older systems. In fact they imply that they will be able to do so, it will just take some time.

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No, because people are terrified of change. Any change is bad and most 6v6 players, still have not moved on and cling to the past, while many do not even actively play the game anymore.

They even said in the blog post that 6v6 was a nightmare, because double tank defense was so hard to break, that it stalled games like crazy and you needed ult COMBINATIONS (not just any ults), to break through and had a chance. DPS felt pretty bad and support needed to healbot.

People say that 6v6 was more fun, but it really was not for ANY role. Not to mention the queue times, where you now even have data, how bad it was.

I would say 6v6 players are just stubborn and blend everything out they dont want to hear or ignore it. This makes a conversation very hard and it seems like the devs know this.

We seemingly will get a 6v6 test sometime next year (technical stuff to make it ready takes multiple seasons to implement, they said) and will maybe have an extra mode for 6v6 people, while testing core 5v5 changes in Season 13 like they said.

6v6 was always more fun, tank synergy. What made OW2 fun was the speed of the gameplay, it was faster and they also nerfed crowd control aka CC.


Read the blog post. They explained why they implemented role que and why it was terrible for most people before that. This imaginary “4-6 DPS comps” were not as imaginary as you think, so no.

That is not entirely true. 6v6 was way more fun! The 6v6 that you’re talking about is the double shield meta, when it was Rein + Orisa. The double shield meta sucked, but once they nerfed the shields it was fine.

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Role queu without role lock means, you have low queue times but you’re not 100% to get dps all the time.

Because they couldn’t have both role queue 5v5 and open queue 6v6 in some form at the same time?

Are you even thinking at all?

“You made a decision to go 5v5 and it has been successful”.


“They currently have 100,000,000 live OW players”

Chuckles 100,000,000 times

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For a 2016 OG OW player, this sounds like skill issue.

On a serious note though, you can’t beg for them to not go back to 6v6, while also saying you don’t want them to listen to players cus we (according to you, and yourself is included here) don’t know what we want. So you don’t know what you want either. You don’t know if you want 5v5 or 6v6 or something entirely different.
They shouldn’t listen to you, according to your own words.

I personally just want the game back I bought and loved, that was unceremoniously taken away from me at no request from the playerbase whatsoever. It only served to divide us and create a division greater than the US political scene.

You can keep your 5v5 if you want. I just want my beloved 6v6 back that I paid for.

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I don’t think they’ll be removing 5v5 so now both parties can enjoy their favourite mode

They never “pretty much” said this. They said they will have to work on optimization to ensure the performance is as smooth as the players expect from the game.
This includes platforms like Switch, which is likely the thing holding the game back the most rn even in 5v5. We can run 6v6 in custom lobbies just fine, heck even the 20 player custom game modes are not an issue for most players. It’s not any major issue. But to commit to a full implementation of a permanent 6v6 mode they will want to ensure it lives up to their own minimum standards for performance which will take time to optimize and validate and implement.

So lets not misquote their words already a day after they were spoken.

Or maybe the game is just butt cheeks after 5v5… wild concept, I know.

This is ultimately where I’m at. I like where OW2 is and even though I don’t play it as a main game I always have the desire to return to it. OW2 clicks for me. However ultimately I want what is best for the game. If a revert to 6v6 is that path forward then I’ll accept that OW isn’t for me and just stay on the sidelines watching.

I don’t think they will and at the most we’ll likely get 6v6 unranked open que as a side mode with it’s own balancing. I’m more interested in what happens with role que since it seems like they might try to find an in between for it in 5v5.

And this change has completely gutted characters that thrive in the chaos. You more than likely don’t play one of these heroes, so you wouldn’t see this a bad change.

No one considers OW2 a success. You can ask anyone outside of the game and they will tell you quite bluntly that they believe OW is a scam. The #1 most negatively reviewed game on steam for a period of time is not something anyone could consider a success.

They really shouldn’t. I expect them to make their own decisions.

Yup as they should. As long as they communicate a clear vision, I’m happy.

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No game has 100 million concurrent players. It’s 100 million players since 2016, which is still pretty significant - and they’re up by about 40 million since 2021 (when they had 60 million). Unless you want to argue that 2021 and early-2022 were awesome years for Overwatch, you can attribute basically all of that growth to Overwatch 2.