Let me refer you to this post:
part 5:
”However, she was the only hero (excluding Orisa who was not used in enough team fights) to post a higher team fight win % in fights where she didn’t use Valkyrie. Mercy won 49.30% of such fights compared to winning just 49.25% of those when Valkyrie was active. Even more odd, in fights where only one Mercy used Valkryie but both teams used the same number of ults, the Mercy team won just 38.46% of fights (Lucio, by comparison, won 53.19% of these types of fights). Even in fights where the Mercy team uses Valkyrie plus more ults than their opponents, they are still winning just 60% of such fights (3rd worst of any hero last week) whereas Lucio was at 72.73%.”
It was literally a single week of gameplay cherry picked so that it fits their narrative
You can find dubious data when evaluating one week of play for any hero
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It’s just my opinion and I could be wrong but I feel like that ults should be exchanged and counterable by one another. Again I could be wrong
It’s not relevant
Sample size is too low
Here’s the actual data, with a bigger sample size, that is actually relevant
Ult efficiency (difference between fight winrate when ulting compared to fight winrate when not using ult) :
Mercy: +6.39%
Zenyatta: 5.74%
It’s on page 2 of stats. Ult Eff field.
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Not by the person who also tends to be the best main healer in the game
If you want to counter ults, you run Lucio or Zen as an off-support.
Generally, main healer shouldn’t be able to do both. Provide majority of the healing while also having a defensive ultimate. It’s the case with Moira and Ana as well.
Mercy is more likely to be nerfed before every getting buffed again
Moira has better heals IMO, and her ult is pretty good against ults like dragon blade and tact visor, so it does have decent defensive potential
There are times when I think;
“Just nerf her into the ground and rework her from scratch, might be the only option Blizz has with her.”
Since, her picks and wins are still high even after all the nerfs…and people still crying out she’s too OP based on OWL
She’s vulnerable while doing it. Both ults can kill her. It doesn’t provide her immunity and it’s basically single target heal that’s also aiming intensive
It’s anything but a reliable counter to anything
That’s not the case with sound barrier and transcedence, both of which provide protection to their user and to their team
And I disagree about Moira having better heals
thought that might be the case
Yes she’s still vulnerable but it still has the potential to counter other ults aiming required or not, that’s another thing that bothers me about Valkyrie. It’s skill requirement is very low but I guess that’s the trade for an ult without much potency??
Not bad idea…imagine both Mercy Moira simultaneously ulting, DPS salt.
And I guess it depends on the comp. if tanks like dva and Winston or pharah are being run, I prefer mercy so I can keep up, but if there’s tanks like rein or orisa i prefer Moira, she can can burst heal more
I think they should nerf her healing output (when not in Valkyrie) and increase damage amp in Valkyrie by a similar percentage. And to make up for the time it would take to charge Valkyrie, they should also increase the amount of ult charge is generated from basic boosted damage. It would make deciding between healing and damaging amping more impactful in and out of ult form.
Anything that makes the user vulnerable isn’t countering ults. Both of the ults you mentioned will go for squishies first. Meaning, Moira will be targeted by those even if she’s ulting. She won’t get to save anyone. That ult is best used to pocket a tank who’s about to die. The hitbox is big enough so that the entire beam hits and it will keep the tank alive better than any other heal in the game.
And as for Valkyrie, it’s not a weak ult. People keep repeating that nonstop, but it simply isn’t true. Yes, it can’t counter ults, but it will increase TTK on some ults and it will give an edge on some other ults. For example, Genji that’s getting boosted by Mercy will kill with 1 slash + dash, which he can’t do without the boost. Same thing goes for healing a target that Genji went at. It increases it from 2 swings to 2 swings + dash or 3 swings on a 200 HP hero. But unlike Coalescence, the beam is already applied and it has no interruptions. And she’s basically unkillable while Valking unless someone uses an ult to depose of her but even then, if she properly plays it, she can dodge it almost all the time. Having the main healer unkillable for 15 seconds isn’t really negligible or weak.
And as for skill requirement, I mean, you could argue that about the whole hero.
And I guess it depends on the comp. if tanks like dva and Winston or pharah are being run, I prefer mercy so I can keep up, but if there’s tanks like rein or orisa i prefer Moira, she can can burst heal more
The difference is that Mercy can work with both comps while still having unconditional heal and easy healing of squishies, unlike Moira, who has a resource based heal + she can’t do anything for targets that are vertical or far away. In a way, Moira is a niche pick whereas Mercy can be run with pretty much any comp with no significant downside.
Can you imagine how people would react to mercy’s heals getting nerfed, she would just die lol. And her healing isn’t a problem, 60 hps is pretty decent but not op at all
Please enlighten me and show me your statistics which prove this statement.
Trying to claim that Valk makes you more likely to LOSE teamfights is hilarious, I can’t tell if you’re trolling or serious.
EDIT: nevermind, I just saw TwixSnickers completely tear apart your argument by using actual statistics and not cherry-picked ones. GG Twix, thanks for putting this notion that “Valk makes you lose” to rest!
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I think this particular buff lowers the skill required to play Mercy and would make her less engaging to play than she already is.
That said, she also doesn’t need a buff. She’s one of the strongest healers in the game statistically speaking despite all her nerfs. (She also doesn’t need any nerfs).
If you were going to try and make her more engaging by buffing an aspect of her kit, you’d have to nerf her in a different area to keep her balanced. It would have to be a power trade not a straight buff. So, you’d have to identify what you are willing to give up in exchange.
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I agree that her healing isn’t a problem, but nerfing it’s the only thing i can see giving other support heroes more play time. If we start seeing less Mercy we will naturally see less Zenyatta and the support role will become more fluid again, making the overall game more fluid as a result.
I don’t want to see a flat Mercy nerf, that’s why i suggested the buffs, too. Maybe they could add something else skillful, like boosting damage to temporarily increase heal rate, and heals increasing damage boost. Or something. The edge of Mercy’s kit is definitely the Rez and Valkyrie, there really isn’t a great reason for her to have so much more healing than everyone else
It’s REALLY painful to play main tank right now.
When I play rein, it feels like I’m more of a volleyball than a tank. Earthshatters are certainly impactful… but that barely matters when a junkrat sends you flying 20 feet into the air.
Winston just melts completely if your D.Va doesn’t matrix you.
Besides clutch halts, Orisa doesn’t really do a ton. You’re almost completely at the mercy of your team.