it was literally confirmed by blizzard themselves that it is. Stop being ignorant for no good reason. It actually doesn’t benefit your own best interests as a player to be obtuse about this. Since this is the OW forums though I fully expect you to still say “lol no fake i dont need to look at the proof cuz ur lying”
The truth will set you free
all the bragging and circle jerking aside, could it be that smurfs just get matched against other smurfs with similar MMR? thanks to 50/50 winchance „balancing“?
Technically that’s the point of an MMR based system.
But you know….
Rigged game is rigged ig
??? nice troll
yeah 4 or 5 smurfs against a team with only 1 smurf is clearly mindblowingly balanced. Try harder next time. The IQ your comment just displayed gives away the fact that you’re 2350 lifetime high.
This is the height of richness coming from a guy who made a complaint about being placed much lower than he thought he should be.
I myself ground 1000 SR out of the ladder in gradual improvements before life and declining physical abilities made it not worth the effort. But I’m not the one here on a second or fifth or whatever account complaining that I should be higher.
If you want higher games, go back on your “main”.
buys new account because “why not stomp on gold n00bs”
gets placed in gold “because on a normal distribution thats where you statistically end up based on only 5 games of data”
gets rolled in gold “check out this clip of me aimbotting…how am i in gold bruh?”
claims to be in with in 95th percentile of gamers “cant carry against hardstuck gold players”
clearly you are where you belong.
is your ego really that fragile ? that‘s actually sad. git gut bro.
No shot the same guy who boosted this account to GM is the same guy bragging about having all gold medals in a gold Elo game.
Edit: Complains about “smurfs” on one team while smurfing himself. He couldn’t possibly be more obvious.
He was probably out-smurfed smurfception is real!
Smurf or not, imagine complaining about smurfs while smurfing….
Not real….
there’s nothing in there but speculation. where’s the statement from blizzard confirming it like you said there was?
I like how your comment presented nothing but “just play on ur main 4Head” and it already has 4 hearts from the haters only cause it goes against the original poster. The cancerous ratty cancelling and undermining nature of this community runs so deep its no wonder ppl say its even more toxic than LoL. Yeah. I can still sustain myself at a rank over 1500 SR higher than I was given on this botched account. Stay mad that you cant and keep lurking on this forum to press the hearts of any comments that make you feel better
Homie, I am a GM player too, but seeing you use a smurf account to stomp worse players while complaining about your placement, is really pathetic.
I don’t see the fun in stomping bad players, I can easily get most Golds as Lucio if I play at Diamond or below, its THAT easy.
If you really want a “Challenge”, why not play on your main?
Can you at least learn to read you utter illiterate? For the sake of kids like you I already specifically had to mention TWICE (3rd time now) that I didn’t mention medals to BRAG about an obviously undesireable ELO (did you catch that part from the dozen times it was mentioned, at least?), I did it to outline the fact that I am not having a hard time doing my role. If a bap or ana are 3 or 4 golds it speaks more volumes about the team, more so than just about the 1 player. But you can’t get that through your thick skull because all you want to do is straw man me, dont you?
Edit: Complains about “smurfs” on one team while smurfing himself. He couldn’t possibly be more obvious.
4 or 5 smurfs against one is FAIR?? No less if the one single smurf (me) is on a support? Do you even realize how much a gold player struggles to play against a masters or GM smurfing dps and tank? I can’t believe I even need to repeat something so self explanatory. At least if I was smurfing on a tank or dps I could progress my team, even if they are struggling, forward a lot more rapidly than when my primary job is to keep teammates alive. Guess what happens on support when a GM dva and sigma player don’t even let the gold players leave their spawn - smurf as hard you wan’t on support, best you’ll manage is a stalemate.
Well, someone can, evidently. I mean, zero proof of that, and if you were really as good as you say, you’d already be out of Gold. You are the rank you deserve, after all.
i already said thats not what I wanted to do, and still not what I want. I wanted to place like always at low diamond and get out of everyones hair in a couple days to start pushing GM.
Here’s the irony about the challenge part though. Winning in a lobby with 7+ smurfs is way more challenging than climbing dia to gm could ever be. I don’t care who you are, you just arent going to 1v6 or 2v6 in a game of this nature. This aint csgo.
I have watched a lot of my friends ranging from Bronze to Diamond play, I barely see 0-2 max smurfs in any matches.
You are probably facing more because your stats indicate you are a smurf and therefor matched with similar people
the most effortlessly blatant troll reply so far. Didnt even try this time. At least the other times you made it look like genuine stupidity.
For those that are missing the point, I already posted/offered to show more proof and they all rejected it in order to maintain their narrative. The guy that viewed my proof accused me of cheating cause I was just too good for his comprehension. Anything else or you just gonna keep covering your ears screaming LALALA ?
Yes. I quite literally had a gold sr match with 9 out of 12 ppl being smurfs, of which I posted a screenshot.