Please don't delete D.Va or Brig's Police skins

Racism is a problem everywhere, yes. And police brutality is also a problem.

But we can’t go along with the notion that all cops are bad / racist. What about the good cops? Do you think Brig or D.Va would be racist and corrupt officers? I don’t think so - I think they’d be pretty good ones, judging by their characters. And there’s nothing wrong with good cops, so therefore there’s nothing wrong with those skins.

That’s my logic anyway. It’s really not fair to the good cops to assume all of them are bad.

If police wants to be an example they have to work for it.
Covering racist people is shameful, and they do it.
If you cover a racist, maybe you aren’t racist, but you have no more value than that pig.

They do disproportionately kill and injure minorities though, they just don’t kill people in anything like the numbers US Police do.

And Rotherham was a social services issue, not police. And also rooted in a chronic lack of resources.

No, they don’t. 86% of the population is white. 14% minority as per the latest census.

Over the last 10 years 15% of all deaths in police custody were minorities. 85% were white. That’s about as close as you’re realistically going to get it and hardly disproportionate.

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Moreover, an important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t really scale police use of violence to population size. It should be scaled to frequency of police encounters, or crime rate as a proxy. Police use-of-force only should scale to population if crime rates are equal–I have no idea if that’s the case or not in the UK, but it’s an important thing to point out.

If Martians, for example, account for 60% of the population, and Plutonians account for 40%, but Plutonians account for 80% of the crimerate while Martians only account for 20%, then yes, you’d expect that the split in Intergalactic Space Police use of force is going to be 20% against Martians and 80% against Plutonians, assuming the type of crimes are equally distributed. It may not be–for example, they’re going to be more prone to use violence against violent criminals–someone defrauding the Bank of Mercury is less likely to have violence used against them than someone beating up baby Venusians. That will cause some skewing toward the group that commits more “violent” crime, but either way, divergences from crime rate are more indicative of racial biases (or… anti-biases?) than divergences from the population ratio.


Yep. It’s worth mentioning that when that’s taken into account the police in the UK disproportionately kill white people, not minorities.

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I did say kill or injure. Our deaths in custody numbers are thankfully very low all around.

You’ll need to cite your stats on injuries.

You should really double check. The police knew and ignored it. It’s well known and was a scandal due to this.

lmao imagine getting triggered over moving pixels
at this point i think people are just deep hunting for stuff to get offended at, really makes me wonder if they would even manage to stay alive during the xbox live COD days

Maybe when I get home, but I have better things planned. Use of force is certainly higher. Deaths in custody include abandoning drug users to drown on their own vomit. But again, figures are low and percentages are a poor representation of those figures.

I will on this, but my understanding was that It was social services, they were responsible for those kids. The police just kept booking the kids for easy wins rather than investigate further. It was an institutional problem though for sure.

Unfortunately it isn’t teenagers, it’s adults who are honest victims of brainwashing from the media.


They aren’t going to. None of them said they were. The only people talking about this are the people saying that they will remove them.

Do you… Do you think police brutality and racism is solely in America?

Anyways i don’t like them and if they’re replaced with a different skin it’s Blizzard’s prerogative.

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I’m still trying to find where ANYONE asked for their removal. Ya’ll just love to pretend the “anti-gamer SJW liberal snowflakes” are out to ruin your games huh :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Like this one? Posted about a month ago and got 46 likes.

A month ago, liked by 46 people (an incredibly insignificant fraction of the playerbase) and nothing has happened. Yup the devs are definitely listening and pandering to them.

Just responding to your incredulity :man_shrugging: Never claimed that the devs were specifically pandering to that thread. Moreover, it’s a little bit of a stretch to assume that just because the Blizzard forums haven’t asked for it doesn’t mean there’s not a sentiment/zeitgeist in the overarching playerbase or within Blizzard itself. We are, as you say, only a fraction of the community.

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If it truly was a sentiment shared by a portion of the playerbase (big or small) there’d be more outcry or more significant support when someone does ask for it. If it was a sentiment shared by Blizzard they wouldn’t have added them in the first place, it’s not as if police brutality is something new to 2020 as a matter of fact in 2016 when the game came out the BLM movement was just as vocal as they are now. The skins aren’t going anywhere, people need to stop pretending theres some boogeyman taking “everything good” out of games.

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Outcry? Sure. Support? Not necessarily. People tend to be more vocal when they disagree with something, not when they agree. Moreover, we don’t necessarily know if the playerbase at large is reacting to this a certain way. We only know what’s going on in the forums, and in whatever other media you use. Short of A) knowing how many people are actually active on these platforms, and B) knowing how many people are actively participating in the game at large, I really don’t think you can make a strong claim one way or another about what the playerbase at large thinks based on what the populations on media are saying–especially if they’re only fractions of the playerbase, as you say.

Not necessarily true. Sentiments change. Also, while the game came out in 2016, it was being developed well before then, and public discourse has evolved significantly from whenever they started development to 2016 to now. BLM was much smaller scale in 2016–they might have been as vocal, but they held a smaller place on the national stage. Now, it’s one of the main driving factors behind national political discourse. The concept of “cancel culture” wasn’t really a big deal in 2016. In 2020, it is. Point being, simply because Blizzard took one action four years ago doesn’t mean they today hold the same viewpoints that motivated that action.

Perhaps they are, perhaps they aren’t. I don’t think either of us has the clairvoyance to make that declaration.

Moreover, I don’t think it’s “pretense” to think that there are forces out there attempting to dictate what is vs isn’t allowable in a video game. That’s kind of a silly notion, because there always have been: within the gaming community and outside it. Once upon a time, as you may or may not remember, the idea of a game with LGBTQ characters would’ve been laughable because the community and culture would’ve rejected it. Culture changed, the community changed, now it’s pretty commonplace, in some instances almost expected. It’s really not a huge stretch to think that the same will and is happening again with other shifts in cultural zeitgeist. Gaming isn’t immune to the overarching public discourse, and if public discourse is hunting down symbols even tangentially related to racist tropes (as it currently is)… then yeah, the same is going to happen in games. It’s not conjuring up a boogeyman. It’s just a recognition that the same thing that’s been happening for decades is happening yet again, as it will likely continue to do so, and people are upset about it because it doesn’t coincide with their views about what is right.

At least no one is talking about the main antagonist of the game being an african.