So tired of this character ruining my games. Shes so unfun to play against its insane. Not only is her kit guaranteed value with the low mechanical skill, and her “gamesense” is basically just knowing not to rez directly infront of players. And even then she can get away with it sometimes, in ow1 I didn’t think this was as big of an issue since there were an extra set of eyes to deny value but it feels so boring to play against in ow2.
She makes half the dps roster difficult to play against especially if theyre playing well, even with focused effort with the team theres still a chance she can rez in the middle of a team fight, I’ve been camping bodies so she can’t which basically takes me out of the fight.
I am proposing either deleting Mercy or significant changes to her kit, both of which would make the Moth players very unhappy. Im sure I’ll also get angry moth players in the comments but I am ready them.
Thank you for reading this rant, until next time,
#1 Mercy Hater
i see this thread a lot and i doubt they will ever change mercy drastically. still they may nerf her GA AGAIN (sigh) but yea maybe a rehaul/rework is in order then
still if they ever do that expect these forums to be on fire for a long time. i kind of hope they dont. she is iconic and has always been the same mainly… except for mass rez and valk
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Dude I’m so sick of these delete x hero threads they are always so hyperbolic about everything and push everything to the extremes. This also goes for buff and nerf threads. Like for real I like how Mercy is exempt ga it should be reverted back to season 1 status this punishment for being skilled is dumber than any change they have ever done.
and somehow it’s the mercy players that are toxic.
i have seen some toxic mercy players but they are rare this tho is insanity
Please, DELETE this thread.
Is this “Pick on Mercy” Weekend or something?
Mercy needs a mini rework imo. I think rez should be an ultimate and like most other supports her healing and dmg boost shouldn’t have 100% uptime. That should be the basis of her rework.
I concur with this one; it probably won’t happen until like season 10 at the latest, as it’s literally taking an entire year just for the hog and Sombra reworks to go through, so I guess we’re stuck with this nonsense until then.
On someway is true. Im really tired of play against pharahmecy or pocket hitscans. And where all matchs are about focus the pocket duo or lost.
Probably if there was a streamer that talked about how OP Mercy is. People usually run to the forums after something like that and parrot everything the streamer said.
My money is on some streamer complained and these are just people who follow them.
Always is,
^Oh god, did Seagull or XQC open their mouths again? Still haven’t forgiven either of those clowns for being the originators and amplifiers of all the Mass Rez hate nonsense.
I’m thinking is this Twitter Doom player. Like a lot of the complaints link to clips of them just getting outplayed by a Mercy.
Or YNZA cause of his Pharah in OWL. It’s why the PharaMercy flames are high too.
the only players that have their games ruined by the existence of a given character are those with artificial/fabricated expectations of the game
Normal player expectations are - just as I can play any available character, so can all the other players
This in turn means that one can have a Mercy on one’s team or on the red team or both in any match
No other expectations are set by the game, so again, if one’s match is allegedly ruined by the existence of a given character, then said player has actually ruined the match for themselves by adopting an unrealistic and unreasonable set of fabricated/personal expectations
Putting too much value on the opinions of whiny manchild streamers and the bloated egos of e-sport players has done little more than hold this game hostage for the rest of us. So much for looking to them for good gameplay advice or promoting good sportsmanship or community when this is how they garner all the attention to get their way.
Ohhhh a sad genji main is ranting
PREAAAAAACH domicci preach
as a mercy main: simply uninstall the game. that easy.
She fits into OW1 but not OW2
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