Please abolish rolequeue, everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above

Personally, I’m a Plat player who generally prefers QP to Comp, and I love RoleQ. Best non-hero/map/cosmetic addition to the game to date. I don’t know of any evidence to suggest that “everyone” hates it, or even a majority or large plurality. The devs also indicated that feedback has been pretty positive, so I don’t think it’s going anywhere fast.

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My bad I was trying to respond to the OP hit the wrong button

But all the “2-2-2 is gonna make the game great again” threads told me rolequeue is gonna save the game, how could they have lied to me? I also remember “I’m okay with long queue times if it means I get a normal game” threads.

I don’t care about comp, it can keep role queue, but absolutely no one asked for it in QP. Still, we know how OW team loves reverting their decissions.

No, not trying hard, just trying. I won’t ask Widow to switch (unless she can’t kill anything through 2 shields), but if you do decide to commit to a healer/tank, I will expect you to heal/tank rather than dive 1v6 and feed.

Nope role queues are great . Don’t have to deal with all dps group crying we need a healer . Matches are much more competitive with balanced teams going head to head .

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If you want to quick play the old way .nobody is stopping you it is present in arcade mode .

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Role Queue is kind of the only thing keeping full Tank/full DPS comps in check. So… No.

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It’s competitive in literally the same way rock paper scissors is competitive. Which is to say, Overwatch and RPS are absolutely abysmal competitive games that only brain defects or diehard fanboys would enjoy.

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qp classic is not equivalent to pre-222 qp in multiple respects


Uh oh, you’ve stirred the beast with this one. (I largely agree tho, the amount of skill required to be good at a more traditional fighting game is much greater than smash requires to be decent)

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And guess what there also were a HUGE LOT of people coming back to the game after quitting because this Competetive Game was lacking the… competetive aspect of it.
As for OP… Speak for yourself and the minority that hates RoleQ. It’s not going anywhere

It is a casual game if Devs stated Comp was meant to be casual, able to come home after school or work, relax and play a couple rounds, not go in and play like your future depends on it, i used to be like that till i say bad and realized it is just a dumb videogame who cares if my SR goes up or down or if i win or lose

You mean only the dps hates it.

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I love the people in these threads. The hyperbole is insane on both sides whether this game is declining or not when we really have zero information, because Blizzard hides all stats from us.

Really? Is that why the queues are way longer? even in support?
is that why the actual number of players has NOT increased at all?
Do you have ANYTHING to back that? … yeah I thought so.

Again, stop throwing “minority” here, you dont have anything to back that up.
Also you are not a developer to make a claim that “its not going anywhere” so keep that out, because you have absolutely no idea of what will happen in the future or not.

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Losers with loser mindsets never win in a game or in real life.

Role queue is flipping awesome hue

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I know the system of role queue isn’t perfect and the lack of possibility to switch between roles during the match and crease something else except 2-2-2 it’s obvious disadvantage (also long queue time for DPS players). But let’s see the obvious good sides:

  • Most people often refuse to switch not just a role, but the HERO which they play. Nothing change for those people after forcing 2-2-2- actually. Like they played one-two hero of one role before in past and still play only them in current version of the game;
  • In this regard, you ALWAYS have tank, support and damage heroes in your team. You literally ALWAYS have a possibility of the normal game, not boring as hell 5 vs 5 DPS matctes. The ACTUAL games. Yes, sometimes it not happening but it is still better picture than what we had before;
  • It was inevitably sooner or later. Because there are more and more heroes, and in order to avoid further problems with absolutely wild metas (in comparison with which GOATS will seem like heavenly bliss). Just imagine to play vs Orisa-Sigma-Reinhardt-Bastion-Symmetra-Moira stck in competitive. No one want’s that.

I enjoy tanking

As a person who loves playing support, role queue was the only thing that made me decide to keep playing the game. No more 5dps 1 support teams that flame you for their own dumb mistakes.