Players of Overwatch need to acknowledge that aim is a skill

In your opinion, sure, I disagree personally and think more accessible heroes are great

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In the early game, aiming was rewarded with high damage output and a strong hero choice.

Today , aiming is punished unless you literally aimbot as the no-aim heroes outperform aim heroes to such a great extent.

In yes… out no.
Dropping into the back tank line with roadhog is not only diffcult… but suicide. Only reaper can exit that before the line turns and murders him, hog would just suck up all the damage and die.


I mean Widow and McCree shipped in states that were pretty freaking broken. Also Widow and McCree had a leg up early in the games life because Aim as a skill usually transfers between FPS. Show me the other FPS where you can learn how to play Reinhardt.

However… once that got sorted out… the no hero limit absolutely let people pull out hilariously awesome cheese comps like those that I mentioned. To say that that didn’t happen would be foolish.

Edit: Holy cow… those old 5 Reins and a Lucio comps were basically like… super janky goats.

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here.

They’re saying that tanks and supports are more valuable than dps, which is absolutely true. Tanks are fat dps with damage mitigation, and supports are mini dps that can undo damage. Dps is just… dps. And most of them deal less damage than the average tank at that.

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He’s trying to reference the fact that if a healer drops, the entire team has a tendency to collapse like a house of cards. This holds even more true for if a Tank drops. That doesn’t really happen when a DPS goes down though.

He’s not wrong, but he’s missing 2 fundamental things.

First, no one relies on the presence of a DPS hero to survive. They just don’t because they can’t because DPS generally have no mechanics to reinforce their teammates directly (RIP armor packs) so losing one can’t start the dominos falling.

Second, at the end of the day, Overwatch is largely a game about standing in a place and not dying. Tanks do that directly. Healers make it so others can do it better. DPS can’t do it or help others do it directly, they can only help by removing threats or the things holding the enemy team together.

However, fixing this would either require tons of work or a different game mode to be the competitive game mode.


But again, how does that put you at a disadvantage against the enemy?

This isn’t about it being disadvantageous, it’s about class imbalance in general.

If supports and tanks are good at killing, dps is redundant, because they only do killing, and not twice as much with tanking or healing on top of that.

Like really, I once played an amazing Widow, got 3 picks each fight. But our tanks played worse than the enemy tanks, and losing 2 dps and a support is meaningless compared to losing a shield.

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But why is it relevant?

What’s the point of dps when the dedicated supports and tanks are equally or more capable of, you know, dealing damage?
Imagine if Soldier healed more than Mercy. Would that seem reasonable to you?

You were the one that changed the topic in a way to include cross class balance issues into this aim skill discussion.

It started somewhere around Ana having a disadvantage against flankers, even though you think Ana is harder.

That is unfortunate. I had a similar experience where I picked off both dps immediately with widow and we still lost. But that ties into target priority.

This may have been relevant pre 2-2-2 but now there are always going to be dps regardless.

I don’t remember saying this?

Aim is definitely a skill.

I mean, so are a lot of other things, but yes, aim is a skill.

Happy now?

For the record, DPS have always been better at dealing damage than tanks or supports. Either through Raw DPS potential, Range, Mobility, larger clip sizes, or a mix of the above.

The problem is that the way the objective works in every map that’s in the main comp rotation is that killing your enemies is NOT required. So of course the class that specializes in that is going to be less necessary.

Are you asking for the entire game to get redesigned?


No, i was supporting the fact that tanks and supports are more valuable than dps.

And I’m saying that that’s a problem that can’t really be solved with the current design of the game.

Or learn to switch. Forget aiming, people need to learn to counter.