Players of Overwatch need to acknowledge that aim is a skill

Now saying that Moira doesn’t requiert aim is taboo.
Like really guys, chill.

moira mains storm incomming :
don’t worry man i am pretty sure the majority of the community agrees but those titles mainly attract moira mains, there is no way everyone likes moira as spending 10 seconds at the forums will make you think


If two players are playing the same hero, you’d expect the better one to win.
Why is that different when they are playing different heroes?

I’ve never seen anyone not acknowledge aim as a skill. Just that it isn’t the end all be all of skill. There are other skills that are just as important that if you lack you aren’t going to climb on aim alone. Things like game sense, positioning, resource/cooldown management, ult tracking, cooridination, etc.

I’ve seen a lot of widows and mccrees with scary good aim at my level but they lack all of the other skills which is why I still win games with them in it and why they are still in gold/plat. You don’t deserve to climb more than the Moira just because you chose an aim intensive hero. And just because you can aim well doesn’t mean you are automatically going to climb if you are lacking everything else.


Widow is not overpowered though.

Also, you can outplay a widow as Moira… :thinking:

I like Moira :slight_smile:

Let me guess
You had do so in dive/when she got her buffs making her way to strong

“better” is a debatable term, especially if 1 shots are involved - the better one will only establish dominance over time. If it WASNT one shots, then there’s more counterplay and the better player establishes dominance sooner.

When one hero can shoot the other, whereas the other cant shoot back, there’s less potential for the skill to actually be used. A widow main playing Brig as support VS widow, for example.


This is ow dude. Game where heroes like sigma n orisa exist.

Then try to play any tank and play it in GM or Masters. Pick a specific tank which does not require aim. Reinhardt or Winston. Try to win a game with them and be efficient there, without feeding.

You can’t. Many people who are Godlike DPS players, struggle when trying out tanks. Even some people used to playing Off Tanks can struggle with Main Tanks.

Not all heroes require the same amount of gamesense. DPS as a whole is not a gamesense heavy class. There are some exceptions such as Genji and McCree, which require more gamesense than the average DPS. Genji does because he is always putting himself in great risk and depends on timing, McCree does because his mobility is terrible and he has no escape abilities.

Otherwise, most DPS require a lot of mechanics and a small amount of gamesense. The same way, tanks require a lot of gamesense and a small amount of mechanics.

You can say top tier DPS need to have decent gamesense, and I definitely agree with this. Likewise, a top tier Tank definitely needs to have decent mechanics. Not aim necessarily, but mechanics. They need great movement and hand eye coordination, as well as tracking for heroes like Zarya and I personally find Hammond’s mechanics more complex than the mechanics of most DPS.


Yup. Season 4 Dva was pretty broken. And then she got reworked and became even stronger. :man_facepalming:

I have no idea what you just said.
Are you mad about occasionally dying in an unlucky manner?
Bursty heroes are like that, they can be inherently inconsistent, but that hurts them too.

Same… I have decent aim otherwise I just play Winston or Reinhardt

I agree that aim is a skill that is hard to learn. That being said, OW IS NOT A SHOOTER. It’s a MOBA with shooter elements. Aim hasn’t been the main feature in OW for a while, and probably never will be again. With shields, beams, and weapons that don’t require aim (hammer for example) the game simply has skills that are more important. Communication, gamesense, etc.

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Better widow might lose first fight because 1 shot.
Better widow will win long term.
Better widow might have won first fight if there was more than 1 shot involved in the fight.

Brig VS widow - aim skill is not involved on the part of Brig. You said it was.

Can we get back to why you think its OK for heroes with high aim requirements to be Over Powered?

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Uhhh no. This is patently untrue. Heroes such as Soldier and McCree and Widowmaker require significantly less positioning investment than heroes like Torbjorn or Bastion or basically any tank, despite having higher aim requirements. They’re more independent and require less communication. To say that aim-dependent heroes have the same or greater dependence on other skills on less-aim-dependent heroes is a fantasy bordering on absolute delusion.


People in overwatch need to acknowledge that aim isn’t the only skill.

Game sense, positioning, resource management, teamwork, and patience are all much more critical.

Aim is helpful, but there is more to the game than who can land the better skillshots.


:confused: IDK about you homie the issue with most ‘aiim deeeeppeenddeent heeeroes’ rn is the number of barriers.

They are implicitly rewarded because they have a shorter TTK than “”"“skilless”""" :roll_eyes: heroes.

“”“Skillful”"" heroes shouldn’t have their skill floors artificially lowered, which is basically what you’re asking for. A silver genji prolly would lose to a silver moira. That is because his skill floor is above Moira’s. How do you resolve this issue? You can ‘nerf’ the character with a lower skill floor, but that makes them entirely irrelevant in higher ranks, where the fact that they’ve been nerfed echoes and trashes the character.

You are asking for the aim-dependent hero to have an advantage solely on the fact that they were picked, rather than the advantage they already have (Lower TTK, something whose effects are seen more their skill ceiling and not their floor) which is asking to be rewarded for picking the harder character, which would impact their skill floor and make them easier to play.

No one denies that aim-requirement is a massive balancing factor. But some people who covet it above all else forget that the fact someone can aim shouldn’t be a free win card.


They are not overpowered, the skill requirement balances it out.
Why do you think worse players should be able to beat better players?

How do you think a hero that has to oversee the whole battle, and call out everyone who is bursted down to low HP requires little communication?

Potential TTK. Which is useless if they fail to kill people consistently, because of the skill requirement, that the enemy player doesn’t have.

Which is exactly what should happen, unless they are reworked with having to aim.
You can’t keep them easy and be good at high ranks, that makes them really overpowered.

No, you are asking to keep no aim heroes have an advantage solely because they got picked. Aim dependent heroes will have to aim after being picked.

It’s not a free win if you have to aim…
Easy heroes on the other hand are indeed free wins.
Because they are easy.

Like really, this is so hypocritical.

Because that communication isn’t vital to their core functionality, and any hero is capable of performing these kinds of callouts? Also, let’s not pretend like the hero you’re talking about here really needs to call out low health targets. She just kills them herself. Sombra requires a lot of communication to be effective. Symmetra requires a lot of communication to be effective. Widowmaker requires some of the least communication in the game to be effective–in truth, she’s one of the most autonomous heroes, which is partly why she’s a problem despite being reliant on “muh aimz”