Players Who Want 6v6

Are tank players that want Tankwatch back. I remember OW1 with the tanks dominating almost every match

If you want 6v6 then remove most of the damage tanks have and then you can have 6v6


There are supporters for it among nearly any role.

Tanks are the easiest role for DPS to abuse, so for many of them having tanks to shoot when they can’t hit things is in their favor.
Supports among the casual crowd do enjoy seeing HP bar go up and the only thing between them and death being a shield, bubble, defense matrix, body blocker, extra hp, etc.

Among many tank players most of them imo are offtank players. The people who never really understood how to play tank behind the mindset of just do damage.

I think 5v5 is a bit more skillful for everyone involved.


…I just want to be able to relax, and not eat everything the entire enemy team pumps out whilst being blamed for everything that goes wrong.

I am fine with weaker tanks, believe it or not 6v6 tanks were beatable in 1v1 duels by the other roles. It was literally all about kiting, could you maintain good positioning against them? If yes, you won the duel.

I want to have matches that aren’t counter swaps the game. I want to have matches where I’m not working 2 full time jobs as a solo player. I want to have matches that are fun.


Which is mostly just AntiNade, Hack, Arrow+StormArrow, Sentry mode, and Snipers in general.

And literally everything else the enemy team has. 5 people focus firing me constantly. Discord as well.

In 6v6 the most I had to worry about consistently was 3. Not 5.


Tbh, I just figure they could do a lot by lowering the frustration, and making Tanks less dependent on very specific and attentive Support pockets.

I.e. Kiriko pocket, or Lucio pocket

…How. Also you’d need to stop so many things. Counter swapping would need to go (which requires reworks for like 60% of the heroes in the game, because there is no numbers changes that would fix this), you’d need to fill so many gaps with other roles that just aren’t filled. It’s just… Miserable.


Solving Kiriko pocket = AntiNade 50% nerfs or passive counters

Solving Lucio Pocket =

Forcing your entire player base to deal with changes they didn’t ask for(RQ, 5v5) will never be the way to go.

Tank damage was literally the most nonexistent issue in 6v6. In fact, 6v6 didn’t have issues as a format. The only issue the game ever has is a lack of balancing heroes, mainly in the support role. If they had just moved Brig to the tank role with no healing and removed Baps lamp instead of tripling down on invulns then the game would have been fine.

I mean this still doesn’t address the agency problem of just tank feeling like you’re unable to have a flexible playstyle since you’re the only tank.

Rein’s limiting factors right now making him unfun are not related to his barrier movespeed. He’s just in a miserable place and hard counters make it worse.

To make tanking fun, hard and soft counters just… Can’t really be a part of it when it’s a 1 tank format.

That is why I said reduce the damage significantly if you want 6v6

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Oh, so you mean like it was in 6v6.

Funny, I saw a thread about 6v6 player saying NONE of them were tank players because the role sucked so much in 6v6.

What are Rein hard counters that aren’t Bastion, Hanzo, Sombra or Ana?

No alot more … What I remember from 6v6 (QP) is a front tank … then a DPS tank (off tank) that just a DPS hero with alot more HP

Orisa for one. Completely shut down his entire kit with very little he can do beyond timing a shatter through her ability cycle.

And like, if you want Rein to feel good in a solo tank format, you can’t have any hard counters, hell soft counters either.

And think about the off tank. They have a very short effective range. You kite them, and you can win the duel. In 6v6 you can duel tanks and win pretty reliably by just… Playing a bit better than them.

Hell Temple of Anubis first point was a gold mine for this. If the enemy tanks weren’t dva or Winston you could stand on top of high ground and just farm them as dps. Even if they were Dva or Winston you could still outduel them reliable by burning their abilities with smart positioning.

The way I see 5v5 Vs 6v6 is this:

  • we have a new balance team that is on record more willing to make drastic game changing balance decisions, and walk them back if necessary.
  • one of 6v6’s main problems was massive aoe healing and sustain even after barriers are bypassed, we have the DPS cauterise passive now so stacking heals would be less effective
  • Orisa no longer has her barrier
  • more abilities that can bypass barriers have been added. (Rammatra punches, venture, Orisa ult etc)
  • there is less ranged spike damage now and maps are being reworked to have more cover and flanking routes, meaning barriers are less necessary.
  • counter swapping the tank is way too strong, it was a problem back in 6v6 but only the top 1% players had to deal with it, now everyone does and the role has been made far more miserable as a result.

There is no harm in trying a newly imagined 6v6 mode as a limited time event. Imo


The way I see that, is that “Rein struggles to get close enough to Orisa before his barrier breaks”

Which is very much a movement thing

Rein struggles to move anywhere. He cannot keep his shield up. Shield jumping is downright required to get anywhere. Upping his shield held speed doesn’t change the fact that he’ll be jumping anyway because he has to tank damage with his armour to preserve his shield.

Because you can heal his armour, can’t heal his shield.

And because of that, upping his held shield movement speed doesn’t change his matchup with Orisa. She’ll still spear him and just continuously cycle him from doing anything. This doesn’t change the matchup at all. He’s still hard countered.

So the change I’m talking about, is basically a permanent 21% speed boost compared to his current shielded movement speed.

And Lucio non-amped speed boost, is 25%