im no mathematician but that looks like plat is anywhere from between 61-86th percentile of all players… ie - thats not too shabby…
even some golds are “above average” according to jeff…
im no mathematician but that looks like plat is anywhere from between 61-86th percentile of all players… ie - thats not too shabby…
even some golds are “above average” according to jeff…
Most people in the high ranks are aimbotting and wallhacking.
whoever said plat was bad… as a matter of fact… who said any rank was bad
if you’re talking trash on lower ranks all that means if you’ve a superiority complex you need to work out
I made it to plat as a tank main and I worked my butt off for that rank lolol
OP, just do you and have fun… screw the haters, they’ll always be there
the thing you gotta understand about haters is that you could literally walk on water in front of them and they’d still be like “whatever bro, you’re only doin that cause you can’t swim”
screw em and do you, have fun, and game on gamer
Bad is comparative. To top 500/GM players everything below their rank is bad. To Plat, Bronze->Gold is bad.
Pretty sure Gold is average, so Plat is slightly above average. Honestly the individual skill level between silver - plat is very low. It’s just the masses.
Ranks in general are not a very good indicator of game knowledge.
You get people all the way up to Master who are dumber than a box of rocks but are real good at clicking on stuff, and people down at the very bottom of plat who actually understand the game extremely well, but lack mechanics or the ability to perform under pressure, or can’t think about too many things at once; plus you have people at all sorts of ranks who absolutely can play more optimally but just don’t care enough to do it.
There also, of course, players up in GM and even in pro, semi-pro play who have some pretty bizarre ideas about the game. Obviously they’re not bad at the game, but everyone can be biased.
I can understand arguments that go to the effect of “I don’t think you understand this issue because it only occurs at higher skill levels,” but just assuming that somebody doesn’t know how the game works because they’re plat is pretty dumb, and assuming that somebody must be right because they’re Master/GM is extremely dumb.
More than anything I’d say that most people are wrong, at least in the sense that they take their anecdotal evidence and their personal biases and treat that as if it were fact. Plat players have totally valid experiences, and GM players have totally valid experiences, and Bronze players have totally valid experiences and I think we could all stand to accept each other’s testimony for what it is.
But it does though and all the wordy explanation means nothing.
Mostly because there are several types of “skills” that a player has and an SR is not representative of ALL of them (like game sense) unless we are talking about extremes : Bronze and GM.
What you said is highly incorrect because you dont get X amount of “game sense” in certain rank. It just doesnt work that way mate. In fact, it is well known (ask Jayne or any other coach in OW) that the 2900 - 3150 ELO is filled with players that have VAST differences. Players that:
So yeah, your statement is a wild generalization that doesnt apply to plats, not even to diamonds and its only in the ball park of “ok” if you talk about Bronze and Silvers.
Not to mention plat is FILLED with people that don’t belong there: and all those people are either dragging you down or beating you by playing below their rank. Platinum is a mess. Everything below masters/diamond is meant to be an absolute mess by design. It’s how Blizzard institutes grind into the game: through matchmaking,
no duh
no matter how good you are you can’t go above 3900 without game sense unless you are maining a grossly OP hero. you need to have some game sense to get there and if it’s bad you just plain won’t
weird it’s almost as if players having vast differences in skills was also one of my points. why are you so hung up on the word “game sense”? good game mechanics is like landing shots, shutting down enemies, and map rollouts. and that’s pretty much it. almost everything else you and I listed like positioning, swapping, priority focus, playing with/around team, cooldown management etc is all game sense. game mechanics make up less than game sense. but you are right that someone can have great game sense and bad mechanical skill and still be in a high rank. but the thing is anyone can get to 3500 with game sense alone.
my whole main points were:
I’ve seen this problem a lot more frequently from masters and very low gm players.
The amount of ego problems they have, or the sheer number of temper tantrums happening per match is what you’d expect plat to have, honestly.
Do we have any stats for this? I would imagine most players, the actual average, is somewhere in bronze and silver. I can’t imagine judging people on a ladder rank in general considering some people just don’t play competitive. I don’t play competitive at all because I just don’t find any fun in constantly scrambling for imaginary internet points season after season when I could just go into quickplay and have a full stack of people I actually want to play the game with, and i’m confident enough to say i’m pretty good at this game.
Rank shaming in general is stupid. I did placement matches and got put in gold healing and never bothered playing again. Ladder climbing is just not entertaining and having to seriously dedicate my time to SR or something feels like another job on top of my actual job, and I only get paid to do one of those things.
Thats normal, some heroes cant be heard from behind lol
Gold is the best rank. Humble rank
Who said that you could go over 3900 without game sense? Good strawman mate. Building long posts on something someone never said is not going to make you popular but ok.
weird because that would be a 180º take or back pedal from your original statement, that you act now like it never happened:
plats lack a lot of common game sense. wouldnt exactly call plat good
Again, you cant call something white, then when someone tells you its grey, you call it black and back up again to white all over again , so no:
You know you only say this because you are Diamond and you know you are not that far away from a 2800 plat. Again, dont run around, dont backpedal, dont try to deny reality:
The difference between a high plat and a low diamond is just a good streak. Thats it.
You can “LOL” all you want but any coach (people who know more than me and you about the game) will tell you this. The only point where you can consistently see a difference in ALL aspects of skills from players is above Masters, mostly because you add consistency to the mix.
Try to prove your statement instead of running around next reply mate. Let me remind you again of it:
plats lack a lot of common game sense. wouldnt exactly call plat good
If you meant “generally” then use the word properly and this ends here, otherwise that statement remains wrong
PS: And yes, a plat player is the very definition of “good”. Its not great (masters) and its very good (GM). Also is not average (gold) or not good (below gold).
Its just there.
plat isn’t bad per se but my god it definitely is the hardest rank to climb out of.
i was a solid diamond up until last season because i was stubborn and lost too many games.
plat is FILLED with ego-centric mains of all classes, worst cases would be hitscan mains and hammond one tricks. they think they know the ins and outs and for some reason feel like every bit of genuine critique and ideas on how to improve is a personal attack. you say one bad thing and the game is over because the person it was aimed at is on an ego trip and somebody has to prove they’re the better player by throwing. in NO rank did i ever see this many people flame their own team and leaving matches because they are convinced they’re the only valuable player in the entire match.
I mean… Put a plat vs a silver, cheez is the plat a god at this game.
Put plat vs master
Lol this plat knows this game?
Put master vs gm
How did he ever beat the plat?
If you don’t look at masters, plat is pretty solid.
But if i look at owl then t500 looks kinda pathetic tbh. Barely any coordination at all…
Compared to plat, where it actually doesn’t exist oh well…
I’ve played in everything except GM and Gold elo is by far the worst.
" * Have incredible mechanics and positioning and near to ZERO game sense"
guess what you said here applies to plat to diamond and below, and can never be applied to masters and GM apparently. my take was that as you climb players have and rely on more game sense to keep sr.
ah I see. you heard “all plats have less game sense than diamonds.” nice reading comprehension you got there
you must be joking? do you actually think 4000 sr is some sort of god sr that only the best players can achieve? all you have to do is play hard meta or main an op hero and go on 1 or 2 win streaks like you said. except people already play meta in masters so its easier to climb if youre already good, since there are less bad player variables in the mix
I have only ever been plat for a few nights. ever. and those were only the nights i placed on my alt accounts, which got boosted up to diamond and then low masters very quickly. on this account I have never been plat because it didn’t exist yet back in season one. went to diamond in season 2 and half of my comp career on this account has been in masters and the other half in diamond. my other accounts are also primarily all masters with some high diamond.
I can speak of plat players first hand because even in my 3400 tank games I get placed with a team of mid plats and boy I wish I had time to tell you how much judgement mid plat dps consistently lack compared to mid diamond dps. I admit, i run into a lot of good plat supports and tanks down there, but the dps are just plain terrible. consistently disappointing, no matter how many chances I give them or callouts I make. i consider plat tanks and supports actual plats, but plat dps are more like golds. which unfortunately is a real thing due to the massive dps population overflowing players into higher ranks than they belong.
I will agree that it’s much easier to climb once in masters due to consistency.
funny, because in my very first long response i explained in detail why this isn’t simply the case. plat to diamond is an outlier due to the way (1) initial placements and (2) performance based sr works, and (3) saturation of smurfs & alt accounts.
you were the small brain that interpreted my one sentence reply as a literal “all plats have worse game sense than diamonds”.
plat isn’t good
diamond is chaos
masters is less chaos
GM is sweats
I wouldn t even call any of these players good until 4.2k
im gonna be that guy, but coming from gold, even dropping to silver and then achieving diamond in support, this sounds pretty accurate