Please don't go back to 6v6

None of this conversation has anything to do with preferences. They didn’t make the change because of preferences. They made the change because they claim 5v5 is better for it.

If you are seriously struggling this hard you probably can’t even tie your own shoes.

It’s like you don’t even realize that the human brain is supposed to be able to adjust as the data changes.


Man re read your first comment and come back.

Who ties your shoes for you?

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People know enough about what they want to have a highly active 6v6 discord with a ranked system where everyone plays 6v6 on a custom workshop patch.

Let’s not with this “you think you do but you don’t” garbage.

Try reading that again bud. It’s 100 million accounts created since 2016. Do you honestly think 100 million people currently play the game yet steam charts and twitch views averages around 25k? There is no way that could possibly be true.

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Do you understand that the human brain and our thoughts are not meant to remain static and they are meant to change based on the information that is presented? Because so far you don’t seem to be able to understand that.

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How does this have anything to do with anything I have or you have said? Are you going to go on some delusional tangent now?


That’s what I have said in every single post I made. Its not my fault you are mentally incapable of processing what you read.

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Reread your first post and my post and tell me the correlation to what you just said… I will wait.

“The first, and honestly largest, reason is the need to do this in a way that allows the game to have optimized technical performance (I’m referring to framerate and memory constraints) with 12 players in a match. There have been quite a few upgrades and additions to Overwatch 2 that have an impact on the performance of the game. These range from new features like allied outlines and enabling healer vision by default, the addition of more technically demanding hero kits, as well as visual upgrades to UI, heroes and maps. In a 6v6 setting, these upgrades can have significant impacts for our players, causing the game to underperform on older systems. Overwatch is a fast-paced game, and maintaining a game that runs smoothly across all our platforms is important for the player’s experience. While a limited time test could arrive sooner, the team is still investigating exactly how long it would take to permanently increase performance across the game. This would be a large effort that would most likely take at least several seasons to accomplish.”

This is the statement that says 6v6 (probably mainly on switch is a problem) and since console is crossplay no console can get 6v6.

6v6 will probably be a primarily pc arcade thing till they fix the system in what they say could be several seasons.

Im not really impressed either

If the devs said “no more role queue” and abolishment of it with open queue ONLY then i be like WOW thats based

Also if they made sure goats isnt a thing with nerfing healing and tankiness

Yeah… you claimed the devs said 6v6 is not possible for consoles. They never said that.

And you claimed they estimated it would take 1.5 years. They never said that either.

Getting really tired of 5v5ers compulsive lying.


“This would be a large effort that would most likely take at least several seasons to accomplish”

What is 7 seasons in time? My calculation was a little off that is more like 1.2 years.

“In a 6v6 setting, these upgrades can have significant impacts for our players, causing the game to underperform on older systems.”

“This would be a large effort that would most likely take at least several seasons to accomplish”

This is exactly what they said.

You’re quite the pseudointellectual, eh?


6v6 role queue without role lock is the solution. I’d rather have a genji onetrick playing hog or ilari on my team because he couldn’t select the hero fast enough rarher than the BS the game is now.

add a system that makes you lose rank on the role you queued for if you lose, to force them to actually play the hero and not troll. if you win on that off role you get some bonus SR.

I really hope we dont get 6v6 just bc if every other game is Mauga & Orisa duo I’ll kms

Saying 5v5 is what caused the success is disingenuous and literally an un-provable assertion.

Overwatch 2 changed so much, while also going Free To Play, that this astronomical growth could be to so many different factors, including but not limited to having substantial and regular updates such that in a single year OW2 is nearing like half of the total amount of changes Overwatch 1 saw in 8 years.

Player gain is high, player retention is higher. Do not try and singlehandedly hand this to being all about 5v5.

And lets not pretend its been a success AT ALL for the community. The Overwatch community has been so massively and majorly split for over a year and a half over this format change is incredible.

Lets also not pretend Blizzard has said that should 6v6 get adequate traction that it means 5v5 is caput. There is no scenario 5v5 leaves, and if Blizzard manages to not be inept little failures for half a second, there is no scenario that 6v6 isnt added as a permanent addition alongside 5v5.

My personal take is obvious. 6v6 coming back is non-optional. The outright removal of 5v5 is non-optional. Blizzard has opened pandora’s box and must deal with the trash that is 5v5. It has found a crowd and as much as I believe it is without a doubt a FAR inferior Overwatch in many ways, it cannot be removed. But 6v6 is the format people paid for for 8 years, and the insane sudden and one-way decision to remove it with zero public testing while bringing the original experience offline is the singular biggest example of Blizzards ineptitude as game devs.


Double off tanks has never been a meta and will never be a meta, closest we got to that was hog and ball torture, which lasted all of never and was just a dumb thing bored people did at the end of OW1’s lifespan because literally nothing was happening to this game and it was a “tehe funny cheese strat” comp

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It was a real composition! It was the only one I ever bothered to learn. :joy:

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It was a real composition alright, but it was 1000% players getting bored with having an abandonware game for 3 straight years, deciding to have fun with a meme comp, and it seeing enough actual success to just kinda have a short stint in meta.

Plus even then Hammond played like a pseudo main tank in that comp, less about disruption and more just actual frontline-ing

End of the day we will never see Mauga Orisa hit a meta when they get stuck with the stats of an off tank. They will get blown up with zero counterplay to an actual tank lineup.