Player icon on forum doesn't update

The Player icon on the forum hasn’t updated even though it was months ago that I changed it. Is it not changing because players changed them to the loot box one for protesting the prices or is it just a bug?


One of the dozens of bugs they ignore.


Usually it takes a few days for me or I have to log out and log back in, but if it has not changed in months then I don’t know.


I changed it the icon now again to something else so we’ll let see if there’s any different in some days.

Its been months. My icon hasnt been this since the release of ow2 in October.


I don’t think it’s a bug, I think it’s someones (neglected) job.
The profile pictures are all stored in game with an update. So it 's all there after the patch (whether you see it or not)
The ones on the forums have be updated every howeveroften, as it’s separate from the games data. And it’s not being done.
Simple as that.

This has been like this since launch on forums, I figured out how to fix it back then and it’s pretty simple.

You have to log out on forums, but also out of the PlayOverwatch website. Then you gotta relog through both of them (idealy PlayOverwatch website first, then forums).

If the icons are brand new, there’s a high chance they will not show up until a future forum patch update.


Same here. I changed my icon in december I think.

LMK if it works, I’m gonna try it now again, I changed my icon recently, but I think it might not show up, but I have no idea. I’m using the new silhouette ones.

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Thanks for the tips I will test it out. I’m only using OW1 icons so it shouldn’t be any issue then.

Try logging out then back in :3

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Alright so, after investigating, it seems they removed the old forums “log out” feature and now PlayOverwatch website one is tied to it.

My PlayOverwatch profile has my new icon, but the forums doesn’t. (I currently have the xmas rat icon, my playoverwatch profile has the silhouette icon).

You were right, they broke something.


It doesn’t change anything on the forums but PlayOverwatch site does have the new icon


That hasnt worked in months lol


Oh damn, back before Overwatch 2 was a thing, that trick was the one that worked ://

Seems like forums are broken then

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Normaly all it took it for me was to log out and back on the forums and press f5 for a refresh, but I´ve noticed, that this doesn´t work since season 3.


I have a thought processing doe for this issue. There is 1 flaw I see currently, it seems your “View profile” on your forums profile doesn’t work.

But the one on PlayOverwatch does work.

They might have omitted to remove old blocks of code from the last forums update they did a few weeks ago, and forgot to tie up specific threads together, meaning that forums likely act on an old line asset that PlayOverwatch website doesn’t and vice versa.

I’m going to submit this in the tech support section as a new thread, they might not even be aware of it.

Tech support thread :


I think you have to relog into the forum for it to update.

This doesn’t work anymore, can’t believe they messed the thing we took a while back then to figure out. The forums used to be their own entities and have a seperate “log out”. There are no more “log out” on forums, it’s tied to your PlayOverwatch only. So the forums won’t log out entirely.

I’m going to check if I can figure it out myself rn.


I would love to be able to update my icon, I’m definitely past my Widow phase and would love to get rid of this grapple hook icon :weary:.