Please don’t nerf Widowmaker

That’s not now either of those heroes work though.

Tracer can’t actually go with high speed, she teleports. And you don’t shoot during that, because you will miss. Also her spread is pretty big.
Genji also can’t shoot during dashing, and he straight up has a big spread secondary fire to make it easier to aim. So the hardest thing he has is shooting while double jumping.
Hamster also can’t shoot at high speeds, whenever he “unballs” himself, he is instantly back at walking speed, so maybe he can shoot while falling down…

But do you know what Widow has? Hookshots.

And no, Moira is designed to be easy. Hitting fast moving targets is a basic expectation for any aim based hero.

dont bother with them they will forever think widow is the gods hero pick because they otp them


Wow people are so opinionated…

Widow is fine, she’s not a “God pick” Or a “Throw pick” She ranks up with a player’s own mechanical skill.

Deal with it.


Are you tired of Widow/Hanzo/Doom deciding the outcome of literally every single match for your entire life simply because you got gud and almost no other DPS is viable at your rank?

lel too bad just deal with it.


Widow and Hanzo actually barely have any impact in the game.
The game is actually ruled by shields and healing.

Of course you to - a very common trick is to blink, 180 and full clip into the back of their heads. Spread is high, so you have to do it from close range - close range targets move further on screen relative to long range. Plus, you have to do that at high speed. That’s harder than standing still on widow.

Genji is constantly jumping about AND using projectiles, so he’s moving MUCH more than widow AND pre-aiming the shot. He’s also at close range, so targets move more relatively. That’s harder than standing still on widow.

Ball can go mech mode while flying through the air. A VERY common thing to do is fly over, get the guns out, fire a bit, then stomp for the skill kill. I also regularly harass Pharah by throwing myself up in to the air and getting in to her face with some guns. Most of hammy’s fights are shorter range too, so targets move faster on screen. This, AGAIN, is harder than standing there on widow.

Sure, widow hooks shots are hard, but they’re for special situations, not general use. The guys i’m talking about have to do that stuff ALL THE TIME.

Yeah, moira is intentionally forgiving on aiming, she’s the bodyguard for the other healers. Dont stand near her, she has short range. (also, dont stand near her if you’re widow)

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I know, he plays so much widow he doesnt actually understand the rest of the game. Still, he’s fun to argue with :stuck_out_tongue:

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You mean apart from 1 shotting a healer, making it a 5v6 and pretty much winning a game with a single bullet? Right?


“Lul we’re talking about someone in third person so it’s funny”

Widow is fine.

Let’s not act like every single shot somehow connects.
Soldier can also technically oneshot.

Should that be taken out?

“I got hit with helix rockets and shot in the face, this hero is broken”

Is the same as:

“I got hit while both me and the Widow were moving, in the face, by a bullet, from a strange angle, and died”

Yeah, i know its funny :slight_smile:

Soldier cant 1 shot without a lot of assistance - i’d be cool if widow needed discord and damage boost + bongos to get a 1 shot.

If he hits multiple bullets and a helix, that’s not a 1 shot.


It can happen nearly instantly, the same as being “Oneshot”

Should it remain in the game?

Same as Zenyatta’s charged shot.

Should that remain?

Guess what you have to do with Widow.
Hit that Tracer in the head, in close range, while she is blinking around with no spread to make it forgiving.
Also it’s easier to adjust for your own movement, than your opponents, because you know what you will do.

Bodyguard? You have to defend dps heroes from her, because she is too easy to play and too hard to kill…

Dps heroes are much easier to kill than supports.

Killing 2 dps heroes and a support is worth less than a single tank spamming shields.
So yes, it’s nothing.

Its not a 1 shot and its not instant, plus it uses a cooldown and needs to be done at relative close range (for it to be as fast as you say) so he’ll be in danger, so yeah, its definitely ok.

Same with zen - you need to use an ability and charge up for X seconds, then hit the target with multiple projectiles (which are harder to hit than hitscan). The enemy will also already know they’ve been targetted, so they can hide. Much harder and more investment.

Happy with your answers?


Pffffft okay bud.

Now, definitively prove to me that playing Widowmaker makes YOU more likely to win.

I want evidence.

Preferably video.

So? Tracer has to fight other tracers at high speed, which is even harder. Her shots are closer range, so harder. She’s constantly in close range danger, so has to be aware, so harder. Genji and ball are both also harder.

Moira takes out flankers who need to be up close. They move super fast on screen and are highly unpredictable (as you say about tracer VS widow), so she NEEDS to be an active danger, able to hit them easily.

Zen is much easier to kill than Mei. Your arguement is stupid.

What? We’re not even talking about killing DPS. I said healers. Popping a healer pre-fight hugely valuable, therefore widow an hanzo have HUGE value. Get off the “omg DPS die” pity party you’re living in.


Pfffft, okay bud, i’ll just record a video where a widowmaker on my team was actually good.

There’s plenty of widow POTG montages out there - that video guide i posted is proof enough widow can be viciously effective. I dont need to post a video, the internet is covered in them.


“i got proven wrong so I will commence to make my self try and look good instead of admitting of being wrong”
Also one shotting a healer per teamfight (main healer)=auto win Unless you are gonna try and say spaming shield eratically will Kill everyone in the game and make you win a 5v6 with your main healer down like someone else said in this thread :man_shrugging:


“I’m sure what i mean happens all the time, i don’t have to prove whether or not it’s often possible, people do it online”

Yea, and people set world records.
Doesn’t mean that those things happen constantly.

I want proof that playing Widowmaker makes you more capable at securing kills.
Can’t prove that?
Sad isn’t it.

I get it lol xD some of the comments is hilarious honestly XD

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I dont need to post you a video about something that’s blatantly obvious.

Sky is blue. Widow does 1 shots.