Why is it so hard to fix the player icon issue?

Who cares about it, is it that important?

In the grand scheme of things in life it’s a minor concern. Some do care about it, however.


My theory is the forum code somehow is trying to find our OW1 profile pictures, but since it was removed, it finds nothing so hence why its broken.

It is crazy that it has not been fixed, but considering us Console players never got our Overwatch 1 stats back in the game itself, I’m not too surprised the forums are a buggy mess


I’m surprised that this place still exists. Abandoned, supervised by scripts, full of angry and frustrated players that rarely buy overpriced skins …

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It is a relatively minor issue in the grand scheme of things, so yeah, maybe they just need a reminder?

Or with the recent lay offs, maybe they do know about it, but it’s just not at the top of their list right now.


You just dont get suspended for saying it once or twice, it takes many many reports to get actioned. I suspect you said a lot of other cringey things in addition.

Tbh I don’t really mind it, since the Pulse Bomb is kinda iconic and I don’t use it anymore, but it’s kinda sad that it’s not fixed yet

I will second this.

While I try to be not toxic/rude, sometimes it happens.

Ive said gg ez
ive said X diff
ive gotten into arguments

however its not common, they are rare/infrequent, as such no warnings, suspentions, or bans.

It’s not hard at all. They just don’t want to spend any money on it. Maximum Corporate Revenue is an unrelenting master, and shapes most of the “decisions” we see in the game. :money_mouth_face:

They don’t care.

There are tons of little details that they stopped caring about a long time ago.
Like did you notice if you Look at Mauga in the Hero Selection there is no Random option for His Highlight Intro and Weapon Charm?

Small Detail, but clearly they don’t care. What happens is if you start really looking you notice there are tons of small detail problems all over but Blizzard ignores them.

Did you know Certain maps cause Switch games to Crash the Switch. This has been going on since Season 6 and they don’t fix it. It’s not important to them.

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:india: Cheaply outsourced employees.

It’s a decent crack at a hypothesis, but it worked fine during the first season of OW2. Whatever the bug is, it can be found and fixed, we just need to be persistent about bringing attention to it.

They simply do not care.

This is so low down on their list of priorities it may as well not be on it at all.

If they ever did care, you’d have an individual option to change your forum icon.

Edit: I just realized I repeated exactly what Ornery said.

Blizzard is probably busy fighting sexual harassment allegations or something similar

I don’t even like hats!


I meant on the forums. I have never been suspended from the game itself.

And to be fair, I did imply they sucked at Hog. I was like, “I could land that hook blindfolded” and got suspended. :joy:

We just need to keep yappin’ 'bout it. It would be nice to have some help from the heavy hitters like :robot::man_mage:t2: or :scorpius::japanese_ogre::flamingo:. They can keep a topic afloat and over 1k posts through sheer force of will.

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It’s sad to admit, but this seems to be the most probable answer to the thread’s question.

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Thread is a bit old but in case this works: