Played with some console players

Argue with the players on this forum who say that kinda thing isn’t real and suffer.

I just had a game with a console ashe with console pocket mercy, and gold console rein on my team

top 500 widow on the enemy team

watched the replay: the ashe didn’t hit the widow once

once I’ve got the new skin I’m done with this game for quite a while

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We are on a consule…we don’t have a keyboard to “type” in the game

Can we have us PC players to opt to not be matched with console players ? I really prefer to wait more for a match than play with a console player, thanks


In all honesty, I had couple console players in my teams today and didn’t notice any issues, normal qp, up and down matchmaking quality.

All the game’s issues stem from blizzard’s garbage matchmaking rather than crossplay issues, where I have silver tanks and master supports and bronze dps on the same team, but enemy has smurf tank and master tank. And then all the newbie players mixed in with the smurfs.

Did not suffer from ping issues as I was dreading, game puts me in amsterdam or versailles server like normal. However I seem to luck out on this that both the servers are far closer to me than ME server and have near identical ping.

Never change your life based on what others might think of you. At least I did once my life and it affected me for 5 years before I can finally get out of it on Saturday (leaving everything behind and starting over).

I have had people saying I’ve accents from countries I have never been to or not from lol. Most often it’s from people who are well, keyboard warriors. They’re interesting as they type whole day but when you ask them to speak out what they typed in vc they never do.

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Pc can’t play with console in comp

Played yesterday with a friend, she was on PC and I was on PS4 and it wasn’t terrible for her or for me. We did well and won most of the matches.

Some heroes are harder to play like Sombra for example, but we did really well, even with me as a console player on the team.


The only match I played where a team with console dps in a PC game won, is where the other dps was straight up aimbotting. Literally every other match with a console dps they lost, extremely one-sided. Someone went pharah or tracer, and it was over.

Oh, you played one match against one group of people once and decided everything was fine? Cool. Its okay, guys, Kevin handled it! No need to panic!


I feel like most of my matches with console players were 50/50 some of them were stomps and other were really good and even a little competitive. Overall I did not see much difference.

So is minimal evidence worse than none now? Because people here were saying crossplay would be a disaster before they even played a game :sweat_smile:

But but but …

if I can’t blame the console players, I might actually have to admit I belong in platinum O.O


Played with some console players…

… and unsurprisingly it was the worst Overwatch ever by far.

And I am not even talking about the inherent technical differences between playing with M + K and Controller.

At least 90% of the console players seem to be just plain stupid with an IQ lower then the number of buttons on their controllers.

I actually felt like I was exiting a time machine and getting thrown back into a game in the first week after launch in 2016, so much stupidity I have seen in a hand full of games yesterday.

I have seen Bastions shooting into Genji deflect for several seconds.
I have seen Anas instead of staying in the backline to heal their teams think they are DPS, which admittedly happens on PC as well, but as they could hit any shots walk right in front of the enemies frontline consisting of Reinhard and Brig where she actually was in their melee range, swing-swing and the Ana was dead of course.
I have seen players that seem to not know the heroes have some abilities most funny a Sombra that was actually trying to run in the enemies backline without using invis. And the most fun thing baby D.Va could just casually walk around her and she could not keep up her aim even with walking speed and eventually simply destroy her with the Mecha.
I have seen the opposite, players that seem to think an ability button not on cooldown is bad and simply press them whenever they are not on cooldown. It does not matter if you just walk out of spawn and the enemy is still nowhere near and said ability had even a potential over 0 to do anything useful.
I have seen Symmetras using “high-tech” teleporter play on Volskaya first, just to walk straight on the point and die instead of taking the highground and kill the enemy first. Are Console players so slow that they always get 1 tick and just repeat it 3 times to get the point?

It is not about inherent aim disadvantages using a controller, in fact Overwatch is an FPS with very low aim requirements for the genre, so when playing smart crossplay should be able to still work pretty well.

The problem is that MMR on console obviously means something vastly different then MMR on PC, and still the same MMR-Numbers are matched together, while the actual Overwatch-brain of the console players is at least 2-3 ranks below the same MMR on PC.


Played against a few console players. Wow, their inability to turn is really funny to watch, blinked behind this console McCree player and the speed it took for him to perform a 180 made me laugh so much. They also just can’t AD spam. They either have extremely high sens and can’t aim too well or too low sens and can’t really turn.

I would prefer for a avoid as teammate for console players but if I can’t have that, base their mmr like 500-1000 lower when playing in pc lobbies. I’d rather have a diamond pc player than a masters console player. Maybe even a plat pc player?

Whooooosh the sarcasm flies right over your head lol

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It flew so fast, I heard the sonic boom over here before my browser had even loaded.

I cannot be more agree to this, i had the same on my games

Its about as useless as none. Its the same as saying “I got shot once, but lived, so bullets aren’t that effective as weapons.”; you need to do more testing before you can say “Nope, not a problem. My singular match proves this”.

If you did, you’d realize people ARE actually having issues with crossplay. Something about their queue being sent to different data servers, and therefore having more ping (more lag) in their match. That’s kind of a big deal.

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Played with pc players and what a surprise, widows everywhere doing trick shots.

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