Plat is not bad

At worst Plat is average, at best its slightly above average. Don’t let people rank shame you for no reason. Like, not everyone can be in the top percentile. That’s how percentiles work.


Yeah, I don’t get it

Gold is average, plat is above average, diamond is excellent, masters is top of class, and grandmasters is the best

Some people only want to consider masters+ as the only rank worth anything. If you reach even platinum, that’s worth being proud about in my opinion.


Not to rank shame at all, but as someone who has climbed multiple accounts from gold/silver up to GM, I notice every time how many plat players have simultaneously some of the worst game sense and decision making and also the worst egos/attitudes. It could probs be because it’s one of the biggest ranks, more people means higher chance of running into toxic people? idk

The amount of toxicty and babyraging in that rank is way worse than in the other ranks IMO, and although some of them have good aim and mechanics the game sense, awareness, etc. is um…interesting.

Nothing wrong with being plat but most people there don’t really seem to understand the game and it shows in their balance opinions given out on the forums, which is why high ranked players will not really take them seriously.

^^^^^^^^^^ I am not alone in my feelings apparently lmao


I gotta agree with Aurora

plats lack a lot of common game sense. wouldnt exactly call plat good


I rank shame plat because of the mindset that is typical of plat players. They have gotten a little bit good and suddenly think they know everything. I have met more plat players have a massively over-inflated sense of their own skill level than I have players of any other rank.

They are the CAL-O kids of the overwatch world. Victims of the Dunning-Kreuger effect.

If you are at platinum rank and do not play like an obnoxious teenager with an ego that grossly exceeds your ability or game-sense, then I sincerely apologize for my bias.


Yeah, I feel like platinum is the most likely rank to house those players that think they deserve to be higher than they are.

It is the “above average but below excellent” rank, where salt can fester for those unwilling to improve through practice


Every time I get rank and border shamed I tell them they are in the same rank as someone whose first FPS is Overwatch.


Top players are around 4600 atm. Percentiles work great, so we can deduct that 4600 / 2 = 2300 is average Overwatch Joe


Compared to what? People playing Overwatch on PC, are going to already be into the competitive PC gaming space. PC is already a more hardcore skilled minority, and people into competitive games are a skilled minority on that. Then you are talking about the above average gamers in a game that is part of that minority.

You all act like plat players are chimps mashing at a keyboard as opposed to some of the most hardcore gamers there are.

To put it into perspective, a lot of my casual gamer friends can’t even tell what is going on in a teamfight because of the chaos and sensory overload.

Plat is the highschool football of Overwatch, and its not like they are bad. They are certainly better than the vast majority of people. You all seem to think anyone below college football is terrible.


“Video game players uh…”

People take too much pride in videogames skills.

To each his own I guess.

We need to learn to treat each other with respect, aren’t we all like silver rank irl? :slight_smile:


I mean I’m not trying to call anyone an animal but also…I wouldn’t call them “some of the most hardcore games there are”

lol definitely not. If OWL is Major League Football, then Contenders is College level football and GM is High School.

Plat would be an adult rec league probably

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It’s also true for characters but it doesn’t stop people from complaining constantly about less popular heroes being bad.


Tiers of gaming in my eyes.

Smartphone puzzle games
Smartphone trendy games (clash of clans pokemon go)
Casual console (Fifa, Madden, Maybe casual cod)
Casual PC (minecraft, fortnite, etc)
Hardcore console. (Frankly the jrpg gamers. Hardcore cod people.)
Hardcore PC (Moba, fps players)

Right next to MOBA players, fps players on PC are about as hardcore as they come.

I mean, as a testament to how hardcore we are collectively, we are still playing Overwatch. Who does that?

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The amount of cringe plat judging in this post is at an all time high baby!


Skill lvl in gold and platin is all over the place … there are many who should be in bronze or silver and many who should be in diamond and masters. And than you have the occasional smurf on top.


Rank is nothing to judge opinion or skill by. People can be in whatever rank for so many reasons. I’ve seen people with better aim than top 500 languish in low gold. I’ve seen people with next to no awareness in GM.

Don’t be proud or ashamed of your rank. Try to enjoy the game.


Have you met masters players?

I swear there are golds that are better than some players in that rank


Those exist in every rank, but not coincidentally, all the rank higher than them have way less players in them, so what did you expect?


Playing in Plat is fine, but 2900 is absolutely trash.

Yes sadly :sob: It’s depressing me that this acc is in masters right now bc I haven’t given it any attention. It used to be my low-GM acc for warmup games and then I just let it dwindle into irrelevance :sob: Everyone in this rank is so annoying