I’m a solid silver player, I placed a new account at 2870, hit diamond, and got to master rank ( carried) I can assure you, without a doubt, if you preform even semi decent, you can place high play/low-mid diamond.
and I assure you, that you already placed high enough where your efforts are consequential. The same way I can assure you that VOD reviews leave much to be desired - it is easy to judge and evaluate from hindsight, so much so that you can show a 4k + streamer who does vod reviews for his viewesr one of his own vods from 3 years ago when he was also grandmaster, and he will still find things to nitpick for improvement. Something that I did to j000mla btw for which he banned me and went on a 15 minute rant.
I brutally hard carry every single game as healer here at gold, i mean, the only reason I was 9 elims as gold on healer is because I just got a solo 5k with bap which changed my gold elims with 4 frags to 9. Our McCree simply didin’t get a single finishing blow on an enemy player in 6 minutes. With pocket bap heals. He just couldn’t aim. At the same time our winston is playing into a reaper, hog, ana and junkrat. More deaths than elims while enemy hog is a smurf. 0% odds of wining. And in this meta, tanks decide everythign anyway, thats why even a hard carry from healer can be inconsequential (also the reason why i placed diamond on tank role despite the new account, and can now smoothly cruise my way to 4k on that role)
anyway here is a replay code apparently you can view it from ingame: 2Z4EWD
about to finish yt upload. The reason it looks like I miss a lot of shots is cause I like to preheal in anticipation of dmg and the dart does nothing, i actually had good scoped accuracy
granted we won this time but i got lucky with dps dif, i chose this game bcuz i had gold elim + gold heal so it combines both agro and supp
I can get gold elims and healing with Ana in silver. Also, not even an Ana main and I play on Switch. I mostly main Mercy and Lucio. Lucio is the one hero where I have gotten all gold medals in a single match.
Just for clarification, I was referring to the Ana comments. I have horrible aim and really can’t use snipers very well. Also been in gold for tanks and silver for dps/support since I started playing comp in season 20, but I don’t play comp often and I feel like I’m where I belong.
This. I remember when my Plat/Diamond friend still played overwatch and I could group into plat games 2500 games were cake compared to silver. Like in silver you can’t just die and expect your team to win a 4v2, instead you watch in horror as 2 players destroy your team and you lose point. Neither will anyone have your back, sometimes even straight out ditch you due to cowardice or to chase some far away irrelevant enemy that is barely a threat or important.
Ironically Plat might actually be harder, because the aim definitely improves and players are a lot smarter, But Plat just feels so much easier compared to silver, because teammates starts actually become reliable. I can die in a team fight and know that although it’s not guaranteed there’s still that hope that My teammates will win the fight instead of feeling like I have to be the win condition all the time constantly doing a lot more work I should be doing. And plot I’ve had some easy and laid back games just playing brig support. If I play Brig in Silver I have to be doing as much as I can all the damn time like I got ADHD, and in Plat my dps or tanks mostly can handle the offensive and eventually advance past chokes with reasonable time and the entire team isn’t constantly dying and it’s just much less hectic and feels easier when everyone generally performs their due diligencem
I will still continue doubting you until you show evidence that you are an actual GM player. Unprivate your profile like I do and post from that account in the clip.
I still doubt that your actual GM as you have shown no proof so far…
If it was actually you in the clip, you should be able to kill the people in Gold 100x easier, but apparently you cant =]
Imagine not being able to read a persons’ SR from their account, are you really that blind?
It literally says 3900 on Tank and Support right now.
Funny that you accuse me of stuff while having private profile, really explains a lot about you =]
Fwiw, I duoed my gm friend when he was smurfing in gold.
Easy wins?
Nope. One easy win, then we got wrecked by a better smurf (on dps rather than healer, so more carry potential).
Then matches with sub bronze humps that were either stoned or soft throwing.
My favourite was a Zen that didn’t use any orbs.
My gm friend told me the matches harder than his gm games.
Sr doesn’t mean much anymore.
Played in comp played vs a silver Lucio who was 10x better than me.
Why the f*** is he only in silver?
I’ve seen gold Junkrats just walk in 1v6 and die.
I’ve seen bronze Junkrats use high ground and pick apart teams from safety, with constant dive attacks to get picks.
In general people at the right sr, but matchmaker sure does cause a lot of noise. I think it’s to force extra grind, or it’s plain broken.
When people like you started manipulating the system “to play with friends”, or “to have chill games”, or “to make a bronze account to sell”, or whatever excuse is handy to pop out of the Wheel O’ Lame when someone points out you’re screwing things up for them, too.
You did it. This is your handiwork. Are you not pleased?
I’ll just copy and paste the part that came right behind the part you quoted, you know, the one you conveniently ignored:
“Are you seriously expecting a system to be able to place you accurately after 5 matches?”
dude look at my name, then look at the rank in the clip. I already said I could show u source files on my pc but all u wanna do is cover your ears and scream LALALA. I got 100s of these clips with their original file names and dates created. Poor troll afraid of being proved wrong and when he is, resorts to “not u l0l0l0l0l0l 0 proof” yeah check mate when you refuse to accept any opposition.
I’ve done unraked to gm or at least high masters 4 or 5 times? This is literally my 8th account. It is so insanely easy to climb once you place at around 3k or at least plat and your teammates can bounce off of your contribution. Now tell me, how th do you expect me to “cArRy uRsElF tO Gm eZ” as a support when my team gets literally 0 kills? If you are a high SR player which I really doubt because you would know that currently tanks determine everything and you would probably know the cognitive differences betwen a plat and a gold player (just in fundamentals bro, for example in plat or above people will notice a pick in the killfeed and immediately try to capitalize on it, while in gold, people struggle with even grouping up and trickle in 1v6 for 3 minutes straight). 5kills as support every single teamfight to climb myself out while my team gets pushed all the way back into spawn by enemy tanks? Yeah seems reasonable and achievable, say no more!! Your troll bait comment is even more hilarious after what I said gets proved with the fact that I am climbing fast on tank/ dps role, because in those I don’t have to rely on my teammates to progress the game, and will be masters in no time, thjen start pushing gm. Oof. in 300 words of text have you been correct yet even once? Didn’t think so.
And really gotta love all the low SR players in denial silently pressing <3 on your post. When youre so bitter that other people arent the same low rank as you, conforming in each others toxicity is all you’ve got.
the one you conveniently ignored:
I din’t ignore nothing. I answered properly. Stop nitpicking on semantics. We both already know it didn’t use to be this far off, like I said this is my 8th account I believe so I’ve done like 7 placements on new accounts its easy to compare. Ignoramus.
I am literally trying to play at MY OWN ELO. That’s all I’ve ever done on any of my accounts. What difference does it make if my account is level 50 or 2000 if they are the same rank ???
My literal only intention is playing the friggin game like I always have at roughly the same rank, how is that “my handiwork” ?? How can you willfully skip the 20 or so mentions so far that I don’t want to be here but the system put me here. Surely if my intention was chill games or playing with friends I would like to stay in this elo ? Or the “bRoNzE tO sElL” I would prefer deranking then. Literally nothing that you said sticked.
ppl dont realize that half of the lobby at this elo is smurfs. I literally posted teh screenshot above shoving that 9 of 12 players in the gold comp match are smurfs. 9 of 12 !!! Imagine thinking that its a genuine native 2000 elo game now, and that by playing like a 3800 rank support is going to let you to “eZ cArRy” against three secretly GM players while the rest of the actual gold players struggle. That is extreme delusion to think that’s how it works.
I float 3200-3400 on support. Hundreds of matches played at that elo. Tired, drunk, or full addy doesn’t matter. The only thing I do differently on my main is stop after 2-3 losses. On my alt, I can do the exact same thing and float around in 1700-1950 silver. Everytime I’m boosting a friend, the gatekeeper matches show up. They are entirely real.
Sooner or later your performance brings the ranks to you. Stacks, throwers, and gutter slime in to meet you, before your SR ever goes up. Almost like there is hidden mmr rigging or something, and ranks don’t even matter anymore.
You don’t know my reasoning. 1 of my accounts got hacked. 1 I gave away to my brother who couldn’t buy one of his own. One I gave away to my best friend who got his banned.
Like im sry, i try to play out of my rank as little as possible, but these thigns happen when you actively play for 5 years, rather than casually once in a while. And if I placed at 3k, not 2k, I would be out of your hair in a day’s grind. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Til then I can say that everything else is just a lame excuse as to why you haven’t improved to the point where smurfs no longer bother you.
It’s not just placements. The entire ladder is inaccurate, because every competitive match is algorithmically handicapped. See my thread on the subject.
placements between seasons don’t reset your sr. if you were bronze last season, you’ll probably be bronze again this season. unless you were close to silver, in which case, you might make it to silver.