Please don't go back to 6v6

Let me start off by saying that I genuinely love playing OW. I have been playing since the original released in 2016. I have many hours in casual and competitive play. I have tried both 6v6 and 5v5. I personally believe 5v5 is a lot more fun to play. There is less visual cluster and keeping track of ults and deaths is also easier. I get when Aaron says he wants the devs and the community to create a game together but sometimes us (The players/consumers) don’t even know what we really want. What I personally need from the blizzard devs is to have some confidence in their decisions. You made a decision to go 5v5 and it has been successful. According to blizzard, they currently have 100,000,000 live OW players. That’s a success to me, and nowhere near a “dead game”. If the devs still feel like they owe the OW community something in return for the cancellation of the PVE they need to stop. Please don’t cave into every request the players ask for to mend for a mistake in the past.


I wouldn’t worry about it. This is just to placate a certain demographic. They will be changing absolutely nothing.


If it’s what the majority of the playerbase wants and the devs are committed to regular updates to keep the game fresh, then so be it. I’ll be off playing other games.

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They pretty much said atleast for consoles and qp they cant go back to 6v6. They can possibly make a pc only arcade or ranked mode but a number of consoles cant handle 6v6 on the new engine. It will take them time to change this which they estimated more than a year and a half.

What I want them to do is make a hybrid open queue role queue mode. Open queue I would have liked to turn to main mode but after reading more on the decisions they made previously i think the best way forward is a hybrid mode.

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They don’t, it’s just the amount of accounts that have played overwatch combined, if this were the case it would be the number one game of all time

You don’t have to play 6v6, you can still play 5v5


The fact that two years into the life of Overwatch 2 5v5 is still the #1 complaint the players should tell you that the change from 6v6 to 5v5 was objectively bad.

I want people to pretend to understand how the real world works. If 5v5 was better, this conversation would have ended two years ago. It’s not better and is still the top complaint.


Well the better part of the people happy with 5v5 arent here complaining or even reading any overwatch posts they are playing the game. Take 5v5 (the game they love) from them though and they would become like the 6v6 crowd and come to the forums to complain.


That doesn’t relate to what I wrote, so I’m not sure what I am supposed to say.

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It is related to the complaint part. 5v5 being better or worse is just your subjective opinion. Saying people complaining proves that 5v5 is worse is what i was refuting. It is perfectly on subject with what you stated about people complaining.

The problem is that’s not how the human brain typically works. If 5v5 were actually better, the people who prefer 6v6 would prefer 5v5. A normally functioning human brain with no disabilities or other issues with cognition can tell what is better and what is worse.

And opinions don’t matter in the real world.


Nope preference is a thing.


Preferences, like opinions, don’t matter in the real world.


They said they’re going to optimize the enigne to support it. They absolutely would not make 6v6 a PC-only game mode.


That indicates just how many OW accounts were created since 2016 OW1, and it was 60,000,000 at the end of OW1 afair.

Also, who are the main source of the number? aimbotters.


Then your oppinion that 5v5 is worse that 6v6 doesnt matter. Prefrences on the other hand do matter. They dictate what people like or dislike and lots of people like 5v5 and are playing it to this day. They are silent but wouldnt stay so if you mess with their format.

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They said that would take 7 odd seasons so yes but it would take a good year and a half. (For it as a main mode) They will have arcade modes for pc players.

What? I read the entire dev post and didn’t read any of that. Are you making stuff up or do you have a source?


It seems you have some sort of disorder thinking your subjective opinion is objective. Complaints dont make 5v5 objectively bad I am refuting that by saying happy people arent complaining. Do you not understand that? Can your meager brain not put that together? If 6v6 comes back and all the people complain about it because you took 5v5 would the change back to 6v6 become objectively bad also then?

i mean if people like 5v5 for playing. thats fine.

But offer 6v6 as well.

Some people love that fast paced 5v5 blow-out match type gameplay, and I get that. But some of us like “the crawl” where things are slower paced.

I dont mind playing “Tank busters” for doubleshield metas. But we also have to remember that Orisa is NOT harboring shields anymore. So that is not going to happen.

Even back in the day. They could have dialed shield points down and Orisa+Rein Combos would have not of been so bad. As well as bunker comp or pirate ship.