That’s the point I’m trying to make, albeit clumsily.
oh, sorry I misread. I thought you’re asking how would the Mercy’s situation look like if her rez was nerfed not what potentially the nerf could be.
Uhm, I believe Mercy’s could be balanced if:
- Mercy REZes an ally with % hp (just prevent it from charging ultimate for ALL HEALERS not only Mercy’s valk). Cooldown slightly increased.
- Rez now requires charge like an ultimate does. Can be charged only by healing. (boosting, damaging from pistol don’t charge rez). Rez cast-time reduced to 0.75 sec. and what’s above.
I think Widowmaker is bland but I don’t call for a rework or a revert because I acknowledge that those kinds of things are subjective. I just don’t play Widow as much as other heroes.
Yeah instant single target Res on her Q would be stronger than her current E Res… but at that point it would be in its rightful place as her ultimate and whatever ability gets put in the E slot wouldn’t be nearly as powerful as either E Resurrect OR current Valkyrie so it would still end up as a net nerf to Mercy without making her even more boring to play as.
So why reduce the cast time of it’s supposed to be a nerf?
I said balanced, not nerfed.
Besides, it is also a nerf. You cannot early rez. The number of Rezzes are lessened, since you don’t get it freely every 30 secs (even when you are dead). Additionally, Mercy’s rez would depend on player’s performance.
It would be fun, and make the character feel better. Although something with a very brief cast like 0.5sec might be best for balance.
But it wouldn’t be a “nerf on par with 50hps”.
Just makes one scratch their head when someone says “Nerf Rez instead”, and then purposes something that isn’t a nerf.
That would be pretty terrible as an ult. Especially if the range of 5m would be kept.
Compare it to nano, which is pretty much like a single target res in itself.
- 50% damage resistance
- 50% damage increase
- 300 instant HP, 450 if naded
- 40 meter range
Compared to what Mercy’s ult would look like
- 150-600 instant HP
- 5 meter range
This is why Mercy is so bad at the moment. Not only her healing is thrash, but her rez lost its importance, since NANO is basically Rez.
Nano was always good in some situations but the change made it so versatile and borderline OP.
Like someone said only open profiles and also only those who actually visite the side so i heard? Dunno about the second thing but private profiles made overbuff a really bad source.
She feels pretty much in the same state as before her rework. Just much less fun and boring.
Does pulse bomb have a cast time? Instant melee range Resurrect would be about the defensive equivalent of Pulse Bomb and every single defensive ultimate that has a similar offensive ult has significantly better numbers or usability.
Trans: AoE Healing, 300 lasts 8s, Zen’s invulnerable and faster ; Death Blossom 170 AoE DPS lasts 3s Reaper is slower.
Sound Barrier: Burst of shields 750 temporary HP .8s cast, degrades over 6s ; Rip Tire 600 damage burst, also has a cast time, makes your hero helpless while driving it, can be countered by 100 damage.
Also in some ways making instant single target Resurrect her ult could still be a nerf. Why? Because currently Resurrect comes back after 30s like clock work. If you are getting countered and getting pressured by the other team they could easily make it so there’s no way you get 1 Resurrect every 30s.
even if it does… read the rest of the post
I think the Rez every 30 seconds thing is overblown considering the average is 6, with a high of 8.
And even world class Mercy players aren’t getting much more than 6-8.
Also you know and I know faster/instant rez would make Rezzes that are more valuable than “only if it’s safe” Rezzes.
No. stop talking about it. no one wants to see another mercy thread. ever again. If she’s useless, then stop playing her and being a useless teammate.
True, but that also might make Mercy hold onto her Resurrect longer waiting for that “perfect” resurrect… further lowering her average resurrects per game.
That would have to be some pretty high Ult charge needed to make it so that a near zero risk move gets used less than 6 times per game.
And whatever is high for Silver would need to be much higher to balance for GM.
Actually I take that part back, the difference in Mercy healing between Silver and GM isn’t that significant.
Oh so the rest can just “f*ck off” nice to know thanks.
Just because high rankers are the minority doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be able to play a balanced hero.