She feels so useless. Long cooldown and a long cast time and a slow on her rez, I’d rather just get a less powerful ability that doesn’t require all that to balance. None of those things are fun to play around.
Since her healing nerf, I cannot win as her. Even in compositions that should favor her, like with a Pharah or other carry DPS I can pocket, I am having more luck switching to Moira or Ana.
I want all the healers to be viable. Moira and Ana feel much more so now. I’m not proposing a buff to Mercy that takes her back above their level. I’m proposing a change that would make her more engaging to play while also not feeling useless, like with her current heal rate.
Look at her win rate across modes. Look at her On Fire time compared to other heroes.
Looking on Overbuff at, you can look at Support, This Week, Competitive, All ranks, and sort by Win Rate. Mercy has the lowest win rate of any healer. It’s below 49%.
I, personally, do not really find the “numbers” to be entirely valid. In my humble opinion, changing characters based solely on pick-win rates is a terrible idea. Especially when you have people’s argumentation that solely consists of the numbers and nothing else relevant to the game. There is no problem using it to gauge something; however, at this point, it is pretty clear that Mercy’s only feasible utility is rez as she now has to heal during the time you would typically use damage boost. You have to question if rez is worth what other healers bring to the table as damage boost is literally just there to compensate for the fact that Mercy does not damage herself. In fact, rez is there to compensate for the fact that Mercy more or less leaves your team in a 5v6, technically.
If you see it from that perspective, her heals are not high enough relative to the other healers to justify running her which is why so many less people are using her. She is technically balanced relative to them; however, I believe healers are weak in general. I would have preferred bringing the other healers up so that I am not annoyed when they are on the team, to be completely real with you. At this point, I am only really satisfied if a Moira or good Mercy is on the team.
The whole game plays different with dead weight on your team. The need to carry is so much more observable and it is really frustrating me.
way to cherry pick your stats. Diamond and above is a MUCH better indication of how a hero is doing. Especially with how low Mercy’s skill floor/ceiling is.
I think the Moira aspect is kinda unique to Console.
But even still Mercy pickrate is still pretty good on Console at Plat.
But that’s also the crux of it.
Buffing other healers would have just cemented the instakill meta we were in. (Nothing dies unless it’s an instakill).
I can understand that after having Mercy be so dominant for so long that it feels bad that she’s not the best healer for all situations. But I also don’t think that was healthy for the game.
That is a good point. I do not really care about that personally because I play snipers and Reaper… So, like, people die when I am around. It is definitely a bias I never really considered. Thank you for enlightening me.
I feel as though she should objectively be the best as the only pure healer. I am not sure if it was unhealthy per se. To an extent, obviously. But there is a difference between having a headache and a migraine and brain cancer. I feel she was more of a headache and not truly a detriment to the health of the game.
I just feel as though nerfing rez would have had the same result, if not be a bit more harsh on the stats, and yet, the people who still play her would be able to keep team’s up with relative ease. That just sounds preferable to me no matter what angle I approach it.
Because I think the discussion is around how good a hero is. You should look at how the hero preforms when it’s kit is used closer to it’s actual potential. Mercy’s kit, for example, doesn’t have a lot of potential. In higher tiers she just doesn’t do enough.
And as the game progress’s and players get better, everything will trend towards what is currently strong in higher tiers barring meta changes.
I shouldn’t have to explain this, honestly it’s not that complicated. Why would anyone want their favorite hero’s to suck more the higher you climb? Do you plan on being in plat or below for the entirety of the time you play Overwatch?
I don’t think anyone here asked for her to be the best healer. The OP was talking about how she feels useless, which she is more so than any other support once you start going against teams that know how to focus fire.
Actually, that is why I can get away with playing Reaper. I am stuck in platinum regardless because of the internal MMR system. It is funny because in order to climb, you actually have to more or less throw to emulate your bad teammates. Just make key plays to still win games and you get carried. It is ridiculous and you do not really believe it until you test it. To that end, I could care less if Reaper never gets buffed, he works miraculously on platinum players. I get more angry playing him in QP where my MMR is in the mid-high masters/lowGm range.