It’ll become even more boring to use. Probably will be considered even more OP and we will see even more nerfs to her so I’ll pass. I think I’ve dealt with enough nerfs to my main. This rework hasn’t left me satisfied just like the initial rework had promised so maybe it’s time for another one.
trans and beat drop are clutch ultimates. valk is either preemptive or an engaging ult
It’s total potential is strong but for an ult 60 hps is not powerful. It is best used for initiating a push but I feel like it should be able to be used defensively and offensively. Valks power is also due to it lasting 15 sec. if making it more potent means making it shorter, I’m all for it
I’d love to see some changes to Mercy’s ultimate, but it’s actually fine. It just needs some tweaking, to be actually “Heroes never die!!” Instead of “Heroes never d-- aaagghhh!”
This has been suggested many times by many people.
I think it’s a great idea.
Coelasance can be pretty clutch in some situations, I’ve saved a few games with it before
yeah but even if they did that it’d still be the hold mouse button without needing to prioritize teammates since the output is the same for everyone. which is my biggest problem since the rework.
i know i just didn’t mention it. but my point was that it’s hard to compare them because valk isn’t a clutch ult
Same I’m tired of that I’m not suggesting a crazy rework just some quality of like changes to make it more fun and engaging
mercy ult lasts much longer and results in having more of an impacts, and the stats dont lie.
As a Mercy main who plays her every day in GM/top500, she should not really be buffed in the slightest. She’s already incredibly strong and has the highest pickrate of all healers in OWL and is one of the top play heroes overall at every rank, we don’t want to go back to Mercy meta.
Also, making her beams combine does two things:
- Lowers her skill ceiling. Just press a button and your team receives damage boost AND heals. A good mercy knows how to manage her beam-swapping.
- Makes Valk less engaging/interesting.
I’d rather they just buff the healing and damage boost of her main beam significantly. This makes her more engaging and skillful and brings back beam-prioritization. It would make her feel more impactful without being oppressive.
Personally I don’t think Mercy needs buffs, or nerfs. She’s in a good spot power-wise.
What I’d like to see is Blizzard moving her power sideways. Making Valkyrie more impactful as an ultimate by increasing it’s power and decreasing it’s duration.
they can do that after they make nano boost apply to all 5 team mates because that’s this buff would be a slightly less crazy version of that
hellllllllll noooooo
Correction: her Resurrect is balanced. Teams in the OWL won more fights when Mercy did not use Valkyrie vs when she did.
This proves that Valkyrie itself is slightly underpowered. The only reason it was strong before was because it was very Resurrect orientated.
The chain heals aren’t often needed because it takes ~1 second to heal up your DPS, because your main tank is usually the one taking heavy damage.
The most use I have for Valk is usually for healing an ulting Genji or a Rein that charged in too far, because of the extended beam range.
I find myself usually only healing our main tank through most of Valkyrie and not being able to use the chain damage boost much.
The data that you’re pointing out is simply not true - about fights won w and wo valk
And she is absolutely balanced right now, possibly even a tad bit too strong, even now
This. Just amp up the healing output to the primary target to 80 and decrease it on the chained target to 55. It’d still have an overall team healing of 300hps, but it not encourages priority healing. Plus if you combo it with Ana’s nade primary target receives 120HPS which can counter certain ults like Genji’s Dragon blade on a single target.
And as for OP’s suggestion, it would be too strong, combined beam
In total maybe but I feel like that’s part of the problem. The ult lasts a very long time and that results in large amounts of healing overall, but during the fight it doesn’t do much against other ults and even just being focused by more than one person
Did they bring out more stats for that or is that based from that 1 stage a few months ago?
It’s not meant to do things against other ults
She isn’t meant to counter ults
I really like this idea too! I’m just throwing ideas at the walls and seeing what sticks lol