[Forum Cosmetic bug] Profile icons change

Back in the day we use to be able to swap profile icons on the forums by logging out of the website and the forums. Relogging would update the profile icon you would have in-game.

There was a recent forums update not so long ago that seemingly changed how forums work and it might be that the old “log out” button that existed on forums being gone and now tied with the PlayOverwatch website’s “log out” has made it impossible to update the profile icon on the forums.

Key notes:

  • Clicking the forum’s “View profile” redirects you an older link format, while the new one on PlayOverwatch does work.
    Old: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/career/pc/ReshiRed-1593
    New: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/career/ReshiRed-1593/

  • There is a potential that lines of codes within the forums have been untied from each others with the live profile on PlayOverwatch, which unallows the Forums profile to be updated on par with the previous note.

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