Played with some console players

Only 1 real issue is not consoles as a whole, just switch, cus its filled with kids.

Playstations are a little bad, but still not instant lose.

Xbox is fine. just another player.

Watching console players turn to deal with dive heroes on PC reminds me of clips I saw of people sticking post-it notes on the back of roided-out body builders.

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You do know what an oxymoron is right? It’s combining two opposite qualities into something that’s impossible. In other words competitive integrity and quickplay. I’m just applauding and acknowledging this person’s clever use of it.

Yes they can I have been playing comp and every match we have 4-5 PC and I’m on PS4

How do you know if they are console? I don’t think i’ve ever seen one of these mysterious creatures.

If you are on comp on PS4 with crossplay enabled you get put in the console pool. This means there’s a chance you’ll queue up with Xbox and Switch players, not PC players.

You can opt out of the console pool and just queue up with PlayStation players but expect the queue time to be much longer.

If you queue up with a PC player as a console player you go into the PC pool. Comp is inaccessible with PC and console players grouped together.

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If you go to the social screen, you can see a little crossplay icon next to console players. It won’t show up on the TAB scoreboard. So the top person is a consoler, the guy below is on PC.
