Players of Overwatch need to acknowledge that aim is a skill

If the support is killing you consistently guess what, you aren’t good.

I don’t have trouble against supports cause as either tank, dps, or hell even Lucio cause I practice headshots in all shooting games instead of needing developer to make the match up easier for me.

If you can’t outduel Moira with the killers in this game, that’s a You problem.

And I’ve outdueled with Lucio and been outdueled by Lucio. The enemy made mistakes I capitalized on and vice versa.

You don’t wanna get good so grab a glass and Get Whine


Entirely another argument I think, but the point I’m trying to put forward is it’s a pretty common sentiment at least in the forums that the major tank counters are DPS.

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Yes, aim is a skill. It is however not the one and only skill that you need to have in this game.
Aim is like 1/4 of everything.

if you want everything to be about aiming CS GO and CoD exists.

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And I called lots of them out for doing so.
It’s nonsense, Reaper is still just a weaker version of Roadhog…

Most of their power is put towards abilities that are not used in a duel.
Who are you supporting in a duel, or who are you tanking for?
DPS heroes are honed in on killing people.

Being a master dps main is not good enough?

If ya losing to Moira as a dps or just don’t go tank, then yes

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Aim is one of many skills. You also need positioning, timing, and most importantly, teamwork skills.

FromThere has always been a lot. Don’t know how you missed them.

Dude… if you are this much of an aim elitist… you bought and invested in the wrong game.

Not sure how or why seeing as low aim heroes have literally always existed in the form of Reinhardt, Winston, Torbjorn kind of, Junkrat and Pharah somewhat, Old Symmetra, and Mercy… but apparently you did.

Also for the record… nearly every FPS has mechanics that allow players who aren’t the greatest at aiming ways to get kills anyway. Grenades, knife backstabs, shotguns, numerous high RoF but low DpB guns, RPGs/Bazookas, Flamethrowers… the list goes on and on. Aim is not the skill that unlocks the FPS genre. Stop pretending that it is.


I don’t see it. I could go into how they’re different but you know their skills. I feel reapers kit enables pouncing better and allows for withdrawal.


All the more reason for tanks/supports to be hard af to kill, since they are not “made to kill”. :woman_shrugging:

And yet I bet you would not like this bc it messes with your precious potg.


I bought the right game. It just got ruined over time, slowly but surely patch by patch.

Roadhog can just one shot squishy heroes from far away, while not dying to tanks, like, well, Roadhog…

Aim is a skill but not a requirement.

Winston, Rine, Dva, Lucio don’t need aim but are on the higher end of the skill spectrum.

You need to only be good at either aim, positioning or game sense to reach GM. As Jayne recently mentioned.

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But it’s difficult to pry a tank out of the barrier shells they currently hide in, a reaper in range (I.E. point blank) doesn’t really have to deal with them. And I thought we were talking about VS tanks, not squishies?

I miss the old times of vanilla OW when no one really judged people based on the difficulty level of their favorite heroes.

The game was released as a very diverse environment for a reason, for casual players who don’t have much time to play the game every single day and also for players who already had years of FPS experience.

The moment we moved on from that concept is when OW lost a great chunk of its player base.
Now I don’t have the nerves or time to argue over which side is right so, as far as I’m concerned, if you guys wanna turn this game into Lawbreakers 2.0, be my guest. Ruin it, kill it, make it playable for “the gifted aim demi-gods”, put it in your cereal… I don’t care.


Yes… because the game had such a high mechanical skill requirement when the entire enemy team could jump at you with 6 Winstons. Or turtle with 1 Reinhardt and 5 Torbjorns. Or go 5 Reinhardts with Lucio’s speed boost.

Seriously… how do you not see this? The game shipped with tons of low to no aim required heroes.

I lolled.

actually yeah. I learned aimming from other games that were heavily enforced in shooter side of things
overwatch is not like those games doe.

I mean every skill can attained via practice and I think most people call aim a skill. its isnt the most important one doe in overwatch

true and false. Your mechanics can take you all the way to plat or ehh low diamonds but then as you face a meta that doesnt need you to aim but to be smart you are dead if you are fully dependent on “aim” skill alone

you should be rewarded for it but not dominate for it.

Moira is Meta due to how easy she has it for ignoring barriers she shouldnt get nerfed because she is “super easy to play”

she is a support and she isnt meant to dps. Despite to contrary belief, if there are team of competent diamonds moira will have bronze damage at best because every role will be playing the way they should be. ie moira cycling between healing (coz she has resources and it is needed) and damaging (when she needs to recharge/help team punish overextending people)

mccree and ashe need the same skill and even higher than her. she isnt that high on the list. ashe needs to aim, track, be aware of who is jumping her because unlike widow she cant fly across the map to safety and doesnt have luxury of stay 20m away and still be effective
mccree is same as ashe relatively speaking but he doesnt have any mobility unless you considering roll (aka they see me rollin they hatin)
The nerf widow threads are their for a reason due to how stupid op widow is when you get better at her. (not mastered her)

Roadhog can walk in too.
As I said, Roadhog is a straight upgrade from Reaper, unless you really need the teleport, like on Anubis.

This is too much truth. Expect to get flagged by legions of boosted Moira mains.

Seriously. Seeing a Widow player complaining about a hero being unfair / unfun to play against is something I never expected to see on those forums.
When Widow ruin games being good or bad.

If they’re good, they incredibly frustrating to play against, have almost no counters and make you switch for a specific hero to try and deal with her. When they’re not good, you’re playing with 5 on your team. And yet, the person rants about Moira when she’s one of the only heroes who can properly deal with a Widow.

Because hiding on high ground and clicking heads makes you a god.
I seriously hope Widow gets nerfed after so much entitlement.


That never happened.

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