If we go by forums

Then we’re running out of heroes really quickly:

… and finally,


Tbf mine isnt out of hate for doom, im saying delete him since they clearly dont care about lol. He’s been garbage for literal years and gets no help while his counters only get better. So hey, if they aren’t gonna help hkim, why bother having the hero in the game.


Hey lets turn this into “if you could delete a hero who would you choose.”

Probably the Cowboy, but Mercy ties with him.

Maybe then I can get a fair fight.

Delete video games. They’re bad for my mental health.
Delete fun. It distracts from profitable enterprises.
Delete humans. They’re never happy and they’re terrible drivers.
Delete carbon-based life. It produces too many gross fluids.
Delete matter. It makes up everything.
Delete time. Nobody uses it wisely anyway.
Delete God. He killed off my favorite animal, the Allosaurus.


I’m honored to be considered for low effort post


Come on, I dedicated entire 3 minutes making it! It takes some wits to type stuff into the search bar! (:


I never paid anything attention to these deletion threads. I may make some buff or nerf threads, but never asking altogether to delete anyone or anything.

Dont worry I have more s h itpost in the works, it should rage more or less the same amount of people

ive said it many times on forums before:

if somebody’s only exposure to OW was the forums…theyd think it was the worst game ever made


I like Allosauruses. X Drake from One Piece can turn into an Allosaurus.

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Isn’t reworking heroes and deleting them essentially the same?

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Who said that?

Like some heros could use reworks, but I don’t think anyone is asking for that right now because we have several who are overtuned then two reworls coming soon enough.

So lets just let Roadhog and Sombra cook for a bit longer before we bring attention to thsoe other potential reworks.

We need those two to be stronger as to increase the variety ingame.

I mean Orisa for example. She is totally a different hero compared to her OW1 version in my opinion.

They could have removed Orisa and made an entirely new horse/wildebeest like omnic hero with the same hitbox and a new personality.

The only difference between deleting and reworking would have been that instead of deleting Orisa we would have two tank heroes instead.

Lore, voice lines etc. aside which are no gameplay factors to be considered balancewise :thinking: .

If someone asks for a total rework (like in other threads when they talk about Mercy or Cassidy for example), then it would absolutely change the playstyle which kinda does equate to a deletion.

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They might be running out of good ideas that the game really needs.

They will still make more anyway as a selling point and to keep people interested in the game. Thats why games like paladins with huge hero bloat already keep releasing new ones.

Its for sales and to drive up interest, even if the gameplay doesnt need it.

most of the delete heroes thread are just people coming to rage after getting owned by that certain hero ingame. of course some heroes can be overtuned atm. some more than others and across all ranks maybe

i think i made these guys mad the yesterday. i usually stink with tracer but once in a blue moon i pop off and if my team helps me i can dominate a game. went 31-2 but it doesnt happen often. i think i made this team pretty pissed and probably made them think about tracer a bit

Nah, he was great in OW1 if the person playing him was good at Doom. If they were bad at Doom, then yeah, he was gonna look like trash. The problem is he’s a harder hero to master and very few ever really managed it. And he’s not a hero where it’s fine to just be okay with him. There’s no middle ground. It’s not like Ana or Ashe or Mei or Zarya where you can just be okay and get by. Doom players were either amazing or bad. No in between.

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Honestly as a sym main , please scrap her turrets

Doom was consistently one of the worst dps in the game…

I would know I one tricked him since his release and was GM multiple years. The hero wasn’t good and was one of the easiest characters to completely shut down.

You got one thing right tho, doom players are either complete nut cases on the character or completely awful, and that still holds up even with tank doom.

That last suggestion is honestly pretty strong though.

This is why the devs do not and should not read the forums. It just causes confusion.

The massive waves of rage at every patch are just nonsense knee-jerk reactions by vocal minorities who are afraid of change.

If they want community feedback, they should take it directly from the entire community. Poll it, and put those polls right in front of everyone’s face for like half a season.

What’s wrong, you don’t like the new hog rework? Too bad. The community voted on it 76 to 24. You’re the minority.