Please Check out Hanzo's new damage output

Oh what’s that? Potential 960 dmg? Did you know that Widowmaker can potentially deal 3000 damage with one clip??? NERF REEEEEEE

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Why not A tier I feel like A tier should be the balanced tier, why C tier that’s so close to throw pick, why would you put him there, not even B tier. Honestly B and A tier is balance imo F D and C tier are in need of buffs and S tier and however many S’s you want to apply need nerfs

Those who play Spamzo are typically not good at widow, or a Widow taking a break to relax for an easier hero :slight_smile:

Exactly, why are you running into a Hanzo at close range as a tank?

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Sniper - close range - sniper should be weak. Thats how it works.

This is an r/iamverysmart moment if I ever saw one.