Long story short I placed dps 2480, next 2 games after placements were hopeless and unwinnable so rapidly dropped to 2250, and support placements gave me 2040 outright.
I havent been below 2500 in my lifetime, even when I first started in 2016 when the ranks were 1 to 50 I was never under 26 and I’ve improved tremendously since then. I literally hard carry every other game on a 3800 alternate account simultaneously to playing this account and peaked 4200s with support. I am still playing the same way with the same circumstances that let me be around 4k, and yet now I’m going to be HARDSTUCK in gold. Even now some of my hero stats on ana/ dps are 97th percentile on overbuff despite the hardstuck.
Welcome to Gold, where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter.
It’s where all the new accounts play at least one placement match, and in 2021, new account = cheater. Every match will have opposing stacks of boosters aimbotting their way to Diamond. If you get into a match where your team are silver or gold borders, and the other team are all under level 500, don’t even bother trying to win – just practice a hero you need to get better at, and make the most of the L.
And if you think Gold’s bad, wait 'til you see Silver. Harder matches at 1800 than at 2500.
Most matches from about 1700 to 2600 have at least one (up to 4) sub-level-100 yolo Hanzos or Widows out in the open no-look headshotting everything, Hog / Ball tank combos, Mercy healbots who rez you alone into the entire enemy team, hacking Anas who autocast either nanoboost or sleep-dart every ult, and then the Hanzo / Widow aimbotters switch to Tracer / Doom / Genji and wipe the backline, then emote behind the tanks who still don’t know they’re there.
You’ll get 2-stacks of derank-botting DPS who move slightly to avoid the AFK timer. You’ll get human-controlled derankers who will either never use their ult, or turn around and use it at the wall. You’ll see more cheating Reinhardts than you thought could possibly exist in the universe (aimbot for Firestrike and Charge auto-targets the healers, autocast Earthshatter the instant the enemy shield goes down, autocast shield to block enemy Earthshatter and other things like Ashe dynamite, auto-target melee), all of whom have either the Chinese new year or football skin. You will see Junkrats who can hit anyone at any time with anything without even having LOS on anyone.
You have to learn to have fun under these conditions.
You want placements be more accurate? Make it 25 games instead of 5, but what is the point, when difference is it just shows your rank after 5 or 25 games? When it shows after 5, you still have placements boost/deboost bonus for many games. You should understand how this system works and what is it for. When you do placements it puts you in same games as if you’d be already ranked.
Placements only matters when your account is brand new and never played competitive in certain roles before. Next placements is not placements, you rank is just hidden, so it is artificially motivates players to play comp at least to do these 5 games every season ecah role for rank to show up, but placemets as a term itself doesn’t matter in that case anymore. That is how it works.
that actually explains a lot. I remember my team being all with borders but enemies had a 3 stack of sub level 90s. Thinking they are hot stuff because they can 1v1 an unironic gold hanzo as a smurfing roadhog.
When and why did it get so bad?
And why wasn’t that 3 stack of sub level 90s punished with an equally or more unfair enemy team but got me + actual gold players (no cheaters or smurfs) on their actual main accounts?
Well the way MMR works is, it tries to match individuals or stacks up against other players of approximate skill. If none can be found…. well….
If you’re getting dogged on by a 3-stack of GM smurfs, you’re probably not gonna find a 3-stack that can match their performance until high plat/low Diamond.
And even still keeping them in the rank they don’t belong in, is not the solution.
I never understood this…. You’re smurfing…. You’re already outside of your point of challenge. Being toxic means you’re probably a little boosted in your own rank and need the ego flex.
When I’ve smurfed. I only ever say GG Go Next.
A lot of low Elo players claim cheating but really wouldn’t know what it looks like even if they’re shown it, and I’ve shown people what an aim botter looks like.
did you miss the entire point of the post and comments? It’s literally 3x easier for me to play in masters. This low elo punishes way too many weird things and my contribution is irrelevant. I end the game as gold elims ana while also gold healing with a mercy on our team. A wrecking ball profile pic’s “doubt” is worth less than nothing. I literally have clips of me clapping bootycheeks of 4100 players using widowmaker.
oh man how unfortunate that I just cannot pull my weight and totally belong in gold, otherwise I would instantly carry back up right?
i literally solo queue i dont even know wtf ur implying.
I literally posted a clip of me rolling as widow in gm and u CONVENIENTLY chose to ignore that part. It’s almost like you’re a salty low rank leprechaun whose only purpose is to troll on forums. In fact seems like you skipped all the other replies and only kept the only irrelevant one by a diamond wrecking ball (Lol imagine playing ball and not being 3800 minimum) because his troll bait points fit your narrative.
I have what, 1100 comp games played in GM?
But No - the 1900 sr games which have been handed to me by force and in which I get gold elims AND gold healing as ana with a mercy on my team (suppose to say I’m not DPSing ana), where as I proved with the screenshot I get skewed teams and almost unwinnable conditions, it all indicates that I BELONG here because the system is perfect right? This just in. Platbrain Einstein confirms that placements accurately reflect your skill. I feel blessed to have received your wise input here, we all value it very much “”
Season 12, when Overwatch was on sale for $12 for an entire month as part of the Humble Bundle. I started playing in S8 and though there was some cheating here and there, I didn’t notice it getting serious until S12 (or, I should say, $12). Every cheato and booster threw bags of money at Blizzard for new accounts. They probably are still burning through them now.
That moment when you struggle with taking the L so hard you have to flag my post to will it out of existence. But you already read and are seething about it. Absolute easy gg no re.
that it forces me into a boring 20 hour grind. Doesnt it seem nonsensical to you to put a gap that big between having a new account and getting where you belong? Definitely seems a bit odd to me.
Thanks, that is all the proof this thread needs that I do not belong anywhere near Gold. If you like I could easily show you the source file on my pc along with 200 other clips just like it, and prove both of you wrong. But that would dismantle your trolling now wouldn’t it.