Please Check out Hanzo's new damage output

Scatter could never 1 shot zarya. What are you talking?

Strom Arrow is nearly 1000 damage on a 6 second cooldown. Because it’s not hard to just press E and look in the direction of a tank. Because Hanzo has the following advantages.

  • Favor the shooter system
  • He shoots arrows the size of logs.
  • All tanks have huge headshot boxes.

Unlike other abilities, there is no way to play against him other than shields. Check out the pick rate of all tanks without permanent shilds like Zarya or Reinhardt. Hanzo currently determines the meta and only allows 5 other heroes. Reinhardt, Zarya, Hanzo, Mercy and Zen. The last place can be occupied by another DPS or Brigitte.

What a F.U.N meta

Cant even get cooldown right. Uses meme argument about log sized arrows, which arent true anymore since late 2016. Yeah seems about right.

Tracer had.

And apparently we have a little kid here who doesn’t know how to behave. Or your parents did not educate you.

But thank you for pointing out my mistake with the cooldown. And the size is still correct, because so far Hanzos arrows were not adapted. So before you try to lecture anyone, you should check your own facts.

You’re 100% right, please excuse my inaccuracy. Nevertheless, at its peak it was still worse than hanzo’s. While it took Tracer months, Hanzo did it in less than two weeks.

Should’ve been on a 10s CD from the start. Did they not test it out and see how much better it is than Scatter? He’s stronger than pre nerf Junkrat.

Lyrics are for a song right? This is just a post arguing for a certain side.

I think exaggeration is the word you are looking for.

Every overwatch players became a game designer when they lost game and raged .:rofl:

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That’s exactly what I mean, thank you. I couldn’t think of the word, English is not my native language.

Well, let’s check out the developers. Kaplan originally comes from the WoW team, legends say it he was not welcome there. And Goodman left HotS after they hit the wall with all the balancing. Who is to blame? I dont know.

Did you do your homework? :thinking:

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Deincentivizing headshots on a marksman character seems backwards and silly.

Orisa can pull him out of position with halt, and fortify to nullify half his damage. Roadhog can hook him to interrupt the ability and chug in order to regain health while he’s taking damage.
Zarya can absorb every arrow and become insanely powerful in short amount of time.
Winston can pop a bubble and sit behind it.
Rein and Orisa can hide behind his shield.

There is literally no tank character who can’t defend themselves against Storm Arrow. Non-shield tanks aren’t be picked because of Hanzo. They aren’t being picked because the meta doesn’t favor them at the moment.

Its not only silly, it makes the ability pointless. During the same time frame, Hanzo can double headshot for 500 dmg on his primary and have less damage reduction through armor due to shooting less projectiles and having higher burst.

Squishies become a 3 shot and Tracer a potential 5 shot, if they also go through wih 70 dmg per arrow, while at the same time they all just die to a regular headshot of his primary.

There are nerfs on pre for him. Haven’t tested how it feels just yet, but I’ll wait and see.

1.) There is server evidence showing Hanzo as overpowered.

2.) The “oh no I’m a tank he shouldn’t be able to kill me” bull is the same whiney baby tears that you and other shed when Scatter Arrow was around. Just like then, zero supporting evidence.

says hanzo could never oneshot zarya. lol
old hanzo could oneshot orisa and zarya and 2 shot every other tank with scatter.

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So what?

That is a logical fallacy.

“Can” is far different than “Does”. “Does” and the statistical evidence that supports “Does” is what determines balance. “Can” does not determine balance.

The actual evidence, aka server metrics, was showing Scatter Arrow only netting one kill out of six to ten attempts. Therefore given the miniscule probability that a team is going to be made up of more than 2-3 tanks, what he was actually “doing” is one-shotting A SINGLE tank in maybe one in every few matches where a hanzo was present.
That is a very horrible performance and would actually be a clearly showcase for needing buffs, not nerfs.

A good widow can still out perform a good Hanzo in all cases.


When I lost a game, I blame myself not skilled enough , not whine like a kid though . :upside_down_face:

Nice. So D.Va or Mercy never needed a nerf and the game was perfectly balanced from the beginning. Just klick heads, you know?

Nevertheless, several have complained in the forum that certain heroes were op, although they are not. All those people crying that certain heroes are op even though they’re not meta?

But what could anyone expect from a person like you. Check out the statistics for games about dia+ and tell me that everything is balanced there. That it is wanted that only 5 heroes are ever played.

LOL why mad ? Yeah honestly I am fine with anything even back then mercy able to revive the whole team with ultimate . I just adapt to the game instead of saying this and that OP &(&^*(&) OMGFF nerf this nerf that :upside_down_face:
Easy man ~ why so sensitive eh ? no one saying you are wrong or something ? lol