Please abolish rolequeue, everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above

How bout no, k thanks

It’s literally the same.

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Let’s see… we started 2/2/2 with the aftermath of the desperate attempts to outbuff Goats, which left most Supports and Tanks in shambles and a bunch of DPS overtuned as hell, They are trying to bring back dive which gives Support even less of a reason to play… none of which is RoleQs fault.

You have proof that the player numbers have Decreased? (specifically because of RoleQ and not just because of new games coming out, the meta being stale, other blizzard related drama?)

Got any of that? No? No surprise.

You are correct… I can’t tell everything that the future holds but given the fact that there are rumours about an OW2 being announced soon and the Track record that the devs don’t go back on a big change like this (which also apparently took them ages to code) it is very safe to say that it is here to stay.
And as for the Minortiy… even here on the forums, which is a minority of the playerbase already, RoleQ has had far better quotes than old Overwatch… then you can also take a look at social media, like Youtube… yes Youtubers are generally sellouts but in case you haven’t noticed… they tend to go along with what their viewerbase likes to get a lot of views and I have not seen a single popular Overwatch channel saying that the system is bad for the game… on the contrary… they agree that it was a good step for the game to take (and saying that if the majority of the playerbase hated it would cost them a lot)
Your Arguments?

Nope, it takes you AN ENTIRE CLICK LONGER to queue up. (That and the people who thought they took QP somewhat seriously now have to live through what people who actually took the game seriously felt like all the time)
I swear… these people are delusional to think pre-RoleQ Overwatch was actually better.

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What in the … what? :man_facepalming:
Dude GOATS was already dead, killed by Triple DPS and Bunker, try to keep up buddy. Also the queue times are DIRECTLY related to the player number in each role.

Yep. Blizzard releases every year the number of players, specially if there is an increase and guess what happened after forced 222 … nothing.
So yeah, you are the one claiming majority or “more people coming back”, the burden of proof is on you mate, otherwise your words hold ZERO value.

Nuh uh uh. No “buts” here.
That part is the one you are just making up. Like the devs saying FFA will never happen and guess what buddy, log into arcade and see if there is any.

Absolutely false. On the other hand, anyone can make a search about 222 or “Role Queue” and see there are MULTIPLE threads about people hating it and people regretting their initial support. And thats not even counting the amount of people that left the game and of course, will not post in the forums :rofl:

Threads about non initial supporters claiming how good it is ? nah. Almost zero, null.

Reality backs me up. Again, burden of proof is on you to claim majority bla bla.
If you have nothing, then we are done here. You just got busted/debunked and we move on.

Come back when you have something of substance to prove any of your claims of “majority” and “people coming back”.


“Everyone hates it” you got a signature sheet buddy

Source please. Like, link that stat. “Nothing.” isn’t an answer, it’s not a source. “Blizzard didn’t say there was an increase in players, therefore there wasn’t.” -that’s not enough information friend, and tbh your jump there is a little ridiculous.

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From what I’ve seen, half love it while the other half hate it.
That is not everyone, and whats wrong with tryhards?

Remove it in which regard?

Competitive? Probably should stay, as it more accurately reflects how the game is ideally played (communication, team work, and best in balance sense)

Quick play? Wouldn’t be against it, especially seeing how some games have their quick play different from their competitive modes (TF2 has 12 v 12 for casual, but 6v6 for competitive. CS:GO as 10 players responding for its casual, but 5v5 single life for comp).

Also, nothing inherently wrong with try hard unless if the person takes it too far (screaming/aggressive/etc.)


I’ll keep harping on this one point – people act like those who are not in favor of 2-2-2 are obviously in the minority and are ridiculous.

Yet, nobody can provide ANY statistics to back that up. We don’t have any gathered stats on “yay or nay” or how many more or less people are playing.

It’s anecdotal on both sides, you aren’t any better for making these claims.

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Especially when they want a fair balanced team comp. I mean what are they trying to do, win?

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Positive threads in the forum are a rarity. People come here to complain.

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Imagine trying and wanting to WIN in a RANKED gamemode

Also, imagine wanting the 1 thing that makes quick play playable, gone

the only answer: a return to no limits

“Everyone hates it”.

Says that while ignoring that people everywhere have been asking for it for over a year at this point and you are longer queue times and the rule of supply and demand hold back your experience.

And god no. If they revert role queue, I’m leaving this game. No way in hell am I going back to (a) not being able to play the role I want to because of stubborn one-tricks or people in general who don’t switch and (b) when I do want to play a different role, I get stuck with 4 DPS.

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Ah yes, you speak for everyone™

I like role queue. Thanks to role queue I can play as DPS.


‘Tryhards’ - The insult from the Participation Trophy Generation


they should remove it from QP so non-tryhards have a place to play the game happily.

Comp is supposed to be a competitve experience, no matter what rank you’re in. And a competitive experience doesn’t start with fighting with your team of what comp to play and cursing your 4 dps mains because you don’t have a comp. Role queue makes the in-game experience 100x better than it used to be even while considering some of the draw backs (such as counter picking across roles). 90% of my games before role queue started with tilted players being pressured into playing heroes they did not want to play, then proceeding to feed on those heroes “for the team comp”.

Its much less competitive now that we’ve lost creativity, flex potential, dps carry potential, rank balance, and the ability to play consecutively without cooling off. I think if anything the new system makes people ‘tryhard’ much less. You have to literally bribe people to queue - in a video game. And most people have a ‘burner’ role for the sake of lootboxes and/or making ‘selfish dps’ suffer.

Yeah, its way less tryhard and competitive now, by any measure. Toxicity is up and threads like this won’t stop until we get a revert or a ranked QPC option.


My quick play games are more legit than my competitive games.

I vs plat through GM in QP and most people seem to do a bit of try harding there but not with their hero picks so the game feels fresh, its great cuz the queue times are fairly quick even for dps.

I even occasionally get compliments on my soldier play in QP unlike comp where I’d be told I’m a retard who needs to play a hero that makes sense :smiley: