Played with some console players

how do you even get console players, every mode I search just says pc pool lol.

Console players will only play vs pc players If said console player is in a group with another pc player. Because of this It will probably be pretty rare to come across console players If you’re playing solo on pc. I’ve played a bunch of games and only had two games with console players in them.

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thank god bro, i thought my QP SR was going to drop 200 points with this


so i didnt know how to check…and after almost 6 hours of not seeing any players and having what i would call NORMAL play thus far, i realized that i had in fact played with and against many…

so um yeah…overblown…AS USUAL when it comes to forums


It identifies console players in the social menu. They’ll have a little indicator next to their name. You won’t know they’re their unless you check or start seeing PsP jokes in chat.

That PC pool thing you’re seeing is specific to you. If your solo you will actually be in crossplay.

Pffft who cares as long as i dont see and console players in comp i could care less about crossplay

Pc elite warning activated. Be advised this player talks trash about console players to feel superior in their life due to their shortcomings outside of video games.


This could be ur mistake, a widow not even need a pocket in this case u should peel, for Ana or Pocked something else

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Easisest way to tell is if they are solo queued, they’re 100% PC players. If they’re grouped, you will see other PS players with the little PS symbol. As far as I know, it won’t show you Xbox or Switch players, they’d just show up as crossplay players. I saw one other Xbox player while I was grouped with PC players, but wasn’t really checking for them.

That basically means you are not the worst 2 players amongst the 12 (or in a better way of saying, you are the better 10 of the 12), nothing more.

So no, you didn’t get carried, you mattered because you performed at very least better than 2 people if not more in all those games, tho that’s not always a high bar to set depends on time period and mmr.

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I had one game where it was a GM reinhardt (console) vs our lvl 15 Reinhardt (PC) and a DPS (console) who wasn’t contributing much. Surely the quality of matches is being impacted.

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Console elite warning activated. Be advised this player talks trash and spreads lies about PC players to feel superior in their life due to their shortcomings outside of video games.


I mean it wasn’t really a lie. What you said was implying pc is superior and console is inferior. But two thumbs up for copying exactly what I said my friend.

I said exactly what? I mean, you can find any meaning you want, but there wasn’t a single negative comment towards console players themselves. While your comment directly attacked me and implied something I didn’t do in my life.

If you’re looking to be personally attacked and you’re trying to find it in every comment - good for you, good luck and have fun. But that’s kinda weird way to have fun nowadays.

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Yeah I guess it was, it was a good widow and they only got like 4 extra kills with the db as opposed to the twenty something hs kills. Feel like I didn’t encounter these kinds of situations before like having a good widow, so I kinda just feel lost.

You are only placed in different region if your matchmaking search criteria isn’t valid for any match that exists in that server.

Can I ask where the number 2 comes from?

Eh, personal experience and the fortunate side of wooden bucket effect not as problematic in 6v6 than 5v5 until 2 of the shortest planks are both in effect on the same side.

You can have a proper game when 2 of the worst players are not on the same side, but if it does, rip.

And with your large sample, it’s fairly clear that you have never been in the category of the worst 2 players because the chance is about 45/55 (since you does not count). It’s some complex logic stuff that I wish not to remember again.

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Ah so like, considering there are 2 console players one on each team?

Nah, it’s considering there’s always 2 worst players on the team, all you need to do is to not be them as often as possible.

The problem of sbmm is that no matter how much better you get than before, your chance of being the worst (or the 2 worst in this case) player and the best player on your team barely changes due to how “efficiently and quickly” the system places you.

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