Artificially compensating like you’re suggesting just creates the inverse problem: With similar latency, the ability goes through even if opponents visibly interrupted it.
I’m suggesting making it so that stuns don’t have any effect on whether the ultimate disappears at the 0.3 second mark, instead of the current 0.5 second mark.
The animation and attacks without stuns/death would be unaffected.
Tracer’s Ultimate is fine, the cast time is so short if you lose it during that time it’s your fault.
BUT MEI… they need to speed up her cast time, it’s already super slow and gets stopped by almost every stun inlcuding Hack in some cases, and it also doesn’t start right away even if you do fully cast it. I think speeding the cast time up would be really helpful for her.
You know if I throw my ult projectile it isent part of me anymore Blizzard, it should be it’s own entity. Don’t delete Snowball just because Mei got stunned while he was already out there.
Yeah but thats just bringing logic into the game. Regardless Tracer has probably the fastest charging ultimate in the game with the fastest projectile cast time, if you somehow lose it during that short time then… well… you lost it.
Mei’s is just overall too slow, the cast time and ultimate both seem super slow before they actually start taking effect, overall giving the enemies way too much time to react. Sure losing Tracer’s ultimate makes no sense but losing Mei’s just feels cheap.