Players of Overwatch need to acknowledge that aim is a skill

please bring back downvotes


Leave Brittney alooone!!!


That’s just…suicide? You dont play hog, do you?

Doom is implicitly included, considering all of his abilities have a gigantic hitbox.

Oh no, it’s a lot more than that. Those were just the examples on the opposite end of skill requirement.


To be fair, the first time I got to master, I played lots of Dva, and had an 80% winrate on her.

Yup. 1 shot left clicks are OP, regardless of aim skill.

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Still objectively wrong. Skill requirement is the biggest balancing factor ever.

But why? Who says this?
Was it the great gamergod who once told us that being good at aiming should be the most rewarding skill in every video game?

I really can’t find a valid argument here ( :

Still objectively right, and you’re yet to come out with an argument as to why aim skill makes it OK for something to be OP.

OP is OP, regardless of how many chainsaws you have to juggle to do it.

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The only thing that makes Widows balance iffy is the fact that the distance she can operate at can make her practically invisible before shooting, and a flanking Widow someone can’t identify until after she’s killed someone is usually the Widow that just wins a teamfight via left clicking.

Put a glint on her scope while she’s scoped like Sym has while she charges a right click. Makes 0 sense that Sym has something like that before she shoots, but Widow doesn’t.

There is no such thing as only requiring aim. Every single aim based hero requires everything else AT LEAST as much as others. That’s why that’s the only skill that matters when it comes to determining which hero is considered high and low skill.

I didn’t say we stop at Moira, but you also exaggerated a bit.

Double shield renders other dps heroes useless too, save for Doomfist who can just ignore them. I know from experience that killing the 2 dps and a support is actually worth less than a single tank of yours dying.
What it’d take to make dps heroes viable is tanks and healer nerfs, and a lot of that.

Because it takes skill. A player playing Widow at the skill cap of Moira will miss shots a lot, basically being useless.
The only time you could consider Widow “OP” is if the player behind it is much better than you. You deserve to lose to better players.

The big red outline isn’t enough?

It really isn’t. I personally can’t find a comfortable enemy team color that I can easily identify in all maps. Red for instance makes enemies very difficult for me to see on a darker map like Dorado. I currently use yellow, but then on maps that are very bright with bright tints like Anubis, yellow becomes hard to see.

Aside from that, considering all of the vantage points, the ability to thread the needle with her shots, or using map geometry to obscure a hitbox, there are many spots that, as I said, can render Widow virtually invisible, especially at long ranges where she usually is. It’s not uncommon in FPS these days to implement a feature like this for snipers. Destiny comes to mind.


Aim? laughs in moira what is that anyways?

Again, SO WHAT?

Skill is cool and all, but its no excuse for something to be OP, or OVER POWERED. The POWER is OVER the level it SHOULD BE.

The skill of the other player is irrelevant to widow. I cannot “out skill” a Widow on Moira by having better aim skill.

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So what? This is a PVP game, why are you arguing against the better players winning?

Exactly the reason why Moira being good at killing dps heroes is such a massive balance issue.

No, i’m arguing against OP abilities.

Nice deflect to moira, but you didn’t address my point - there IS no counterplay or skill between widow and the target she just 1 shot.


Um , what? The hitbox is the size of roadhog. It requires very little tracking.

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Then you should argue for nerfing Moira… I just told you why.

There is a lot of proactive counterplay. Use that game sense of yours!
(And well, technically you can still beg for Mercy rez. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

And you are comparing two heroes played at very different skill levels. If they were equal, the easier one would be objectively better, since it brings less risk due to human error, and requires less effort to play.

Nice deflect, again, to Moira.

Can we get back to the point that “skill” isn’t an excuse for something being OP?

No, i’m comparing the skill you have to use (aiming through a scope) and the skill the enemy has to use (hiding behind a box) and saying that, no, there’s not equal skill requirements from both sides (which is what you said).


yes i love being rewarded with barriers
have you ever actually played an aim character?

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moira hate?
the guy says that people need to acknowledge aim as a skill and it becomes “moira hate” ?
hey at least it’s a good thing you admit that you feel implied when someone talks about skillessness
this community needs to stop being stupid and talking about scenarios where 1 /3 of the heroes is playable. this is plain dumb. stop it. the past doesn’t have to be the futur, there are 31 heroes for a reason